Technically the dishes are supposed to be his territory. We agreed before we got married that he'd do the dishes if I would handle laundry and ironing, because he hates that, and I hate dishes. The problem is that when he has time off, like the weekend, he sees that as choreless time. He's done his work week, so he's done. He tends to forget that it still has to get done, and MY chores don't stop. We can't just not eat for the weekend so I don't have to cook. He decided a couple of years ago that the kids were old enough for chores, and without discussing it with me, decided their chore would be dishes. I think because that had been his first chore when he was a kid. So he pawned his only chore off on the kids and I still had all the other things, but then he told them they didn't have to do chores on the weekends. So 9 times out of 10, I have to do the dishes on the weekend along with everything else. But he HATES doing laundry and vacuuming. Not that I love it. But if I don't do it, it doesn't get done, and I'll admit that sometimes I leave it to see how long it takes before he's bothered enough that he'll do something about it....he never has. I get annoyed by it before he does. It's been particularly bad with Covid, because he worked from home until 2 weeks ago, and the kids had mostly online school. With everyone being home, I couldn't run the vacuum while they were in meetings/classes. I couldn't clatter around in the kitchen, or livingroom, because it made too much noise while my husband was on the phone or in a meeting. So we would go MONTHS without the floor being cleaned. I can ask him to do a chore, like mow the lawn, but then when it comes down to it, he puts it off and puts it off. He'll say "I'll do it when I get home tonight." then when he gets home "I don't want to do it now....I'll do it tomorrow." The tomorrow he says "I'll do it this weekend" and then on the weekend we go to my in-laws' house and he never mowed the lawn. So then I have to do that, too, because it never gets so bad that he says "Right, that needs to be done. Let me take care of it." He'll just keep putting it off saying he'll do it tomorrow or on the weekend until I get tired of it and do it myself.