Well-Known Member
Well, they said on the news today that 10% of high school students are sitting at home doing online lessons because of corona and that if things get worse, they'll have to go back to what we were doing last school year, with 100% remote learning. I'd actually prefer that, because I'm in a high risk group and I don't feel like our school is doing a very good job with prevention. They have stupid conflicting rules that are only designed to make it look like they are doing something, but that don't really help.Me too. I'm definitely not functioning normally due to Covid matters, but after doing some weight gain mapping, I also see a pattern with work. Whenever work gets bad, my weight goes up and I have health issues. I hope that's all this is, but I still need to find a solution to the stress reaction if that's it, because work is still a big thing and I can't keep playing this game of my job being the big culprit for poor health issues. Our entire team feels this way, but none of us feel like there's anything we can do that will help. It's the nature of the business.
We're coming down from our summer surge. The media is reporting that our state is starting to spike again, but the local and overall state numbers don't reflect that and our school board recently blasted local officials for failing to differentiate between new cases vs. backlogs and ultimately trying to push the city into lockdown based on faulty data. That's not to say that the threat still isn't out there, but it turns out that the huge daily numbers they'd been reporting for our area were including 30+ day backlogs and only about 20% of those cases (within the last month or so) were current within the week of reporting. This was what prompted our district to move to 5 days a week in person for all students enrolled for face to face learning. Our governor recently allowed us to go back to 75% capacity at places like restaurants and retail, but bars are still closed and masks are still mandated (although, compliance is declining). I hope things don't get too bad where you are. I think we're all tired of this Covid madness. I know the virus doesn't care, but we all need a break.
For example, the kids are not allowed to go back to their lockers in between classes, they have to carry their books with them the whole day to reduce the amount of time they are in the hallways, but kids under 18 aren't required to socially distance, and in the breaks they aren't allowed to go into classrooms so they have 1500 kids packed into the "cafeteria" (no better word for it, but there's no lunch program, so it doesn't really fit) or the auditorium-like space. So, with kids packed into those areas for 15-30 minutes, you think the 30 seconds at their locker is going to be the biggest problem? And they have to schlep big heavy backpacks around all day, which isn't good for their backs. When asked why they didn't go back to the thing like last year where they assigned each class a room and the teachers moved from class to class instead of the students, they gave some bogus answer that basically showed they just didn't want to make the effort.
And kids aren't allowed to come to school if they even have the sniffles, but they are expected to work from home and the school says it's the student's responsibility to let the teachers know they are working from home so they can get the materials and turn in the homework. But E was home all last week and let the teachers know and half the teachers basically told her they couldn't be bothered to do online stuff, so she just had to get the homework off Magister (the app they use for their schedule and homework assignments and grades), but then the teachers would forget to put the homework up, or wouldn't put it up until class was over, so she'd sit there waiting and couldn't do anything until the next class hour, when she needed to be in a teams meeting for another class. And some teachers told her to just ask her classmates what they went over in class, so she did and they said "We talked about the Junior Speaking Contest", but didn't tell her what about that contest or what she needed to do. So she's still behind because the teachers don't want to make the effort for the kids doing remote learning. And they can't take tests from home, but they are only allowed to miss one because they are home. If they miss more than one, they HAVE to come to school to take them, even if they are sick? It makes no sense. It's rules just to have rules, with no real purpose.
Then three of the schools are in the process of merging in the next 5 years, to just 2 schools. So they've created 2 new schools and have divided the programs offered between those 2 schools, and the teachers from the three schools give lessons to the existing students of the 3 schools AND to the new students at the 2 schools. Eventually by the time E graduates, her school won't exist anymore. But for now, her school is the only one that offers the Dual language program and the Technology research and design programs. 60% of the classes in the dual language program she's doing are supposed to be in English. But their music teacher retired at the end of last year, so they hired one from one of the other schools and didn't tell him he needed to do this class in English, and he doesn't have the English qualifications required. Then this year, her class got to choose whether or not to do the technology class that was required the first two years. Only 3 kids chose not to do it, so they get more French, Art, and something else I forget....but when the rest of the class is in O&O (technology) they are doing something they were placed in a different class for one subject, which is supposed to be in English, but they just added those 3 kids to a non-dual language they don't get that one in English either. E is doing O&O, but one of her friends isn't and she said they don't get English it that one subject. It's just all been so messed up and the school hasn't handled it well. I'd rather just go back to the remote learning so that teachers are forced to provide the instruction. But then some of the kids don't do well with the remote learning.
Sorry...rant over.