Would YOU Spend $10.40 on THIS?


Well-Known Member
Mouse's Magic said:
I am a campus representative for the WDW College Program and receive a couple of free gifts each recruiting season. One of them this seasom was a product VERY similar to this but MUCH better. It is the same basic principle, with the square covering the mood you are feeling, but there is MICKEY, GOOFY, MINNIE, and DONALD with CORRECT EXPRESSIONS FOR EACH MOOD. I dont have a way to post it so I will describe it as best as I can. It is broken into FOUR vertical columns and each column consists of one character. Each column has 6 different moods as followed:

Mickey Column: Curious, Shy, Happy, Smug, Inspired, Startled

Goofy Column: Confused, Frustrated, Playful, Ecstatic, Angry, Goofy

Minnie Column: Shocked, Silly, Flirtatious, Sweet, Surprised, Hopeful

Donald Column: Enraged, Confident, Ashamed, Guilty, Excited, Hysterical

This one was done nicely and is really cute! :)
Here is that...



New Member
MrNonacho said:
Actually, I found the product clever and amusing. I just don't see the point of posting a thread to complain about it.

I'll bet you $10.40 MrNonacho, that if DreamFinder was in that picture, Grizz wouldn't be complaining one bit!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Mouse's Magic said:
I am a campus representative for the WDW College Program and receive a couple of free gifts each recruiting season. One of them this seasom was a product VERY similar to this but MUCH better. It is the same basic principle, with the square covering the mood you are feeling, but there is MICKEY, GOOFY, MINNIE, and DONALD with CORRECT EXPRESSIONS FOR EACH MOOD. I dont have a way to post it so I will describe it as best as I can. It is broken into FOUR vertical columns and each column consists of one character. Each column has 6 different moods as followed:

Mickey Column: Curious, Shy, Happy, Smug, Inspired, Startled

Goofy Column: Confused, Frustrated, Playful, Ecstatic, Angry, Goofy

Minnie Column: Shocked, Silly, Flirtatious, Sweet, Surprised, Hopeful

Donald Column: Enraged, Confident, Ashamed, Guilty, Excited, Hysterical

This one was done nicely and is really cute! :)
I have that one, but it's not the one pictured. Mine is in color, very similar to the one Grizz posted, and mine is actually very cute. I think it was about $6.00.
The figment one is......pointless. I can see both sides of what everyone is saying, but it just comes off as cheap to me. I work in a craft store. A piece of magnet sheet like that sells for like a buck.


Well-Known Member
Now that I think of this, it reminds me of an emotion sheet involving cats that have the exact same facial expression for each emotion.


New Member
that made my day :wave:

at first I thought...hey that's kinda cool...
and then I saw the expressions, or lack thereof.

I've still got a griin on my face.


Account Suspended
While I can understand where some of you are coming from on this particular subject, I think that again, we're stretching some of the emotions of it too far. It seems like everything Disney does that isn't up to the Disney "fan" standard is blamed on budget cuts, laid off artists, cheap 2D/3D work, etc. etc. etc.

I can't believe that every single little thing that someone finds fault with somehow has Michael Eisner, and budget cuts at the heart of it. Sometimes companies make products that people don't like. That doesn't mean it was done on the cheap. Yes, sometimes work is done on an outsource basis. Can you find anything these days that isn't made overseas? Got any idea why that is? Because the more you raise wages, the more you have to ask for the product. Now, before you all jump me for saying that, I am for raising the minimum wage, and by extension, the pay rates for the Park CM's. But I also understand that any time that happens, I am going to pay more for the product. (i.e. park tickets, resorts, merchandise, food, etc.) I'm not the type of person to ask someone else to GIVE me something for free.

I'm saying all of this, and I don't even like Michael Eisner. I just think it's unfair to ALWAYS blames EVERY issue on him and budget cuts.

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