Would you go by yourself???



Original Poster
I know this thread has been posted before (I'm assuming it has anyways), but would any of you ever go to WDW on your own?

I haven't been able to convince my girlfriend to go back in March (we went in January and are going in September.)

Personally, I think the parks itself will be awesome by myself. I may get somewhat lonely on some of the rides, but the freedom to do whatever I want would be great.

It's the nighttime that I'd be worried about. I just can't imagine having a very good time eating alone at Planet Hollywood, or walking around the Marketplace seeing so many happy couples and friends.

Would you do it, and how would you handle some of this stuff?


New Member
I've traveled many times by myself, on business. It is never as much fun as with a friend or loved one, but it can still be fun. If you are the kind of person that gets lonely, then it can be hard. Try to be outgoing, talk with the CMs, try pin trading to meet people & hang out with later. Not everyone that goes is part of a group or family. Try ESPN or PI after the fireworks. If you think that you might enjoy it, then go for it.
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New Member
I don't know if I would go for an extended trip on my own, but I am always on the lookout for seminars and business opportunities in the Orlando area which I could then parlay into a day or two there on my own. It would be a blast, I am sure!
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New Member
Girls never do things by themselves, that's why we go to the bathroom in packs. But when I was a CP a few months ago, I would go into the parks before work by myself. It was super! I never thought I could do it alone, so actually doing it made me feel so free!

First of all, you do whatever rides you want in whatever order you want to. And you decide what you feel like waiting for, getting a fastpass for, or skipping. No conversing and planning with a partner. And single riders lines get you through the park super speedy. Epcot is especially good for this, as Test Track and Mission: Space both have single rider lines.

Food is a bit tricky. Fast food is no big deal. I really liked getting a tub of popcorn and just watching people go by, especially the really cranky families that start dragging their children around violently on kiddie leashes. :lol: Nicer restaurants are probably another story.

Everyone is different, so it may not be your cup of tea. And while not every trip to WDW will be a solo venture, I think everyone should try it by themselves at least once. It is a totally different, selfish pleasure that I am really glad I tried.
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Well-Known Member
Back in 99 I had to drive a van and trailor down to Cape Canaveral from NJ. I left 6pm up here and said if I get to Orlando by noon I would go to Disney World. I did i pulled into the park at 12.13 pm. I stayed at MGM all Day. Up until that Day MGM was my favorite park. Ever since that date i loved the Magic Kingdom.

I enjoyed my day by myself. It was a little weird but it was one of the best times I have had. And I would do it again. And It was the first time I saw Fantasmic.
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New Member
I go by myself twice a year, and I have almost always enjoyed it. There are times when you wish you had someone there to share your experience with, but overall, I love going to WDW, alone or otherwise.

As far as nighttime goes, bring something to read when you're eating, and I've never had a bad time at PI by myself.
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Well-Known Member
Been there, Done that, going back again!!!!!!!!! I have done this and it was wonderful. To quote a line from the Emperor's New Groove "It's all about me BABY!!!" that was the best part of the whole thing. I did what i wanted, when I wanted, how I wanted. I booked the restaurants I Liked with no consultation required. I saw a few sets of Off Kilter without having to explain to anyone why I wanted to do so!! I made a friend at one of the Off Kilter sets as well!!! I had a great time and wouldn't hesitate to do it again!!! Belle
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New Member
I just got back from a four day solo trip and had a blast. I covered more ground and did more than on any previous trip. While I love being there with my family, I also loved being there on my own. Try it, you'll like it!
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Original Poster
jojoyner55 said:
I just got back from a four day solo trip and had a blast. I covered more ground and did more than on any previous trip. While I love being there with my family, I also loved being there on my own. Try it, you'll like it!

What did you find yourself doing at night?

What about meals? I LOVE the Sci Fi Dine In. I just think I'd feel weird sitting there by myself for lunch.
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Well-Known Member
I get to go alot by myself and i always have a blast! I've been to all four parks in one day, and many other places. Going by yourself is alot of fun, you make friends with some people, and some CM's as well. I love being able to do whatever i want, and i love not being pushed (or in most cases shoved) on to rides i do not want to go on (M:S, RnRC, ToT)to dark and to much for me (i've been once on them but never again!) Anyways, i love going alone and recommend it for anyone who is considering it. By the way, Single Rider Lines really come in handy here, especially becasue, hey, you don't have to worry about your party getting seperated (another good thing is nobody gets lost!) I love it and highly recommend it. The only time it gets lonely is when eating, but i normally grab a turkey leg or something on the run, or eat somewhere where i can see a show, but is still not to expensive! Like eat at Pecos Bill and watch the parade, or try Cosmic Rays or the plaza pavilion for Cinderella's Surprise Celebration. Anything to keep meals from getting to lonely. :wave: hope this helps. Hope you have a good trip if you decide to go! :D
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New Member
I just got back from a solo/job seeking trip and it was awesome! I spent 4 days and 3 nights. The first night I just chilled at the hotel for awhile and then went to downtown Disney. The second and third nights I went to Wishes and Illuminations. It was awesome I got to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it. I ate what I wanted and didn't have to worry about the price because it was just ONE!!! I did get a little lonely for my husband and ended up calling him from just about every attraction I was going on, the best was the Haunted Mansion!! I also spent a lot of time at the pool which we usually don't do. It's very different alone but a good kind of different! :cool:
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New Member
Eight of my Twelve trips have been solo. All bar one of them was for two weeks.

Everyone has already posted the advantages.

If you are not comfortable eating at a waiter service restaurant alone (and I am with you on this one) there are plenty of good counter service places to eat.
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New Member
When I used to travel alot, I did not mind catching a movie by myself, dinners were a bit harder. I can not imagine going to WDW without my wife and kids. To be honest (and all you purists, cover your eyes) my main motivation for going this year is for my kids enjoyment. Sure, I know I will enjoy it alot as well, but I can't wait to see their faces when we get there.

See, I'm getting a little vaklempt. Please , discuss among yourselves. . .new topic. . .would you really be talking about your gel shoe insert if you were just in a car accident?
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Well-Known Member
I would never to to Walt Disney World alone.
I would have to bring someone to share the experiance with.
Someone to talk to...someone to complain to about the long lines and the heat.
I hate eating alone...even counter service. I need someone with me when I'm dining so I can say things like "Are you going to finish that?" and "I forgot the ketchup...would you be a dear and go get some for me?"

I am not a loner..never have been and never will be. I enjoy the company of others too mcuh. If, God forbid, something should ever happen to my wife, I might still go to Disney World, but I would have to bring someone. Even if I had to pay their way...hehehe...any volunteeers?
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Well-Known Member
Scooter said:
I am not a loner..never have been and never will be. I enjoy the company of others too mcuh. If, God forbid, something should ever happen to my wife, I might still go to Disney World, but I would have to bring someone. Even if I had to pay their way...hehehe...any volunteeers?

Boys night out? Where shall we meet and should I bring my golfclubs? We may need to get our stories straight so I can tell my wife that I'll be visiting (wdwmagic) "family"..........
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New Member
I made PS arrangements for each night. Tony's, Le Cellier, Brown Derby and Jiko. It was not at all odd eating alone and I had some nice conversations with the waiters and others nearby (Of course I travel a great deal and eat out alone often). I didn't do it this trip but I'm sure you could meet all sorts of interesting folks at Pleasure Island, if that's your thing. Me, I ate, stayed in the parks late and went back to my room to recover for the next day...
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Well-Known Member
Every trip so far has been with my significant other Glen but if I was single again I would still go to WDW without hesitation!
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New Member
Pippa said:
Every trip so far has been with my significant other Glen but if I was single again I would still go to WDW without hesitation!
..... And bump into me and thefore not be single for much longer :animwink:
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Well-Known Member
I'd much rather go to WDW with someone else, but I think I'd still have fun if I went alone. I could just meet someone there from the boards and hang out with them! :D
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