working out for Disney


Well-Known Member
Weight is still showing at plateau. I guess it's better than gain, but I've already cut some things that I thought might be potential problems. I hate making things too complicated, but I may go back to weighing food and counting calories to help keep myself honest. It may also just be that I've lost enough that I need to cut a bit of my caloric intake and change up my workout a bit more. We have a free weekend (FINALLY), so I'll have more time to experiment in the gym. Still really digging the new machine, but I had to order some special grease for it because I don't think the manufacturer greased it enough.

Side note- think I came up with a cake theme for my dad. Over the summer, he made California and salmon rolls for the kids. I think one big roll would be a relatively easy cake. So, just picture one of these in cake form. Still debating about flavored cake with mocha buttercream was one of his past faves, but I also made a maple whiskey buttercream with my Christmas cupcakes that might be fun to expand on.


Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Weight is still showing at plateau. I guess it's better than gain, but I've already cut some things that I thought might be potential problems. I hate making things too complicated, but I may go back to weighing food and counting calories to help keep myself honest. It may also just be that I've lost enough that I need to cut a bit of my caloric intake and change up my workout a bit more. We have a free weekend (FINALLY), so I'll have more time to experiment in the gym. Still really digging the new machine, but I had to order some special grease for it because I don't think the manufacturer greased it enough.

Side note- think I came up with a cake theme for my dad. Over the summer, he made California and salmon rolls for the kids. I think one big roll would be a relatively easy cake. So, just picture one of these in cake form. Still debating about flavored cake with mocha buttercream was one of his past faves, but I also made a maple whiskey buttercream with my Christmas cupcakes that might be fun to expand on.


Sometimes eating a bit more helps jump start weight loss again. I am resigned to the reality that I will always need to track and measure. I hit my goal using Weight Watchers nearly two years ago and I still pay for the online/app subscription. I still count points and weigh myself once a week. It is worth it to me.

That is such a cute idea for a cake, I'd love to see the finished product. The coffee cake/mocha buttercream sounds delicious, not that my vote counts.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes eating a bit more helps jump start weight loss again. I am resigned to the reality that I will always need to track and measure. I hit my goal using Weight Watchers nearly two years ago and I still pay for the online/app subscription. I still count points and weigh myself once a week. It is worth it to me.

That is such a cute idea for a cake, I'd love to see the finished product. The coffee cake/mocha buttercream sounds delicious, not that my vote counts.

I've never done WW, but I know a number of people who really like it and have had lasting success. I'm weighing myself weekly since that's the only way to know if I've been a bit too good to myself, but tracking and measuring is my next nutritional step in this process. I've done it before, but I get kind of neurotic over it I need to find a happy medium with it so that I use it as a tool vs. an obsession point. I lost my old food scale in the move, but I have a new one arriving on Monday.

It's one of my favorite cake flavors I've done over the years. I use a really strong coffee as well as coffee grounds for the cake and then the buttercream is my standard chocolate buttercream recipe where I've replaced about 1/4 of the cocoa powder with instant coffee. Not sure if I want to fill it with the buttercream or if I want to come up with a complimentary filling. Cookie butter or Dulce De Leche would be good flavor fits, but I can no longer eat either one. Then again, I might be able to make a non-dairy mousse with whiskey that could be a good compliment to the other flavors. Decisions :)


Premium Member
I'm weighing myself weekly since that's the only way to know if I've been a bit too good to myself, but tracking and measuring is my next nutritional step in this process. I've done it before, but I get kind of neurotic over it I need to find a happy medium with it so that I use it as a tool vs. an obsession point.

Everyone's body is different -- yours is at a plateau in weight loss. That may not be so bad. And the scale is a good tool, but only one part of the overall picture. As long as you're not gaining, it sounds like you're doing very well--based upon what you've shared about your progress to date. Congratulations. :)


Well-Known Member
Everyone's body is different -- yours is at a plateau in weight loss. That may not be so bad. And the scale is a good tool, but only one part of the overall picture. As long as you're not gaining, it sounds like you're doing very well--based upon what you've shared about your progress to date. Congratulations. :)

You are so right! My friend also keeps reminding me that shrinking inches and muscle gain is surely part of this equation, but that I should also be working on my stress levels and sleep.


Well-Known Member
It was a bit of a cardio-heavy day. I walked for 2.35 mi to start (13.38 pace), biked about 15.75 miles, and got in 15 minutes on the new climbing machine. That thing is a BEAST! But...that's a good thing. I was pretty beat, but also put in a decent ab workout with the exercise ball. I was too tired to use the 12s for my arms, but got in a few sets of reps for triceps, back and shoulders with the 8s. Ready for a nap! 😂


Well-Known Member
The Crock Pot sort of attacked me the other day. I was putting away that stew that I'd made, lost my grip...and ultimately, the whole thing went crashing to the ground (after cracking the fridge cold cuts drawer, smashing into my hand and then my thigh). My friend has been pushing me towards an Instant Pot even before all of this because he thought it might be easier to make healthy things quickly with my busy schedule. Going to give it a whirl for dinner tonight...


I guess if I really like it, it might help me fine tune things with the eating part of this health equation too...and the girly side of me is happy it matches the kitchen better than the hideous red crock pot. Not that red is hideous, but I've never had a red theme in any of my kitchens, yet my MIL picked red when gifting it to me.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
The Crock Pot sort of attacked me the other day. I was putting away that stew that I'd made, lost my grip...and ultimately, the whole thing went crashing to the ground (after cracking the fridge cold cuts drawer, smashing into my hand and then my thigh). My friend has been pushing me towards an Instant Pot even before all of this because he thought it might be easier to make healthy things quickly with my busy schedule. Going to give it a whirl for dinner tonight...


I guess if I really like it, it might help me fine tune things with the eating part of this health equation too...and the girly side of me is happy it matches the kitchen better than the hideous red crock pot. Not that red is hideous, but I've never had a red theme in any of my kitchens, yet my MIL picked red when gifting it to me.

I hope you like it. I use mine at least once a week. I make Bolognese sauce in mine for lasagna, chili, soups, curries, etc. I have had mine for a few years now. I love it.
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Sans Souci

Well-Known Member

Yesterday was a rest day and today I did some hiit cardio. I was going to go for a walk, but it is damp and unpleasant outside.

I watched A Star Is Born last night...and unpopular opinion, I don't think it was that great. I am not understanding all of the hullabaloo surrounding it. Is it because Lady Gaga is in it? It wasn't awful by any means, it just didn't live up to the hype for me. The first half was really good, then it fell apart for me.

I made a loaf of brioche per my son's request. :)



Premium Member
The Crock Pot sort of attacked me the other day. I was putting away that stew that I'd made, lost my grip...and ultimately, the whole thing went crashing to the ground (after cracking the fridge cold cuts drawer, smashing into my hand and then my thigh). My friend has been pushing me towards an Instant Pot even before all of this because he thought it might be easier to make healthy things quickly with my busy schedule. Going to give it a whirl for dinner tonight...


I guess if I really like it, it might help me fine tune things with the eating part of this health equation too...and the girly side of me is happy it matches the kitchen better than the hideous red crock pot. Not that red is hideous, but I've never had a red theme in any of my kitchens, yet my MIL picked red when gifting it to me.

Oh, sorry that the crock pot fell on you!! I'm always dropping stuff in the kitchen, too. 🤦

I have an Instant Pot and have used it maybe 6 times. If you're not used to one of these, do take your time to read the directions about how to use it safely and efficiently.

Also, keep in mind that a number of recipes call for some browning at first (chicken, for example), and then the actual pressure cooking of the (entire) recipe following. Plus, you'll need to build in some extra time to allow for the pressure to build up in the pot. I mention this because it adds time your preparation from start to finish for a meal. I remember the first few times I used mine, dinner was a good 30-45 minutes later than I had expected it to be. ;) I kept forgetting that it would take extra time for the pressure to build up.


Well-Known Member
I hope you like it. I use mine at least once a week. I make Bolognese sauce in mine for lasagna, chili, soups, curries, etc. I have had mine for a few years now. I love it.

One of my good Italian friends loves his for "gravy." If I were still eating cheese, I'd be all over it for mac & cheese. I figure it'll take me a while to learn, but hoping I can make good use of it.


Yesterday was a rest day and today I did some hiit cardio. I was going to go for a walk, but it is damp and unpleasant outside.

I watched A Star Is Born last night...and unpopular opinion, I don't think it was that great. I am not understanding all of the hullabaloo surrounding it. Is it because Lady Gaga is in it? It wasn't awful by any means, it just didn't live up to the hype for me. The first half was really good, then it fell apart for me.

I made a loaf of brioche per my son's request. :)

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My friend recommended hiit for when we're traveling and are someplace with no fitness center.

Part of me really wants to see it, but there's that part of me is just fine with being happy with the Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand movies. I mean, I really like Gaga music, but I didn't love her acting in American Horror Story and not sure it's worth my time.

The brioche looks AMAZING!!!

Oh, sorry that the crock pot fell on you!! I'm always dropping stuff in the kitchen, too. 🤦

I have an Instant Pot and have used it maybe 6 times. If you're not used to one of these, do take your time to read the directions about how to use it safely and efficiently.

Also, keep in mind that a number of recipes call for some browning at first (chicken, for example), and then the actual pressure cooking of the (entire) recipe following. Plus, you'll need to build in some extra time to allow for the pressure to build up in the pot. I mention this because it adds time your preparation from start to finish for a meal. I remember the first few times I used mine, dinner was a good 30-45 minutes later than I had expected it to be. ;) I kept forgetting that it would take extra time for the pressure to build up.

Yeah...I'm really not comfortable with it just yet, but I have to start somewhere and I think I may be using it correctly. I went over the directions and did some trouble shooting, but I'll see in about 30 minutes! I see what you mean about the extra time. My first dish is an attempt at Instant Pot Banh Mi style pork. I had to use the saute feature first before going into pressure cooking/meat setting. Instead of doing bread, I was inspired by Pho, so after the meat cooks, I've gotta get the noodles and veggies in, which I'm hoping go quickly. They're Thai rice noodles so they need less time. Who am I's going to be a late dinner! 🤣

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
First dish was a success...and I used the Instant Pot in three different ways for it, so I think that in itself is an accomplishment.


This looks delicious 😍. Do you have a recipe? I love SE Asian food.The first thing I made in mine was brown rice. I was a bit intimated when I first got it.

Here is a website that I use that has many delicious recipes, in case you're on the look out for more recipes.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning-

I am in with a 50 minute yoga practice. I'd like to get out for a walk, but we're under a high wind warning. I'll see how I feel as the day progresses.

I decided to go down to WDW on Wed. I found a cheap fare on Frontier (which is the airline that didn't interview me. :cautious:) and I have an AP. I am hoping AA doesn't contact me for a video interview while I am gone. You have 5 days upon receiving the email to film your interview. I really don't want to do it in a hotel room. I don't want to put my life on pause for an interview that may or may not happen, either. I'll bring a blazer, blouse, etc, just in case. But I'd most likely cut the trip short and come home.


Well-Known Member
This looks delicious 😍. Do you have a recipe? I love SE Asian food.The first thing I made in mine was brown rice. I was a bit intimated when I first got it.

Here is a website that I use that has many delicious recipes, in case you're on the look out for more recipes.

I figure, I have I might as well see what she can do, but I'm also a bit of a mad scientist at times in the kitchen. Ex. that time I tried making avocado pound cake with bacon brie buttercream. 🤢 I couldn't find an exact recipe for what I had in mind, but I can tell you what I did and what I'd do differently if I were to try it again.

I started with a recipe for Banh Mi style pork. It called for the loin, but I didn't like the prices, so I went with a combo of boneless pork ribs and shoulder meat. I coated the pork in Chinese Five Spice, Salt and Black Pepper, and then sauteed it in the pot in a tablespoon or so of olive oil until I had a decent sear. Once seared, I turned it off and added about a cup of water, a cup of rice wine vinegar, and the juice of 5 limes to the pork and let it cook on the meat setting for 60 minutes. In hindsight, I should have added garlic and ginger to the mix. One recipe I saw called for soy sauce, but I still don't believe that flavor belonged in this mix.

Once the meat was done, I removed it from the pot (leaving the juices still in the pot), but added in a package of Thai rice noodles as well as some julienne cut cucumber, chopped green onions, and sliced radishes. I cooked those on the soup setting for 10 minutes. In hindsight, I should have just left the veggies out and put fresh veggies over the pasta...but my older one disagrees and really liked the flavors the radishes picked up by cooking them. So maybe I'd do a combo of fresh for the crunch/texture and cooked for the boosted flavors next time.

Once done, I added the noodles and veggies to plates, topped with the pork (which I'd pulled and removed the fat at that point), and topped with some fresh cilantro and pickled well as some pickled jalapenos on the side.

Thanks! I'll have to check it out. I could see myself using this quite a bit, assuming I don't have any issues with the sealing ring. I know they are completely different things, but it reminds me of the pain in the butt gaskets that go on my kids' Thermos Funtainers. Those gaskets are why I only use them once a week...if that!

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
I figure, I have I might as well see what she can do, but I'm also a bit of a mad scientist at times in the kitchen. Ex. that time I tried making avocado pound cake with bacon brie buttercream. 🤢 I couldn't find an exact recipe for what I had in mind, but I can tell you what I did and what I'd do differently if I were to try it again.

I started with a recipe for Banh Mi style pork. It called for the loin, but I didn't like the prices, so I went with a combo of boneless pork ribs and shoulder meat. I coated the pork in Chinese Five Spice, Salt and Black Pepper, and then sauteed it in the pot in a tablespoon or so of olive oil until I had a decent sear. Once seared, I turned it off and added about a cup of water, a cup of rice wine vinegar, and the juice of 5 limes to the pork and let it cook on the meat setting for 60 minutes. In hindsight, I should have added garlic and ginger to the mix. One recipe I saw called for soy sauce, but I still don't believe that flavor belonged in this mix.

Once the meat was done, I removed it from the pot (leaving the juices still in the pot), but added in a package of Thai rice noodles as well as some julienne cut cucumber, chopped green onions, and sliced radishes. I cooked those on the soup setting for 10 minutes. In hindsight, I should have just left the veggies out and put fresh veggies over the pasta...but my older one disagrees and really liked the flavors the radishes picked up by cooking them. So maybe I'd do a combo of fresh for the crunch/texture and cooked for the boosted flavors next time.

Once done, I added the noodles and veggies to plates, topped with the pork (which I'd pulled and removed the fat at that point), and topped with some fresh cilantro and pickled well as some pickled jalapenos on the side.

Thanks! I'll have to check it out. I could see myself using this quite a bit, assuming I don't have any issues with the sealing ring. I know they are completely different things, but it reminds me of the pain in the butt gaskets that go on my kids' Thermos Funtainers. Those gaskets are why I only use them once a week...if that!

Thanks. I am going to try that next week. I always buy the loins at Costco and keep them in a freezer. You get 2 packs and there are 2 to a pack.

I have a spare sealing ring that I originally bought to make cheesecake (but I haven't). I am still using the one that came with it. So far it's been three years. But I have one at the ready when that ring gives up the ghost.

Sans Souci

Well-Known Member
Good morning 🌞

I did a lower body hiit/strength training you tube video. It was a sweaty one. 😵

I am hoping to get out for a walk, since it's not insanely windy today. I am doing some packing and making sure I have everything I need to travel.

I am thinking of stopping the weight lifting and intense workouts. I enjoy them, but I feel puffy and ravenously hungry since I started them a month ago.


Premium Member
Original Poster
Weight is still showing at plateau. I guess it's better than gain, but I've already cut some things that I thought might be potential problems. I hate making things too complicated, but I may go back to weighing food and counting calories to help keep myself honest. It may also just be that I've lost enough that I need to cut a bit of my caloric intake and change up my workout a bit more. We have a free weekend (FINALLY), so I'll have more time to experiment in the gym. Still really digging the new machine, but I had to order some special grease for it because I don't think the manufacturer greased it enough.

Side note- think I came up with a cake theme for my dad. Over the summer, he made California and salmon rolls for the kids. I think one big roll would be a relatively easy cake. So, just picture one of these in cake form. Still debating about flavored cake with mocha buttercream was one of his past faves, but I also made a maple whiskey buttercream with my Christmas cupcakes that might be fun to expand on.

That's such a cute idea for a cake! btw how your clothes fit may be a better indacator

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