I'm glad it's not super disappointing. I'm sure it would have been nice for you to get some sun, but it didn't sound like you were really looking forward to it that much. Do you do the thing (I do this ALL the time) where you kind of try to MAKE yourself get excited about something that you think you SHOULD do, even though it's not what you really WANT to do, so you work yourself up and convince yourself it IS what you want, and then when it falls through, you realize it's actually kind of a relief because you didn't really want to do it in the first place? I have a habit of that.
Like...I started a new job in November, and it wasn't really what I wanted, but I only got called for interviews for three of the jobs I applied to, and one of those three, the person who was supposed to interview me didn't even show up to the interview, and one of them didn't go well and he treated me like I was an idiot and he was obviously never going to even consider me for the position. So that left me with the other option, and I convinced myself that I was really excited about it because I felt like I needed a job. I honestly probably should have waited longer and kept looking, but I felt like I was in a hurry and didn't want to be without a job at all. So I took the job, and I had told the boss that I was looking for a job where I could stay, and wouldn't be looking for a new job again in 6 months or a year, and that's what she was looking for too....she was tired of training people only to have them leave right after that. But I ended up really not liking the job. The work was mostly fine, but I didn't like several of my coworkers because they tried to pretend they were in charge of me, and the boss had hired so many new people for the busy season that she didn't have the time to adequately train me. So I was the only one who didn't have the permissions in the system to do things like take returns, or give employee discounts, or take the register out at the end of the day to count money. There were people who had only worked there 2 weeks longer than me and they could do all those things, but I couldn't. And they were treating me like I didn't know what I was doing in my job because I didn't have those permissions yet. It just wasn't fun. My boss would ask me to do something, and I'd remind her that she hadn't taught me to do that yet, or that I didn't have the permissions for it yet, and instead of saying "Oh I'm sorry! Let's go do that!" or "Let's fix that", she'd say "Oh nevermind" in such a way that was like "How have you worked here for 2 months and still don't know how to do this?" like it was my fault. But I felt like I couldn't quit because I had said I didn't want to have to go through the job application process again and I had made a big deal out of wanting a steady job. Now, there's all this drama going on at my job, and nearly everyone has left or is looking for new jobs. I mean, I absolutely hate having to go through it again, looking for something, but it's the perfect excuse to get out of a position where I really wasn't happy. And I had applied for several places, and the ONLY one that I heard from was Aldi. I got through the interview and they called for a test day, and I did the thing and I was all excited even though it didn't really sound like it was entirely my thing...I'd really rather just work at the register, but there, they do EVERYTHING...they bake the bread, they clean the store, they stock the store, they work the register, etc....but it was my only prospect, so I convinced myself it was perfect. I worked my tail off and was ACHING by the end of that test run, and then the guy told me he thought it was probably too much for me physically because my knees are shot. And it was actually kind of a relief, because I really didn't want to have to do that stuff every day. Though now I'm back to square one and have no prospects. Though the new manager at my job is really happy...he desperately wants me to stay, and he's trained me to do all the things I couldn't do, and he gave me the permissions, but I think that's more because nearly everyone else has already quit and I'm the only one he has left than that he actually thinks I'm amazing at the job. And it's still not my favorite job, nor am I confident that the job will still be there in a year, but at least for now, I have a paycheck while I look for something. I just need to not do the thing.
All this to say, I understand being "meh" about something. I just wondered if you do the thing, too, or if that's just me. I know I'm kind of weird.