Well, if you know you're not the audience and you take the time and expense to travel there (especially if that includes a flight) and they are honest in their marketing about what it is, then it's completely on you, I guess.
But there's a difference between a family park and a kids park and that seems to be the thing a lot of people around here don't grasp.
No Disney park was ever a kid's park. Walt made a specific point in designing DIsneyland to not be a kids park.
Personally, I agree with that approach.
I also understand that e-tickets are expensive to build and the people who can't afford a trip to Orlando likely can't afford $100+ tickets for their family in Texas to visit a low-volume park, either and as far as I can tell,
those are who this is targeted to the way Universal has pitched this.
It seems like the argument I'm hearing is, Universal shouldn't be in the business of trying to make anything for this crowd.