Well-Known Member
All the info I've gotten on Genie+ has pretty much been from Disney Food Blog. I don't venture into most of the forum outside chit chat or trip reports. But yes, that's my understanding, too...once you're in the park you can book if you stay off site, and on site guests can book at 7, but DFB also made it sound like that might only be the individual attractions available at 7, so I'm not sure about that. But either way, I'm thinking that there will still be SOME lightning lane times left for off site guests once they get to the parks. It will be a couple of years before I get to go again, so we'll probably know more how it works by then.I really haven't been following the Genie+ thing too much because those types of threads attract the resident obnoxious know it alls and the drama they love to create. But I think you can book your rides once you are in the parks if you are staying off site. You can do that at 7 AM if you are on site. But you get an entire 30 minutes of park time before the park opens to every one else. They took away EMH for all levels of resort except deluxe and villas for now. (Someone posted they were glad they did that so he wouldn't have to be around "All Stars people." Wow, jerk much?) I like staying on site and my preference is for the crescent lake resorts. But it's getting harder for me to justify the price. I'm not trying to be negative, but I don't see the difference in service between Disney hotels and regular hotels I've stayed at in my non-Disney travels. I don't think there is a "Disney difference" anymore.
I am sure once this genie+ thing is up and running, we'll see more them introduce more variations on its usage.
I agree, there doesn't seem to be a Disney difference. Off site hotels have really stepped up their game to compete and Disney hasn't really kept up with what made it special. I wasn't a huge fan of EMH family is hard to drag out of bed in the morning. I'm always up hours before everyone else and then I have to sit there waiting for them to decide to get going, and if we make plans for the morning, my husband will likely either be grouchy the whole day, or he'll just decide we're not doing it. He's terrible about following through on a plan. Not just at Disney, but in general. He tells me what I want to hear, so if I say "Ok, I was thinking we should leave at 9, then we can swing by and grab some breakfast on the way and be at this place by 10:30." he'll SAY "Ok, sounds good", but in reality, I'll get up at 7 and shower and be ready to go and at 8:30 he's still lying in bed playing on the computer. Then when I say "Are you planning to shower before we leave?" he'll say "Yeah....we've got plenty of's only 8:30. We don't really need to be there until after lunch." I don't know if he just doesn't listen to me so he doesn't realize he agreed to leave at 9, or that he just said ok to shut me up and he never had any intention of actually leaving at 9. I have to say, and this is going to sound really bad, but I'm really looking forward to a Disney trip without him. As much as I love him, he's really not fun to do Disney with anymore. He's surly, he isn't willing to do anything extra like get up early or go out of our way to see something cool, he immediately forgets anything he loved so he swears he didn't enjoy will be nice to be able to make the plans without taking him into account, knowing E will be up for anything and we'll accomplish a LOT more, not to mention being able to just go with the flow more, and I won't have to worry about whether my husband is having fun. I won't feel obligated to skip things I want to do because he won't want to do it, and I won't have to plan a bunch of time separately just for him. If E and I want to go to Fort Wilderness for smores at the campfire, we can just go. There won't be any "I'm not leaving an hour and a half early just to eat a smore." or "I'm not going all the way to .....just because there's a different store there!" If we want to ride Soarin' one more time on our way out of the park, there won't be any "I'm going to take A back to the resort and you can give me another full day by myself in return for this half hour I'm giving you." It will be much more enjoyable with just E and I. The only thing I feel bad about is that A actually does like Disney, and it feels kind of unfair that he has to miss out. But anyway, we didn't use EMH much. I can get E out of bed when we make plans....we can make plans together and actually do them. But A would prefer just a couple of park days and the rest of the time to play on his computer, and my husband doesn't like getting up early on vacation. And not everything is open early anyway, right? Although, who knows if it's just E and I, we might actually do more rope dropping.
And wow.....yeah, definitely a jerk who said that. There are a couple of TRs I won't follow because the people have made fat shaming comments in the past, too, and I don't need to be judged when I'm thinking about my happy place.