Yeah, our school became kind of a dumping ground for any staff that wasn't doing a good job. Our district consisted of our town of 1200 people, and the next town over, 40 miles away, with I think around 15,000. We had one elementary school and one jr. sr. high school....there were around 250 kids in the jr sr high. Gillette had 2 junior high schools, one high school, and I don't know how many elementary schools.....probably around 10? Anyway, whenever a teacher or administrater was not up to snuff, they would send them to our town where they wouldn't have as many students. So we tended to get some pretty bad teachers. And since teacher pay is horrible, and Wyoming is not the most desirable place to live , it was already hard to attract good teachers in the first place. When our high school first opened, somewhere around 1986 I think?, our school district had some of the highest paid teachers in the state, and it was pretty competitive, so we had some pretty good teachers to start with, and a few of them were still around by the time I graduated. My English teacher was great...well, the one I had for most years. We did get one my sophomore year who didn't make it more than the one year before she ran away screaming. (She literally had a breakdown and walked out in tears because some kids stood up to her) She was horrible. She had been teaching in Florida at a school where she said they let the guard dogs out at 4pm and they had metal detectors the kids had to go through to get into the school. She said she had been a drill seargent in the military before she started teaching, so we'd better behave ourselves. She told us the first day that she was always right, we were always wrong, not to dispute her. She sent a boy in my class to the principal's office because he raised his hand when she asked if there were any questions and he said he didn't understand the thing we were working on....I think it was maybe symbolism. She gave me a zero on homework that I turned in, because I was in speech and debate and had a tournament and was missing class on Friday. The school rule was that if you were going to miss class for an activity, you had to get the assignments you were going to miss before you left and turn them in on time. So I went and asked for the homework, she didn't have the planning done, so she wrote down some exercises on a post-it and handed it to me. I did those exercizes, and when I turned them in, she told me it was the wrong assignment and gave me a zero. I showed her the post-it, in HER handwriting, with those exercises on it, but she said she wouldn't have made that mistake. Even my mom went in to talk to her about it, and she refused to give me credit for the assignment I did, and wouldn't let me do the correct one, because it would be past due. So I just had to take a zero on it, because SHE screwed up. One day, in the other Sophomore English class, she called one my friend Nikki spoiled for some reason, and my best friend stood up and said "SHE is not spoiled!! She has 4 brothers and sisters! Her parents can't afford to spoil her! -I- am spoiled! See my new shoes?" and she held out her foot. The teacher ran out of the room sobbing and didn't come back for a few days. She decided that our school was too intense for her after that year and decided to look elsewhere. My class seemed to have that effect on bad teachers. There were a few who didn't make it more than a year or so, and they cited my class for being a major reason for leaving. And I's rural's not like we had a bunch of hardened criminals in our school. My classmates just tended to be really mouthy, and not particularly motivated or hard-working. But we got the other town's reject teachers and then apparently made them miserable.
They may just decide to tear that whole block down like they did the SoLow, I don't know. I haven't seen anything since a couple of days after it happened, so I'm not sure what they are doing about it. But I feel bad for all the businesses that can't open now. And it's really sad for the book store, because this week is National Book Week, and they were supposed to have a bunch of things for that, like author signings, readings, etc, and now they can't. And I can only imagine that most of their inventory is trashed from water damage and/or smoke damage. I can't imagine many books survived.