worst ride experiance


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Original Poster
Does anyone have a worst ride experiance?

A few years back, I visited WDW with a friend. We were having a great day at Epcot, when we decided to ride the Mexico boat ride. We got about half way around when the boats stopped. We were told by a very helpful and friendly cast member to stay put, there was a technical error with the ride. So we did. For 20 minutes. Now, 20 minutes may not sond like very much to you, but when you are stopped just by the part of the ride that has the 3 market traders running along 3 screens, trying to sell you something, 20 minutes is torture. We waited and waited until another cast member came to rescue our boat and we were led out of an emegency exit.

Ever since then, I have not been able to go back on the ride for fear of being subjected to the same torture!!

I'm visiting again in May, perhaps i will try it then........


New Member
I don't know which would have been worse, the lady trying to sell you a charapa or the song over and over. I kid, but I do like that ride, the end just needs updated.


i actually have a pretty cool "worst ride experience"...a friend and i went to an e-ride night and we rode BTM over and over, never even had to get out of the car...by about the 8th time or so...i was VERY VERY VERY green (guess that dinner at epcot and the beer to wash it down disagreed with my enjoyment of the ride)...so it was cool that i got to ride that so much, but being green just wasn't too appealing!!!:cry:


New Member
We got stuck at the top of ToT because of a thunderstorm. I was much younger and iccant remember wether they just kept us waiting at the top then dropped us, but i think i remember them lowering the lift slowly...has anyone else been in that situation, i would like my memory refreshed!!


New Member
Mmmm... Difficult to say which one!!
- Buzz Light Year... the ride broke down at the final scene.. we stayed 25 min. listening "To the infinity and beyooond... to the infinity and beyooonndd"!!!!!!!!
- Winnie the Pooh.. also, at the final scene (the rain one). It broke down and we stayed 20 min... the bad thing is that they had to turn all the lights on, so all the magic of the ride was gone! :veryconfu
- Well.. this is not a Disney ride, but I think it's been the worst one of all, at Island of Adventure, Spiderman... also, at the final scene, it broke down and they kept us waiting for 45 min.!!! :dazzle: And that's not it... they told us that whenever the ride was fixed, we could go again without making line... so, we went back, and just at the moment when we were boarding the car, it broke down again!

Brer Bear

Active Member
My worst ride expierence happened while riding Test Track. Are car was the next vehicle to race down the straight away right before you go outside and ride at your top speed. We saw the car before us go and the whole car got excited that after waiting forty minutes we were getting to the grand finale of the ride. But alas, the ride broke down. So we sat there for 25 minutes until the lights came on and we had to walk all the way down the ride. Oh well even the worst ride expierence in Disney is better then any day in the "real world".:king:


New Member
i'm new to the forum, so this is my first message. when i read the subject, i had to tell my story. my ride didnt break down or anything, but it was still my worst experience.

i was in WDW last february with my aunt. we got the animal kingdom right when it opened, and immediately ran to Dinosaur. we went on it once, and i really wanted to go on again b/c there were no lines, but my aunt didnt, so i just went on by myself. during the preshow, i stood by the door so that i could be first on line ( l always do that in WDW for some reason). by the time we got down to where u board the ride, i was way ahead of the people in back of me. i got into the truck thing ( i have no idea what u call those things) and sat in the left corner in the front row. b/c everyone else going on the ride was so far in back of me, there was not enough time to load other people into my car, so i had to go on the ride all by myself. at first i thought it was cool, but once the ride actually started i got SO SCARED. i dont even know why, i never get scared on rides. i didnt even realize how close to dinosaurs got to u on the ride. being all by myself in the dark and having dinosaurs come right at me was too much for me to handle, so i just closed my eyes for the rest of the ride. the only time i opened them was when that big dinosaur with the horns comes right at u before that big drop. i dont think iv'e ever screamed that loudly before. after that, i refused to go on the ride. next time i do, i have to make sure SOMEONE goes on with me, b/c it was just too much!


Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I think i suffered the ultimate horror of a 20 min wait on Its a small world. There was very nearly the first recordeds incident of Tune -Rage. AAAHHHHHHHHHH

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
I have some bad experiences on rides...

-I got stuck on It's a small world for 30 minutes once
-We got stuck on ToT for 30 minutes once in the drop shaft so we got dropped and didn't have a clue when it would come.
-I rode El Rio del Tiempo for over 2 hours once when It was raining out (but I guess I had control over that)
-I got stuck on a 45 degree bank on Test Track. And after waiting 15 minutes I saw a car come shooting outside from the indoor part of the ride. But we hadn't started moving. That was truely scary.


Well-Known Member
The worst ride experience I ever...is actually hard to say...

I've had a lot of great ride experiences, but the worst were not at disney theme parks...

the worst at a Disney theme park was when they left the lights on during Winnie the Pooh, so the final scene was entirely ruined. And then, when we got back to the loading dock, I tried to tell the woman that the lights were on in the final scene and she couldn't understand me. I think there was a language barrier between us.

or whenever the boats back up on small world during the final scene. You can tell how cheap that room was made by looking at all the "goodbye" signs sprayed with glitter, etc.

they also left the lights on in there one day, so you could see the magic carpet riders flying from a giant mobile attached to the clearly seen ceiling. :lookaroun


New Member
I swore I was never going to tell this one... but.... I will now...

My bf and I went to MNSSHP, and we went on BTM and got on the front seats of the first wagon of the train. As soon as the ride starts and you hear Goofy telling you to take off your glasses and hats, this lady seated with her son and husband behind us, takes off her glasses and right when the train starts moving she screams "my eye, my eye".... her husband shouts at her "what´s wrong?" and she keeps yelling that and "Oh my God". The kid starts crying "mom!" and my bf and I just looked at each other with the panic in our face. then he takes a peek and sees blood in her face... I couldn´t look. He was pale!

Then the husband takes off his shirt and gives it to her to clean herself while she tries to stand up and yells "stop this ride, I am getting off, my eye, my eye". We freaked out! She was standing up, the husband pulling her down, and the kid crying! And all this on a fake halloween night! But seriously, we freaked out. There was no way to let anyone know what was going on, she was, at least for us, obviously in pain, and for what she yelled, she had poked her eye with the glasses and wanted to get off the ride right in the middle of it!

As soon as we were approaching the station, we were livid. So pale and almost crying both of us, not to mention the kid. We screamed to the cm there to call for an ambulance. He then notices the woman with the t-shirt on her face and, asks them if they are ok.... and guess what??? They say they are!! They just walked away and told him it was a scratch next to the eye... not in the eye! We were ed. We never rode BTM again. Btw, they were not faking it... she was hurt.


New Member
We thought she had lost her eye and that she was in real pain and jumping from the train! We were so scared.... we got chills everytime we remembered it.


I have not had any bad ride experiences, the worst part was on New Years Eve morning I got to MK early to have a few rides in Splash Mountain before the crowds arrive, and instead of walking back to the start of the que, I just stepped over the rope, A Grumpy CM said he would get me thrown out if I did it again. I thought he handled it badly. A request would have been sufficient.


Hey guys, Well My bad ride experience sounds like nothing to all you guys experiences. One day My family and I went to Epcot and I don't know what had happened but all the electricity in the park had went out and when it came back on The cast members all said it would take a few hours to get the rides back online. There were only a couple things working so we went on Spaeship Earth and right as we were going up inside and the ride was starting. It broke down. Well like 45 minutes later we were still sitting there and they finally got it working again except ALL the lights were on inside Spaceship Earth, So it ruined the ride.


New Member
Hey! was that in 1999? I was working there when that huge power failure in Epcot only! It was a mess! It was before WSC opened and all FW was dead. WSC opened half an hour earlier and people were directed there and to other parks, and the ones with "one day, one park" tickets were given parkhoppers for that day.


Yes, It was in 1999! That is so cool. I didn't get a park hopper pass though. We all just had one day tickets and I don't recall being offered a park hopper pass or being able to go to another park. I live in between Tampa and Orlando so it's not very far for us to go to get to Disney. So we had just went for the day to go to Epcot. We wanted to go ride Test Track mostly. We did get to though EVENTUALLY that day. Well anyways, What actually happened to all the power?


Active Member
Terror at 40 feet

Dear diary -

My worst ride experience was of course not at a WDW park, it was in one of those parks off Kirkman Road. This was during the preview days of their newer attraction. They had a very gentle suspended coaster themed after a flying dinosaur... which adults now cannot ride unless accompanied by a child. But on that morning, there I was in the front seat. The floor dropped away, and clackety-clack up the incline I rode. Clackety-clack, clackety-clack. Clackety....

No final "clack".

So for fifteen minutes, I sat with feet dangling, alone, pondering the prospect of climbing down that narrow stairway with just a skinny rail to grasp.

Then, a word of pre-recorded reassurance and whoosh, around the bends I soared... until 20 feet from the station, where again I waited with feet dangling, this time only for 5 minutes.

Rescue came in the form of a weary Manager with a long hook, as my disabled Pterandon was dragged into the station.

Lesson learned: stay off the youngsters' rides if you're a grown-up.:eek:

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