Hi guys! Been a hard couple of days!! Our cat started acting sluggish on Friday. She stopped eating a lot, not drinking water, and generally just lying around sleeping. She just ate spoonfuls of food at a time. And one week ago, she was running around acting like a healthy, two year old cat. We took her to the vet. She has been doing so well since Dec when we took her for her last visit. She has lost 11 ounces since then. We were shocked! She has always been a little cat. She weighs normally just under 6 lbs. which is little for 15 years old. The vet couldn't find anything physically wrong. She did blood tests and started her on subcutaneous fluids instead of an iv which would mean staying overnight. We thought it best to prevent further stress. We stopped her normal food gave her tuna all day yesterday and she ate all of it. Even drank some water. She looked much better today. Her only sibling has thyroid problems so we were thinking that may be it.
So, the vet called back this morning. She is concerned about her kidneys. Her white blood cell count is high. Her thyroid levels were high. So we started antibiotics once a day to take care of any infection in her kidneys. We are taking her back Sat. morning to get some more subcutaneous fluids in her. This may be ongoing for a week or so depending on how she bounces back. Also, the vet mentioned a special food diet that we will talk about with her on Saturday. I really hope if we do this, Chloe eats it. She is finicky about food.
I got back around 12 with the pill and crushed it and added it to her tuna. She ate it all!! Yayyy for small miracles.
Anyway, I may not be on awhile because this is very hard for me
She is my baby! I don't imagine life without her. So, I will update you as soon as I can. Thanks for listening!