working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
I've really been trying to keep up with all of this, but that "I don't wanna workout" has been surfacing again. Sunday was a similar walk and workout to Saturday. Yesterday, I dragged myself out of bed for my standard gym stuff and even walked about 2.5 miles after dinner. I dragged myself to it again today, and will hopefully walk later, but I think I'm going to need a nap if this is going to happen today.

We've also been helping a bird since Saturday. Shortly before bed, my younger one called me out because she found a baby bird. We had recently found robin egg shells in the yard, and our yard is filled with robins, cardinals and blue jays...among other things. I didn't know what to do, but I didn't want the dogs to hurt it, so I scooped it up and put it in a shoe box with some leaves. It kept asking to be fed, but I was fresh out of worms 😁 and it didn't like the seeds and fruit we had. I even tried to feed it a beetle that I found on the ground...since those are also supposedly part of their diet. I read that it's a fledgling and that the parents are probably still around. So, I followed the instructions and found it a safe spot inside the bottom of the hibiscus...probably good since the barred owls are back. Here's the little guy on night 1.



We didn't see it on Sunday, so we hoped for the best. Yesterday, the kids called me out midday because he was along the side of the yard, just hopping around and still asking to be fed. My husband mowed the lawn later on and didn't see it, so we feared the worst, but shortly after...he was back...and this time, other neighboring robins, and even a couple of cardinals that are apparently nest sharing, started squawking and dive bombing near me. Voodoo was out, saw the bird and charged. She didn't appear to hurt it, but she got her mouth on it. So, I had to put myself between Voo and the bird. It was at this point that all of the adult birds left me alone.

Today, the adults were screeching again, but no sign of the fledgling on my first trip out. Same thing happened on my second trip outside, and when I turned around to go in, there he was...sitting on our grill...right where I had the shoe box on that first night. He let me approach him and even asked for food. It then occurred to me...if he's up on the top of the grill...he's learning how to fly! I went in to get my camera, but he'd flown to the fence. He still let me approach to get his picture.




Well-Known Member
So, weird dog is still at it. Every night when I go to bed, he is on my side, with his head under the bed skirt. My wife has a theory that since I used to run him off and over to her side where his bed is, he is trying to hide. By putting his head under the bed skirt, maybe he thinks he is hid and does not realize the rest of him can be seen. Plausible theory I suppose. I've just been letting him stay there.



Premium Member
So, weird dog is still at it. Every night when I go to bed, he is on my side, with his head under the bed skirt. My wife has a theory that since I used to run him off and over to her side where his bed is, he is trying to hide. By putting his head under the bed skirt, maybe he thinks he is hid and does not realize the rest of him can be seen. Plausible theory I suppose. I've just been letting him stay there.

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Just remember -- it all makes sense to him! :joyfull:


Premium Member
Original Poster
Waving hi! Fingers crossed all the heavy yardwork is done. I thought we were done but after a couple of soaking rains one spot in my yard looked wonky and my dh and I had to move some rather large rocks. By large I mean 12 x18 x 24 plus and sunk well into the ground. I'm going to try and get a practice in later and if nothing else a bedtime moving meditation

Red Wench

Active Member
I have just read through some of this thread and this is some really great motivation for me because I am a sweets loving gal and it gets even worse when I get to WDW. I need a thread like this as I am not much of a workout person at all. The only workout I get is walking to my car and driving to the store to get chocolate or candy. So I am going to make it a point to read this post everyday and get ideas to motivate my lazy butt to get moving.


Well-Known Member

One of the rocks I spied this weekend is covering my greeting :D

I was really good over the weekend, but now that workweek stress is here, I just want to eat and be lazy. Still, if I can pull myself together, I think I'm going to fill up my new hydration vest and do a test run/walk after work. I'm going to need it because it's about 95 out there. At least humidity is low...well, low for Houston.

Saturday, I walked/ran 6.75 miles, biked about 6.5, and did some pilates type leg and ab work. Yesterday, I walked/ran 7.15 mi and instead of hitting the gym to cool down I did some heavy duty vacuuming (the kind where you get behind and underneath everything), mopped the majority of the first floor, cleaned the kitchen and the half bath.

I really need to find a routine again. Aside from it being good for me, the kids have started softball again. So far, it's only been practices, but state orders will allow for tournament play by this weekend and the older one will start league play next week. My bank account has been reminded of what it's like to have kids in sports...2 new pairs of cleats, a pair of turf shoes, and a regular pair of athletic shoes for conditioning days. This is why my little treat for me cost next to nothing 🙄 Oh well, we've changed vacation plans for July, so maybe time in between games will give me time to trip plan. Obviously, we're not doing anything crazy and will be taking precautions, but it'll be nice to get away.


Well-Known Member
I haven't worked out all week. I logged off from work on Monday, thinking I was going to look up a few things for a friend and then go on a long walk. As I was wrapping up and about to get ready to go, I heard screaming...that awful scream when you know something is REALLY wrong.

Cookie (the border collie mix) bit my younger one several times on her hand. I'll spare you all of the gory details, but she needed to go to the doctor, the worst of the bite damage is bad, and it'll be 2-4 weeks before she can start using that hand. The doctor also informed me that I'd be required to follow city bite protocol.

Cookie has had a number of aggression issues since day 1. She was an abuse case and she was the more dominant dog. I didn't see it so much as a puppy, but even our original vet (moved) said she had a feeling we were going to run into dominance issues. I guess even with everything, I didn't see anything this extreme coming. After taking her in to the city facilities, they were going to offer to allow us home quarantine her, but my husband and I both agree that we can't trust her and the doctor strongly advised we remove her from the house. I guess she's seen enough cases where one bad bite leads to far worse. We still suspect it was a dominance/jealousy thing... since my younger daughter was playing with Voodoo at the time and Cookie probably wanted the attention. Still, this wasn't a little "back off" kind of nip or even her normal snappy snarly warning. Not that those are good things, but they aren't on this scale. Based on this chart, I believe they'd classify it as a level 5 bite.

The city will evaluate her over the next few days (up to a week) to see if she has potential to be rehomed. They're not sure if it's a no other dogs/pets situation she needs or if she just has too many issues to be trusted in any home. It's out of my hands and I gave as much info as I could. I feel awful...awful that we couldn't create a home environment for her that was better for her issues, awful about how scared and alone she must feel, awful that I didn't log out of work sooner so she could have gotten attention from me, awful that my older one is devastated about losing another dog, awful that my younger one had to go through such a brutal procedure at the doctor to try and get her recovery off to a good start, awful that my younger one is hurt and will miss out on softball...after waiting through lockdown so patiently for it, etc. Guilt and grief are powerful things.

Maybe I'll find it in me to work out tomorrow. Maybe it'll help my mood.


Well-Known Member
I haven't worked out all week. I logged off from work on Monday, thinking I was going to look up a few things for a friend and then go on a long walk. As I was wrapping up and about to get ready to go, I heard screaming...that awful scream when you know something is REALLY wrong.

Cookie (the border collie mix) bit my younger one several times on her hand. I'll spare you all of the gory details, but she needed to go to the doctor, the worst of the bite damage is bad, and it'll be 2-4 weeks before she can start using that hand. The doctor also informed me that I'd be required to follow city bite protocol.

Cookie has had a number of aggression issues since day 1. She was an abuse case and she was the more dominant dog. I didn't see it so much as a puppy, but even our original vet (moved) said she had a feeling we were going to run into dominance issues. I guess even with everything, I didn't see anything this extreme coming. After taking her in to the city facilities, they were going to offer to allow us home quarantine her, but my husband and I both agree that we can't trust her and the doctor strongly advised we remove her from the house. I guess she's seen enough cases where one bad bite leads to far worse. We still suspect it was a dominance/jealousy thing... since my younger daughter was playing with Voodoo at the time and Cookie probably wanted the attention. Still, this wasn't a little "back off" kind of nip or even her normal snappy snarly warning. Not that those are good things, but they aren't on this scale. Based on this chart, I believe they'd classify it as a level 5 bite.

The city will evaluate her over the next few days (up to a week) to see if she has potential to be rehomed. They're not sure if it's a no other dogs/pets situation she needs or if she just has too many issues to be trusted in any home. It's out of my hands and I gave as much info as I could. I feel awful...awful that we couldn't create a home environment for her that was better for her issues, awful about how scared and alone she must feel, awful that I didn't log out of work sooner so she could have gotten attention from me, awful that my older one is devastated about losing another dog, awful that my younger one had to go through such a brutal procedure at the doctor to try and get her recovery off to a good start, awful that my younger one is hurt and will miss out on softball...after waiting through lockdown so patiently for it, etc. Guilt and grief are powerful things.

Maybe I'll find it in me to work out tomorrow. Maybe it'll help my mood.

That is so sad. Yes, guilt and grief are powerful, but you can't blame yourself. You tried to do the right thing for Cookie by giving her a home. You could not have known the results of your effort, but you gave Cookie a much better life for a little while anyway.
I understand feeling awful about your daughter getting hurt, but again, there is no way to know this was going to happen.
I wish I had some wise words that would help but beating yourself up over an unfortunate mishap won't help your daughter or Cookie. Should the city decide she can be re-homed, she will probably be fine. If they determine she has issues where she can't be trusted, you still did the right thing and she won't be a danger to anyone else, no matter the sad outcome.
Hope your daughter is on the way to mending and will be playing ball again soon.


Well-Known Member
I haven't worked out all week. I logged off from work on Monday, thinking I was going to look up a few things for a friend and then go on a long walk. As I was wrapping up and about to get ready to go, I heard screaming...that awful scream when you know something is REALLY wrong.

Cookie (the border collie mix) bit my younger one several times on her hand. I'll spare you all of the gory details, but she needed to go to the doctor, the worst of the bite damage is bad, and it'll be 2-4 weeks before she can start using that hand. The doctor also informed me that I'd be required to follow city bite protocol.

Cookie has had a number of aggression issues since day 1. She was an abuse case and she was the more dominant dog. I didn't see it so much as a puppy, but even our original vet (moved) said she had a feeling we were going to run into dominance issues. I guess even with everything, I didn't see anything this extreme coming. After taking her in to the city facilities, they were going to offer to allow us home quarantine her, but my husband and I both agree that we can't trust her and the doctor strongly advised we remove her from the house. I guess she's seen enough cases where one bad bite leads to far worse. We still suspect it was a dominance/jealousy thing... since my younger daughter was playing with Voodoo at the time and Cookie probably wanted the attention. Still, this wasn't a little "back off" kind of nip or even her normal snappy snarly warning. Not that those are good things, but they aren't on this scale. Based on this chart, I believe they'd classify it as a level 5 bite.

The city will evaluate her over the next few days (up to a week) to see if she has potential to be rehomed. They're not sure if it's a no other dogs/pets situation she needs or if she just has too many issues to be trusted in any home. It's out of my hands and I gave as much info as I could. I feel awful...awful that we couldn't create a home environment for her that was better for her issues, awful about how scared and alone she must feel, awful that I didn't log out of work sooner so she could have gotten attention from me, awful that my older one is devastated about losing another dog, awful that my younger one had to go through such a brutal procedure at the doctor to try and get her recovery off to a good start, awful that my younger one is hurt and will miss out on softball...after waiting through lockdown so patiently for it, etc. Guilt and grief are powerful things.

Maybe I'll find it in me to work out tomorrow. Maybe it'll help my mood.
Oh no! What a devastating situation! I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel better, I don't think there's anything more you could have done to prevent it. You have to work, and there will be moments where attention is divided. It's sad that Cookie's background puts others at risk, but it's not your fault and you have done the best you could.

How does your younger one feel about losing another dog? I was surprised to hear Cookie was an abuse case, because I thought you got both dogs as puppies. I didn't realize they had had other homes before where they might have been mistreated. I just assumed they were puppies born in a family who didn't want to keep the whole litter and sent the ones they couldn't find homes for to a shelter. I hope for her sake that they can rehome her somewhere where there's no threat. And I hope your youngest heals quickly. Can she still go to softball practices to be with her friends and such, just not use her injured hand? Will she need further treatment?

I know it's hard as a parent, but try not to feel guilty. You couldn't have foreseen this or prevented it. It's not your fault.


Well-Known Member
That is so sad. Yes, guilt and grief are powerful, but you can't blame yourself. You tried to do the right thing for Cookie by giving her a home. You could not have known the results of your effort, but you gave Cookie a much better life for a little while anyway.
I understand feeling awful about your daughter getting hurt, but again, there is no way to know this was going to happen.
I wish I had some wise words that would help but beating yourself up over an unfortunate mishap won't help your daughter or Cookie. Should the city decide she can be re-homed, she will probably be fine. If they determine she has issues where she can't be trusted, you still did the right thing and she won't be a danger to anyone else, no matter the sad outcome.
Hope your daughter is on the way to mending and will be playing ball again soon.

Thank you! It's an awful situation, but I guess it's kind of an omen that I was obligated to bring her in to the city. I'm sure the guilt will also subside as the younger one's physical damage heals and the older one moves into a better place with her emotions.


Well-Known Member
Oh no! What a devastating situation! I'm so sorry. If it makes you feel better, I don't think there's anything more you could have done to prevent it. You have to work, and there will be moments where attention is divided. It's sad that Cookie's background puts others at risk, but it's not your fault and you have done the best you could.

How does your younger one feel about losing another dog? I was surprised to hear Cookie was an abuse case, because I thought you got both dogs as puppies. I didn't realize they had had other homes before where they might have been mistreated. I just assumed they were puppies born in a family who didn't want to keep the whole litter and sent the ones they couldn't find homes for to a shelter. I hope for her sake that they can rehome her somewhere where there's no threat. And I hope your youngest heals quickly. Can she still go to softball practices to be with her friends and such, just not use her injured hand? Will she need further treatment?

I know it's hard as a parent, but try not to feel guilty. You couldn't have foreseen this or prevented it. It's not your fault.

Thank you! I'm in the early stages, but yes, I'm starting to see how much we tried to help her and how there's only so much you can do. In fact, as we talk about her time with us, we have started to notice a pattern of aggression related issues with her that got worse over time. She was an individual abuse rescue case. Voodoo was part of a litter of 16 or 17 where her whole litter was at the shelter as soon as they were old enough to adopt. Cookie was a puppy when we got her, but she was a little bit older than Voodoo...est. a 1-1.5 months older. It doesn't seem like a lot, but I have to wonder if it impacted her. She was extremely food aggressive when we got her (got it to her only being food aggressive with Voodoo), the vet felt she was going to have dominance issues, and as time went on...especially since we started staying home...her jealousy and need to assert her dominance over Voodoo really ramped up. I'm really just hoping she can work well in a single dog home.

We plan to attend as much of the softball stuff as we can. We're going tonight to cheer at a scrimmage and will try to be there for some of their tournament this weekend. The doctor didn't see any evidence of tendon damage or any other more serious concerns, so aside from redressing the biggest wound 3x a day and a combo of topical and oral antibiotics...and maybe some steri strip replacement, we should be good (we hope). Poor kid also has this ridiculous splint in the mix right now to help keep her hand flat in these early stages. The doctor wants us to avoid showering and bathing, but at some point, she needs to get clean. Same kid broke her wrist a few years ago, so at some point (very soon) we are going to resort to bathing her that way.



Premium Member
Thank you! I'm in the early stages, but yes, I'm starting to see how much we tried to help her and how there's only so much you can do. In fact, as we talk about her time with us, we have started to notice a pattern of aggression related issues with her that got worse over time. She was an individual abuse rescue case. Voodoo was part of a litter of 16 or 17 where her whole litter was at the shelter as soon as they were old enough to adopt. Cookie was a puppy when we got her, but she was a little bit older than Voodoo...est. a 1-1.5 months older. It doesn't seem like a lot, but I have to wonder if it impacted her. She was extremely food aggressive when we got her (got it to her only being food aggressive with Voodoo), the vet felt she was going to have dominance issues, and as time went on...especially since we started staying home...her jealousy and need to assert her dominance over Voodoo really ramped up. I'm really just hoping she can work well in a single dog home.

We plan to attend as much of the softball stuff as we can. We're going tonight to cheer at a scrimmage and will try to be there for some of their tournament this weekend. The doctor didn't see any evidence of tendon damage or any other more serious concerns, so aside from redressing the biggest wound 3x a day and a combo of topical and oral antibiotics...and maybe some steri strip replacement, we should be good (we hope). Poor kid also has this ridiculous splint in the mix right now to help keep her hand flat in these early stages. The doctor wants us to avoid showering and bathing, but at some point, she needs to get clean. Same kid broke her wrist a few years ago, so at some point (very soon) we are going to resort to bathing her that way.


Your poor daughter! OMG. :(

Not all dogs work out well in every household. Any vet would back that up. I fully realize that the decision is not an easy one, but there will be another pet more suitable for you and your children, in the future.


Well-Known Member
Your poor daughter! OMG. :(

Not all dogs work out well in every household. Any vet would back that up. I fully realize that the decision is not an easy one, but there will be another pet more suitable for you and your children, in the future.

Thank you!

Yes, I had an uncle (was in his 90s) who passed last year who was a vet. One of his sons made sure to step in and note what his dad's feelings would have been on the matter. It's difficult, but just trying to focus on healing.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to sleep in, but I got myself out walking both days this weekend. 4.15 miles on Saturday and 4.75 miles on Sunday. I wasn't really up for it either day, but I got myself out there. Today, I even got up for the gym. I biked for an hour and did some arms before logging into work. It was a long weekend of softball, and we have some more tonight, but I've seen such a shift in the kids' mental health since they've started getting out to play. Well, in the case of the younger one this week...cheer.

Speaking of, I think we're all in a better place now with the dog situation. The reality is that she had issues from the start. I was reminded the other day of how she even tried attacking the vet when we first got her and usually tried to bite someone in the vet's office and boarding on pretty much every visit. My younger one's wounds seem to be healing really well and Voodoo actually appears to be happier without her. I was expecting some dog grief, but I think she's loving life without Cookie.

Oh, I also took a funny little video on Sunday. I was watching and recording a little area of the lake that was just crazy with fish, when a party crasher broke things up.


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