Worst WDW Restroom?


Well-Known Member
2 come to mind. The one for CRT and the one in FL by Peter Pans Flight.

The one by the Refreshment Outpost between World Showcase Plaza and Canada really needs to be rebuilt to at least triple the size. The men's room only has 1 stall, 1 urinal and 1 sink. (I presume the women's room only has 2 stalls). It's the ONLY facility around, and forms insanely long lines at night leading up to Illuminations.

EDIT: Just realized I meant Refreshment PORT, not Refreshment OUTPOST...

The one up behind Yakitori House is a closet, too. But that's a little understanable as they used to be backstage CM bathrooms...


Liberty Tree Tavern. The location is terrible and there are two places to go. Always a line.

I like pi$sing to polka music!

I think this is the worst given it's location.

This is a close 2nd.


Well-Known Member
I am going with the Mens room inside the Wonders of Life pavilion. I was in there last year, and while it is very clean, there is a mirror there that was put in the wrong place. The last urinal on the row has nothing obstructing the view in the mirror, so your private business becomes public - I didn't realize this until someone else in the bathroom looked into the mirror and said "Bad spot for a mirror, huh?" That was embarassing. I was shocked that they would put a mirror so close to the urinal without something covering the end like they do in most rest rooms.

Not quite. The mirror sits about 3 feet back from that urinal:



Active Member
Not to be gross, but I have about a one gallon bladder, so I rarely use bathrooms in the parks. However, you all have piqued my interest. I must find these curious, secret, awful bathrooms. Behind Yakitori House! Inside Liberty Tree Tavern! Near Refreshment Port! Near Noodle Station! These are all bathrooms I have never seen. I will go looking for them next time I'm there.

On a related note, isn't there some person who has a whole website devoted to Disney World bathrooms? I seem to recall something like that once upon a time.


Active Member
I believe this may be the link you are looking for. It looks like the last of the pics were taken in 2005. http://www.cassworld.ca/bathrooms.htm

Wow, there it is. So many bathrooms. So. Many. Bathrooms. They all look so clean and shiny. I did find a picture of the Refreshment Port bathroom in there, and it certainly is incredibly tiny. The bathrooms are all so diverse and interesting. I guess I've really missed out by holding my water to ungodly degrees all these years.

The Disney Kid

Well-Known Member
Wow, there it is. So many bathrooms. So. Many. Bathrooms. They all look so clean and shiny. I did find a picture of the Refreshment Port bathroom in there, and it certainly is incredibly tiny. The bathrooms are all so diverse and interesting. I guess I've really missed out by holding my water to ungodly degrees all these years.

Spray away, friend. There's a Big Tiled World out there just waiting for you!!! :D


Well-Known Member
i cant think of a bad one, but my personal favorite is the bathroom in china. my family thinks it is really pretty with all the tile


Premium Member
The one by the Refreshment Outpost between World Showcase Plaza and Canada really needs to be rebuilt to at least triple the size. The men's room only has 1 stall, 1 urinal and 1 sink. (I presume the women's room only has 2 stalls). It's the ONLY facility around, and forms insanely long lines at night leading up to Illuminations.

EDIT: Just realized I meant Refreshment PORT, not Refreshment OUTPOST...

The one up behind Yakitori House is a closet, too. But that's a little understanable as they used to be backstage CM bathrooms...


Wasn't there a huge one in that area? Maybe part of Millenium Village? Too bad they can't find a way to access that one.


Well-Known Member
Not to be gross, but I have about a one gallon bladder, so I rarely use bathrooms in the parks. However, you all have piqued my interest. I must find these curious, secret, awful bathrooms. Behind Yakitori House! Inside Liberty Tree Tavern! Near Refreshment Port! Near Noodle Station! These are all bathrooms I have never seen. I will go looking for them next time I'm there.

On a related note, isn't there some person who has a whole website devoted to Disney World bathrooms? I seem to recall something like that once upon a time.

I can hold it just fine, but sometimes it's like my bladder *knows* I'm right near a bathroom and it decides it needs to go. It might also be that I drink a LOT of water in the parks to counteract sweating... (I got dehydrated/heatstroke once on vacation, never want to repeat that again)

That being said, I looked through the website mentioned. If you exclude bathrooms that are part of Table Service restaurants I've never eaten at, I'm proud/ashamed to say I only found TWO restrooms that I don't think I've ever been in. (one at Studios, one at AK) ;)

Wasn't there a huge one in that area? Maybe part of Millenium Village? Too bad they can't find a way to access that one.

Yeah, those MillVill bathrooms are huge. They open them up during large-crowd events like 4th of July or New Years Eve, but most of the time they're closed off by the gates.
But if you're walking in that direction from Canada, you're almost to the UK bathrooms at that point anyway...



Premium Member
I would have to vote for the one by Canada (right after entering WS) that other people have mentioned and a vote for the bathroom by Soarin' as the worst. The one by Soarin' always is clogged with people and dirty!

But on my recent trip this past July I was having symptoms of my now diagnosed diabetes and I frequented a bathroom about every 40 minutes. And I must say that I never had to wait (even though the parks were packed) and except for the Soarin' bathroom, the bathrooms were clean and well kept! So nice work janitorial staff!


I don't think it is weird. We've all been in a few of them and as strange as it seems, even pics of the bathrooms in our favorite place bring back good memories. lol

Javier Boughton

New Member
in epcot...just past journey into imagination and the gardens going into World Showcase-Canada there is a small ,very small bathroom. i have never waited turns on any other bathroom in WDW...but in this one I did...

one sink, one urinal and one toilet..

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