Sans Souci
Well-Known Member
Is your brother older or younger? My brother is older, and my mom thought the sun rose and set out of his rear, and he lied through his teeth to get whatever he wanted. She saw what she wanted to see. She couldn't bear to think of him as less than perfect, so I was the convenient scapegoat. Sounds like maybe you were too?
I am older, but he was treated like he was older once we were both in our teens. He was a "problem child" so a lot of energy and attention went to him to help him. My mother got kind of nasty towards me when I hit my teens. I don't know if she saw me as competition or what, but it's not for me to figure out or resolve. She had the worst temper and I was always walking on eggshells so I wouldn't set her off.
My brother was arrested and it was on the local news. It was not murder, or soliciting it or any sort of assault. He had something he should not have had and he had a news-worthy amount of it in his possession. He was charged with a Class X felony. My mother posted his bail, but she approached my husband and me to chip in for a defense lawyer. I said no, that it would make things tight for us. Then she said, "But you are going to Disney later this year, maybe you could not do that this year." My husband laughed. He told her that we were not canceling our vacation to fund someone who knew he was doing something highly illegal. Why should we forgo a holiday because of someone's criminal behavior? To me, that is enabling behavior. What makes me angry is that my son was a toddler when this happened and he liked to visit my brother and his GF. So, my son could have potentially gotten into this stuff. Additionally, I kept seeing people in cars parked outside my house for long periods of time and I had no idea why. It made sense after the arrest; we were likely being surveilled as potential accomplices. I mentioned this to my mom and she told me to stop making it about me. I just slowly phased myself out of their toxic dynamics and focused on my family. I had to do was right for myself and my mental health.