Wishes or Illuminations?


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I was wondering everyones opinion on their favorite firework show. Yes Fantasmic is an amazing show also, if you go to Disney Word its a MUST see, but this thread is for the argument of Wishes vs Illuminations. Is there anyone who doesn't like either? hmmm


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I think wishes will be more popular because its more Disney but illuminations is a great show its my prefernce I recommend everyone see illuminations its really really good


New Member
I could watch Reflections of Earth every night and not get tired of it. Wishes is fine, but it just doesn't compare to Reflections for me. And Fantasmic! at Disney World is a show I bother with only once every 7 years or so. If I'm going to watch Fantasmic!, I'm going to watch it at Disneyland...where it isn't 90% mist screens. Like Reflections, I could watch Disneyland's Fantasmic! all the time. And while I'm comparing Disneyland to Disney World, Remember...Dreams Come True is a much better fireworks show that Wishes. It's basically Wishes on massive steroids.


Well-Known Member
Wishes is my favorite by far! For some reason I get very emotional (sounds corny but, true) while watching Wishes. IMHO Illuminations is just too loud almost obnoxious to my ears.


I prefer Illuminations. It's just such a cool venue for a fireworks show, with the World Showcase, being around the fireworks instead of watching from afar... it's just the total package. Personally, one of my favorite parts of the show is when the narrator "blows" the torches out. It's such an awesome effect that would only work at Epcot.

I love Wishes too. I'd never knock it.


Well-Known Member
Illuminations: Reflections of Earth will win every time for me, I could watch it every day of the year and it would never get old for me, the music gives me goose bumps all over my arms and legs.


Active Member
I could watch Reflections of Earth every night and not get tired of it. Wishes is fine, but it just doesn't compare to Reflections for me. And Fantasmic! at Disney World is a show I bother with only once every 7 years or so. If I'm going to watch Fantasmic!, I'm going to watch it at Disneyland...where it isn't 90% mist screens. Like Reflections, I could watch Disneyland's Fantasmic! all the time. And while I'm comparing Disneyland to Disney World, Remember...Dreams Come True is a much better fireworks show that Wishes. It's basically Wishes on massive steroids.

Agreed. I thought Wishes was "it" until a couple months ago. I saw Remember.......unbelievable. I don't get Illuminations, although, it is a much more technically impressive show..


Wishes: with the awesome background like the castle and the awesome music, Wishes is an instant win for me!

Illuminations: Reflections of Earth: it has awesome firework show with the structure in the middle, but does not compare to Wishes' background and music :)

by the way, could we get a poll going? i just wanna see what fireworks shows wins in a poll.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
IllumiNations:Reflections of Earth by far.It's very emotional and really is one amazing show,visually,emotionally and musically.

Wishes is in a very close second.I like the altitude the shots have and the various effects they have.


Well-Known Member
wishes will win everytime.

i love everything about it -the music, the atmosphere, the fireworks, the park its in lol, etc.

i have the soundtrack and when im listenin to it i still get goosebumps just like i do when im in the park.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Wishes can bring tears to my eyes, Illuminations is good, but doesn't have that effect on me.

I agree with you DisneyJoe. While Illuminatins RoE is an amazing production, I just don't get teary eyed watching it. Wishes! on the other hand has made me cry each time I've watched it. I get goosebumps from listening to the soundtrack and think it projects true 'Disney Magic'.

Just my opinion though. There's really no right or wrong answer. :D


Well-Known Member
Another vote for ROE. I will fully admit though that I am extremely biased...my first trip was to WDW in 2000 while the Millennium Celebration was going on and the whole idea of the people of the world coming together to unite and celebrate still brings tears to my eyes. Gavin Greenaway's (sp?) musical score is absolutely phenomenal from start to finish. While the show may be reflecting it's age, the ideology it stands for and the way it is presented is breathtaking. I wouldn't miss it for anything.

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