WOW-How can one complain


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Ames0097
BRAVO!!! I'm pretty new here and it amazes me how many people are jumping on this youth. Maybe the rumors aren't true, but he is just trying to be helpful and share what he heard with everyone. And oh well, so he makes a few errors in his post, this is a message board not a college essay.

My thoughts exactly. I graduated college, and will be doing it again soon for the second time. Ill worry about spelling when it counts, not in the internet.


Well-Known Member
As long as you're going to continue arguing over spelling... it's GRAMMAR!!!!! :rolleyes:

Everyone needs to ease up here...

On the one hand, if anyone hears a juicy rumor about the parks, I want them to feel free to post it! I definitely want to hear it. But on the other hand, you have to understand that NOTHING is definite until (at least) construction starts.

Example - remember the new DVC resort at Eagle Pines? That was officially announced as the "next" DVC resort and that has since gone on hold.

Room13: everything you posted may be absolutely true (and I hope it is) but that doesn't mean the projects won't be cancelled or put on hold tomorrow. We'll just have to see... in the meantime, let us know what your family connections have to say... with the understanding they are just "rumors" until verified. Unless your last name is "Eisner", I don't believe what you say is "Disney Gospel".


New Member
Originally posted by room1313@TTZTOT
Ok, last week we were complaining bout budget cuts and how bad the parks were getting. Well, Mission Space is opening this year

My sources tell me Indy Adventure at MGM is a sure thing.

We have Epedition Everest : Legend of te Forbidden Mountion..which is the copywritten title

The new land at AK, Which i heard is a go

There are also a few smaller attractions also opening

ALL of this within the next 5 years. Its gonna be an exciting time

I guess the whole issue is that things were worded a little too much as fact and not so much as Possible Future Disney info. Even officially announced projects may not see the light of day, so as many are saying nothing is fact til it is open. Look at Pop Century, I believe reservations were being taken at one time for this place, but two or is it three years later, the place is still incomplete. Does that mean it's a rumor :lol: - no! But it is still yet to open and therefore is still not officially a Disney Resort, although we all can safely (I hope) assume it will be some day. So I guess, all the bug's that crawel into some of us came from the wordage and way these facts/rumors were presented. I have no problem with them. I love a good Rumor just as much as a good fact as long as it pertains to Disney. And I must say there are some things in his post that we know may be very well true. Others may be harder to swallow, but who knows, if they do not manifest then fine (remember the David Cooperfield Restaurant posters outside MGM Studios), but some may pleasantly surprise us (Forbidden Mountain kinda appeared suddenly without much prior knowledge I think).


I can't believe some of the posts that I have seen here. You want to talk about maturity, I ask you to point out the maturity in making fun a 14-year-old kid? Those that are pointing his spelling and grammar mistakes can't even spell the word grammar. Give the kid a break, he was excited about some rumors he heard and wanted to share them on this Disney board. Are they going to turn out to be true, probably not? I wouldn't classify an imagineer on a bus as a rock hard source but you never know.

So stop making fun of the kid and politely point out that he needs more proof and that it is possible the person was lying to him. There is no need to bring out the "spelling force" or whatever it's called. I have seen spelling mistakes in every single person's post at one time or another, so lighten up.

Unbelievable :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Ames0097
BRAVO!!! I'm pretty new here and it amazes me how many people are jumping on this youth. Maybe the rumors aren't true, but he is just trying to be helpful and share what he heard with everyone. And oh well, so he makes a few errors in his post, this is a message board not a college essay.

I agree, people are jumping all over this kid, when he's just trying to post something he says he heard. I understand, however, why people would do this, because its not the first time someone posted a so called rumor, just for the heck of it. But that doesn't give people the right to jump on this kid. Last time I checked this IS a free a country and you are allowed to say anything you want (it seems that everytime people say something others don't like to hear, they attack the person). EVERYTHING ON THIS SITE IS A RUMOR UNTIL CONFIRMED BY DISNEY. One rumor doesn't hold more credibility than the other. Lets be civil here people, we're all DISNEY fans !!!:p :lookaroun

BTW If Indi had to be built in WDW, I would put it in Animal Kingdom, where there is a shortage of rides (it would fit real nice, in this park, and they could fit it anywhere at DAK). Just my opinion. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by objr
BTW If Indi had to be built in WDW, I would put it in Animal Kingdom, where there is a shortage of rides (it would fit real nice, in this park, and they could fit it anywhere at DAK). Just my opinion. :hammer:

I read somewhere that Dinosaur in AK is based on Indy, that it has a similar ride system. If true, AK already has an "Indy" type ride. I've never ridden Indy, though... can anyone confirm that the rides are similar?

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Grammar vs Spelling

No, it's not about Kelsey and Tori

I would differentiate between spelling and grammar mistakes:

hte is a spelling error

You've seen the anti-war rally's (an actual title of a thread) is a grammatical error.

There is a major difference, IMHO.

Spelling errors are (in my case, at least) the result of carelessness.

Choosing the wrong word, or putting an apostrophe in front of every terminal "S" says far more about the writer.

As I found out on the "How Old Are You?" thread, the majority of members here are in their teens and 20's. It truly saddens me to see a post full of errors from someone who says something like:

I am a senior at John Adam's high school. My biggest dream is to be a CM at Food Rock's. I plan on applieing for hte College Program as soon as I can. I would of done it sooner but I need to gradruate.

I do feel sorry for a kid who seems to be functionally illiterate.

Personally, I'm not a fan of spreading rumors. I have lived long enough to know that they do far more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by objr
BTW If Indi had to be built in WDW, I would put it in Animal Kingdom, where there is a shortage of rides (it would fit real nice, in this park, and they could fit it anywhere at DAK). Just my opinion. :hammer:

The only problem with that is AK already has a EMV ride, and I wouldn't want them to pretend the snakes and rats on the ride make it fit in at Animal Kingdom. Given that we know of attractions being built at each park, besides MGM, it makes sense for the next announced E-Ride (besides the three we are waiting for announcements on) be at MGM...they haven't gotten one since 1999.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by room1313@TTZTOT
sorry--my keyboard kept sticking

my keyboard keeps sticinking after i heard about the indy ride, guess i was too excited. i get that way especially when lizzie is on


Well-Known Member
Yup, Dinosaur is very similar in the ride technology. I know that they are similar, but the problem with the Studios is that they already have an Indiana Jones attraction. So that leaves Magic Kingdom and Epcot...and well it doesn't fit in neither...unless you find a spot in Adventure Land...but I do think that as the park stands today, there is no space. So then maybe its a better idea to put Indi in Animal Kingdom...maybe in Africa. I thought about Disney having two similar rides in one park...and then I remebered Disney does it alot...look at Dumbo and the Carpets in MK. Unless they get rid of Indi show at the studios, I don't see how they would put two attractions around the same movies, two similar rides yes..but around the same movies? Just some more thoughts.


New Member
If memory serves me...The ride system for Indy is the same technology that they use at Dinosaur. When they first came out with the technology the heads at MGM wanted to build a similar ride to the one they were building in Cali, however, being that AK was still being built and the fact that some of their bigger more expensive rides were getting cut due to budgeting they convinced whoever is in charge of these things to let them build the ride first and that means they have exclusive use for like 7 years or something. That time frame is up and now they're looking at putting back at MGM, or so the rumors go. Jim Hill wrote an article about this awhile ago. I'll see if I can dig it up if anyone wants to read it. hopes this helps and i'm not too far off.:p


New Member
Originally posted by objr
. I thought about Disney having two similar rides in one park...and then I remebered Disney does it alot...look at Dumbo and the Carpets in MK. Unless they get rid of Indi show at the studios, I don't see how they would put two attractions around the same movies, two similar rides yes..but around the same movies? Just some more thoughts.

Don't forget Astro Orbitor too!:D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by bhg469
my keyboard keeps sticinking after i heard about the indy ride, guess i was too excited. i get that way especially when lizzie is on

thats so gross...BTW, Hilary is my girl...thanks you guys for sticking up for me...i understand these are not official, but they are on the process of getting greenlit--i know if some circumstance comes up tomorrow, these may be put on hold, but the way things are going now, they are still right on..And i didnt just here this from the imagineer on the bus, which, if hes reading this right now, can you believe these people?--i also made numerous phone calls


Originally posted by objr
Unless they get rid of Indi show at the studios, I don't see how they would put two attractions around the same movies, two similar rides yes..but around the same movies? Just some more thoughts.

I can clearly see your point with Indy attractions but what if they could spin it off as creating a mini-Indiana Jones land/area. I believe Jim Hill brought this up in one of his articles but I don't want to start quoting him. I know most of his stuff can be sketchy. But I think it could be pretty cool if not only could you see the Indy stunt show but then ride the Indy adventure. You could theme the whole area to the look of the movies. With that said, perhaps they should wait until after the fourth movie is released and then build off of that perhaps.
Originally posted by no2apprentice
I'll hold my excitment until after the press conferences. There's so much that seems to be going on...rumors of administrative changes...economy still a concern...the uncertainty of Disney's media holdings...all of this could turn greenlights to red at a moments notice.

I really hope that Disney does some much needed development. I can't help but feel that before we see anything more new at AK or DS, there will be some work going on at Epcot. Just a hunch, based on what was said by one of the head Imagineers on TV.

when is the Press confrence. I forgot. is there any word on where it will be held

Originally posted by Chernabog
Blizzard Beach will be closed for rehab that day:rolleyes:

On another note what is with all the negative comments on the boards lately? It seems everytime someone wants to share info (true or not) everybody jumps on them. I love Disney and it's nice to hear rumors. I'm intelligent enough to be able to figure out which ones will and won't be happening soon but isn't fun to dream a little bit? Isn't that what Disney is all about, forgetting reality and dreaming some? I don't forsee an MGM expansion anytime soon, doesn't mean it won't ahppen but it sure is an interesting idea. And if i remember correctly, Jim Hill wrote once about how Indy was originally planned for MGM but they used the technology for Dinosaur instead. In fact, I think it was to be located where cast parking is now. I still think it'll happen one day, perhaps not soon and not in the same place but who knows. Let's try and be a little bit niceer huh? :)

yes lets not be so negative...chill .... margaritas for everyone


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by room1313@TTZTOT
thats so gross...BTW, Hilary is my girl

noooooo way dude, i already told my girlfriend when hilary turns 18 were goin to vegas and getting hitched

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I think I have a thought on what they might do with Indy. Don't worry, not a single person who doesn't know much about Disney like us will realize that DINOSAUR and Indy have the exact track layout. Any way, I believe that they'll put Indy at MGM and replace the Stunt Show with "Motors in Action!" a car stunt show that has been showing at the Disney studios in Paris. Just my thoughts. I believe that really might happen if Indy comes to the Studios.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by bhg469
noooooo way dude, i already told my girlfriend when hilary turns 18 were goin to vegas and getting hitched

I'm not going to go on a male chauvinist tirade, so I'll simply ask if you told Hilary that, too?

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