Withdrawals from the World!


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Sometimes finding a non-Disney hobby helps. Like for a while I will follow a running plan and get really into running. Then for a while I will work on my photography(however hoping that my pics will be better on vacation). Right now I am going to school and although we have a trip planned, school really occupies my mind.

All that being said, having something to occupy your mind really helps!

I am going back to school so I hope that helps me take my mind off of it. I'm sure it will. Thanks.


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It's a burden we all share. Many would laugh at how we feel, but they will never understand how we feel about the place. We plan for so long for our trips and in a blink of an eye they're over. Then we hope to plan again. There are some books out there that are fun to read, and talking to others who think like we do is always nice. I always thought it would be nice if you could get a good group of Disney addicts for a once a month get together to just talk Disney, that that would really help pass the time between trips.

I totally agree on the part you said about how we plan for so long and than it is over so quick.


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I have withdrawals the next morning!

In fact, I even got a little depressed when we arrived at MCO and I saw the last glimpse of the Disney store or people carrying baloons. It flat out sucks, period. We have a six flags here, Cape Cod, coast of Maine... all are pretty fun but they are aspects of a good time, you always have a way of finding a fault or comparing back to the world. Trust me, it's one of the strangest things I have ever experienced. There is a part of my brain that says "dan, it's just Disney why are you getting so upset?" but at the end of the day Disney offers (for me IMHO) just an overall AMAZING experience. It's hard to explain, but the fact that I don't have to drive for certain amount of days puts me in that other world experience.

I dread the moment when we get our Magical Express envelope in our room. When we are there and in the moment and I walk down the hall and I see other Magical Express envelopes hanging on doors and think "I bet they are upset they are leaving tomorrow" and I dread the day the envelope is hanging on my door or in my room. I walk in the room and scream "NOOOOO...it's not time to go yet?!" WE just got here!!!!

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