Wondering why it has been so long since we have heard a Star Wars 7-8-9 rumor....


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Original Poster
Have no fear. Trilogy 3 in 3D rumor drives the Internet crazy today.


Lucasfilm of course denies all.

My thoughts -

Lucas will not touch this insurance police for at least five to ten years. Clone Wars has finally brought in the right kind of money. Merchandising for preteen boys. Yeah, the movies bring in the cash, but ILM, Lucasfilm, Skywalker Sound, and all else related to the Ranch wa built on the crazy $$$ from merchandising. Ask Yogurt the Wise. His cut on Star Wars products is so much higher than any other franchise that nobody will ever give up the royalties that Lucas gets paid ever again.

So, I plan to fully ignore these rumors until Star Wars live action gets CRAZY rating the first week, drops by 75% in four weeks, and never sees a third season of the planned 100 episode series. By then the Clone Wars will be worn out, and Lucas may play the trump card.

Lucas knows that the prequel trilogy did more long term damage than it needed to, and fears Star Wars turning out like Terminator, where nobody wants to buy the rights because the franchise is dead. He cannot let Star Wars end up right back where it was in the late 80s and early 90s before Zahn and Dark Empire brought it back from the dead.

Do not underestimate Star Tours II also carrying the lightsaber a few years as well.

I call bogus for at least five years for an announcement -- not a release, but an announcement of a new Trilogy. I would expect closer to 10 years though.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Way back back in the day when Episode 1 was still in production a rumor surfaced, and from what I remember it was confirmed, that Lucas arts employees signed NDA's concerning episode 7-9. However, Lucas has always vehemently denied that he would make anything past Episode 6. According to him The saga was about the rise fall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker and that story is complete. This rumor will always be on my believe it when I see it pile right next to monorail expansion. It has been talked about since the 80's, some even claim that rough drafts of scripts were written (Hidden Circle, Republic in Crisis were the supposed working title for Episodes 7 and 8), Blah, Blah, Blah.

Personally I would love to see the Heir to the Empire series written by Zahn made into Episode 7-9 providing they could get the entire original cast to return of course. If that can't happen and GL does expand to go past Episodes 1-6 I would hope that he would either go way forward past the Yuuzhan Vong or way back to the Knights of the Old Republic era or at most tell the story of Palpatine.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member

*still wants 7-9*

Is there a specific story you want to see told in a third trilogy, or do you just miss having Star Wars on the screen? :drevil:

I could do without more flicks personally. Eps. 1-3 were OK, but didn't increase my appreciation for the franchise any. To me, the whole Anakin backstory was sort of "The Hobbit" of the franchise, and didn't need three films to tell.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Is there a specific story you want to see told in a third trilogy, or do you just miss having Star Wars on the screen? :drevil:

I could do without more flicks personally. Eps. 1-3 were OK, but didn't increase my appreciation for the franchise any. To me, the whole Anakin backstory was sort of "The Hobbit" of the franchise, and didn't need three films to tell.
Both! :lol:

I would love to see "old" Luke, Han and Leah...And their kids. :D


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I want Star Wars Legacy.

Cade Skywalker (several greats) grandson of Anakin is a Jedi Sith hybrid that makes his own rules and can bring back the dead. He hates just about everybody. Never finished training. And kicks .

What we need is the big answer that has haunted the Star Wars Universe since 1999.

Shmi Skywalker is knocked up by the force???? How???? Why???? Why is the force strong in this family.

We never got the answer. The Force didn't just pick some random chick to score with, did it? This needs to be answered by 7-8-9.


7,8,9......not gonna happen. Not even in 3-d.
Lucasfilm shot it down via Aint It Cool.

Maybe....OG trilogy in 3-d in a few years.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
7,8,9......not gonna happen. Not even in 3-d.
Lucasfilm shot it down via Aint It Cool.

Maybe....OG trilogy in 3-d in a few years.:shrug:

Yeah, Lucasfilm shot down a rumor that they were no where near releasing even if it were true.

AICN's debunk is as unreliable as the rumor. What would you expect Lucasfilm to say "ya sure got us"???

Quint's pompus post is way too full of itself to be concidered creditable.

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