OK, let's say that, hypothetically, a particular ride will handle 10000 people per day. Now let's for the sake of fun say that 10000 people show up wanting a Fastpass for that ride at exactly the same time. The machine will only issue 3000 Fastpasses for that ride, so 7000 people that tried to get a fastpass, using the same criteria as everyone else, will NOT get one. I know that is an extreme and impossible event to happen but it underlines what I am trying to say. There are many reasons why a person cannot get there in time to get a FP. All of them with legitimate reasons, they will be in the, so called, Dopey line through no wish or desire of their own. They didn't create the situation that would theoretically allow 3000 others ahead of them, but never the less, there they are. I'm not talking about those that don't know how to use FP, they don't know what is available to them, but, there are, in this example 7000 people that do know how to use it, where to get it and still will not be allowed to have one. How is that not unfair to those people. Any system that is only worthwhile for 30% of the customers of anyplace, is a faulty system that can and does create way more displeasure then pleasure.