World Shocase Change?


New Member
Re: Russia it is!

Originally posted by Snoballego

Ever notice in the World Showcase....

How Mexico, Canada, Norway, and Great Britan or farthest away from the United States (because through history they were less of a threat/ more of allies). Then as you move in closer and if you count Mo'Rockin as a representative of the Middle East - the more hostile countries to the US are right where we can keep an eye on them....

Or maybe I just need some sleep


I do think you need some sleep, but I never thought of it like that before. I'm an International Relations/Business Major in college. I'm definatly going to comment on this in class on Friday.

It's a very good point, but if that was the case, Italy would not be the country next door to the US. Just my thoughts...


Well, "through history" Mexico and Great Britain were MORE of a threat, but we're all good now ;)

I do agree that you need some sleep but it is an interesting observation :lol:


Put my vote in for either the Greek or Egypt ideas.

Oh, and Monorail Lime, your new avatar has been creeping me out big time for a while now. Just so you know! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by niteobsrvr
spain and they start the morning off with bull runs into world showcase from futureworld

Sorry, but that ain't funny :fork:
Spain is a country which thrives on the cruelty of animals - the running of the bulls, bull fighting etc, etc.
I hope to God that we never see a Spanish pavillion in World Showcase.


New Member
Yes - Spainish culture includes activities that hurt or are cruel to animals. So, does American culture - ________ fighting or Dog fighting are a couple of examples. Should we take out the American pavilion? While I understand compassion for animals, what about compassion for fellow human beings? China's list of "crimes" againt humanity and civil rights is longer than we can post. Should we kick them out also?

I don't mean to go off, but I don't think that EPCOT is supposed to be a political statement. I feel tha EPCOT - WS is supposed to show how the world can exist in peace with each other - in a way that a only a true visionary could see. I think we should let every country that would like to participate in. (True the current EPCOT implementation is more commercial than Walt intended, but that's probably another thread).

Thanks for letting me express my opinion. I'm new here, but this is a great forum.


Well-Known Member
I think we need to keep finances and relations in mind when thinking of a new country.

Egypt would be interesting but at this time, I don't see that happening. While they are far from being an enemy of the United States, relations are a bit strained at this time...

Russia would be another interesting choice but financially, they aren't really in a position to be offering a new pavilion that has much more than unique architecture and gift shops. Their government isn't the most stable in the world, either - not yet, anyway.

I agree with others that Australia would be a good candidate. They have a diverse culture and an interesting place in the world. Some people say they would be better suited for AK but I honestly think they would do well in both AK AND Epcot. It would be a nice step away from that centralized part of Europe that is already well represented even if not by every country.

Something from South America would be nice as well but I'm not aware of any countries in that part of the world that would be able to commit to funding a full pavilion long term.

How about South Africa? A lot has changed in that country to make it more politically friendly and they would add a nice addition to Morocco in representing the continent, I think. With South Africa, they could finally do something with the coke stand. :)


New Member
The underline in my above post was place by the server. The type of fighting is male chicken fighting. It's a cultural part of South West Louisiana. I didn't stop to think that the word for male chicken is also a "dirty" word. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Re: Russia it is!

Originally posted by Snoballego
Plus any frequent male visitors or cast members know why Norway is such a popular attraction. Imagine the sweet Russian International Program students being brought in.

:lol: So true, so true! :lol: Welcom to the posts Snoballego and rjew! Good to see some more Louisianians here! :sohappy:


New Member
MicBat - Thanks for the welcome.

Russia sounds good for me too.
Can you imagine a furry Russian hat with mouse ears on a Russian co-ed? ;)


New Member
Re: Russia it is!

Originally posted by Snoballego
Ever notice in the World Showcase....

How Mexico, Canada, Norway, and Great Britan or farthest away from the United States (because through history they were less of a threat/ more of allies). Then as you move in closer and if you count Mo'Rockin as a representative of the Middle East - the more hostile countries to the US are right where we can keep an eye on them....

Or maybe I just need some sleep


I took the hidden treasures of the World Showcase tour this summer and picked up this tidbit...

The US was orginally supposed to be in that empty area just as you enter the world showcase in a very large, ultra-modern buliding so the aesthetic of the building would blend in with Future World. They became concerned that no one would leave the exhibit to see the rest of the area and so they decided to put the US on the far side, forcing them to change the building to something American Classical (which I personally like better) to fit in with the surroundings.

What is interesting to note about this is that in the original configuration, Mexico would be to the south of the US and Canada to the north. Pretty cool, eh?



New Member
Re: Russia it is!

Originally posted by Snoballego

Ever notice in the World Showcase....

How Mexico, Canada, Norway, and Great Britan or farthest away from the United States (because through history they were less of a threat/ more of allies). Then as you move in closer and if you count Mo'Rockin as a representative of the Middle East - the more hostile countries to the US are right where we can keep an eye on them....

Or maybe I just need some sleep


You obviously need some sleep, I don't know where you came up with this but that has absoultly nothing to do with placement of the pavilion buildings, size and astecitics had to do mostly with the placement of each country along the ring


New Member
Re: Re: Russia it is!

Originally posted by leebier
I took the hidden treasures of the World Showcase tour this summer and picked up this tidbit...

The US was orginally supposed to be in that empty area just as you enter the world showcase in a very large, ultra-modern buliding so the aesthetic of the building would blend in with Future World. They became concerned that no one would leave the exhibit to see the rest of the area and so they decided to put the US on the far side, forcing them to change the building to something American Classical (which I personally like better) to fit in with the surroundings.

What is interesting to note about this is that in the original configuration, Mexico would be to the south of the US and Canada to the north. Pretty cool, eh?


I would like to know the source for this tidbit? Was it a CM, were they a kid doing the tour?

I thing they were trying to impress because I have a preliminary bluebrint for E.P.C.O.T Center dated spring of 1979 and the World Showcase area in the 79 plan is 99% as it was built and the American Adventure is where it sits now all the way in the back on center stage it was always going to be a colonial building in the combined WS/FW plans.

The only posibility of any of that information being valid was in the original preliminary master plan for WDW in 1975 the World showcase and Future World cancepts were to be two diffrent themed areas and WS was to be built in a futuristic looking building next to the TTC on what is part of the main Parking lot now. it was to be in two semi circular shaped buildinge facing eachother and was to be a coustyard in the center with a court of flags for all the countries represented. The concept was not envisioned to have any attractions like what mexico and Norway have with a water ride as part of the pavilion,


New Member
Information was straight from the mouth of the tour guide from the Disney Institute. Tour was all people 16 and older, everything else she told us seemed pretty accurate, had no real reason to doubt her on this one. Dunno what to tell you.



Well-Known Member
I'm definately gving my vote to a pavillion of Greece,it would just lend itself to so many different attractions such as mythology,architecture,theatre to name a few. I've been to Greece to visit the ancient sites and it was amazing!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by CAPTAIN HOOK
Sorry, but that ain't funny :fork:
Spain is a country which thrives on the cruelty of animals - the running of the bulls, bull fighting etc, etc.
I hope to God that we never see a Spanish pavillion in World Showcase.

It's a part of the Spanish culture whether we like it or not. I don't believe the country thrives on bull fighting or the running of the bulls anymore than the american economy is based on football or the English economy derives its livelihood from soccer.

If there is one thing I learned in college, its the idea that good opinions can and should be supported by facts.

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