Will I have enough time to get to Epcot?


Active Member
We have b'fast ressies at 10am at Epcot. Just made a ressie for the Bibbibi Bobbidi Boutique at the Castle at 8:40am that same morning. We got the least expensive package of hair and makeup. The CM told me that it would take 20 - 40 minutes. So assuming that they're not running late, we could be done by 9:20am, does that leave us enough time to leave the MK and ride over to Epcot?


Active Member
Yes. If you are out at 9:20 give yourself about 10 minutes to get to the monorail station. Monorail trip to the TTC and transfer to EPCOT about 20 minutes which leaves 10 minutes to get to the restaurant. If you are late, its not a big deal. They are usually very flexable.
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slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Why not see if you can push your reservations back, even 10-15 minutes? Unless 10 is the latest they seat for breakfast. I agree that, barring any major unforeseen circumstances, you'd probably make it, but it won't be a relaxing trip, you'll kind of have to haul a$$ and since you just had a beauty parlor appointment, why run around immediately afterwards if it could possibly be at all helped?
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Premium Member
We have b'fast ressies at 10am at Epcot. Just made a ressie for the Bibbibi Bobbidi Boutique at the Castle at 8:40am that same morning. We got the least expensive package of hair and makeup. The CM told me that it would take 20 - 40 minutes. So assuming that they're not running late, we could be done by 9:20am, does that leave us enough time to leave the MK and ride over to Epcot?

How are you getting between the parks? Driving or Monorail?

I think you'll be cutting it close but doable. Just remember, its quite a walk to WS from within the park too! If the appointment takes 20-30mins rather then 40 you might have a little breathing room. Otherwise, I'd be prepared for a 'brisk' walk :)
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New Member
How old is your child, and can they handle rushing from one location to the other, especially through Epcot?

Bus service to DTD can be a bit slow in the mornings, since there's not a lot of demand. I think we waited about 20-25 minutes for a bus back to ASMovies last year at about 10:45am. We were the only ones waiting to go back to a resort that entire time.

Also, BBB appointments often run late. You have an early appointment, so that should help, but last summer we had the first appointment of the day and they still took us about 10 minutes late.

If they are available at DTD at that hour, I'd say skip the stress and just plan on taking a cab. Then you could enjoy a leisurely stroll through Epcot to your breakfast, and stopping to let everyone gush over your "princess".
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Well-Known Member
One thing I'll throw out there is that you could have one member of your party speed ahead at Epcot to at least check in for your ADR. Once you check in, you still will probably have a 10-15 minute wait for a table. Depending on where and when, most reservations still mean a little bit of a wait after you get to the restaurant. For the Princess Breakfast in Norway we had a 10:30ish ADR and it took 10-15 minutes after that to get called for our table. We employed the above technique a few times when traveling with our 4 year old last month.

Just as an added note - we had one instance were we had ADRs for Mama Melroses at 5ish and due to a horrendous wait for a bus to MGM from AS:Movies (over an hour...it was the only bad bus experience on the trip thankfully), we were late, so I sped ahead and checked us in at around 5:20-5:30. Even though they did not have any walk ups available that night (i.e. they were busy), they still seated us and we had an enjoyable dinner. It does seem that there is some flexibility with the ADRs...although I probably wouldn't push my luck if I had a choice. :D
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We took our DD(4) to BBB at DTD in December. They were running about 30 minutes late and the Fairy Godmother in Training certainly took her time, so it's really hard to tell just how long you will be there. Also, at DTD they had an area set up with a backdrop where she had a "photo shoot" with one of the Photo Pass people. If they have something like this at the Castle location you may want to allocate time for this as well. They took about 20 pictures of our little princess and they are some of my most favorite pictures.
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The photo shoot was on of my daughters favorite memories of BBB. I think you will be so stressed to get to the meal you or she wont enjoy BBB. We have been three times and we have always run later than expected. Have fun!
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We have b'fast ressies at 10am at Epcot. Just made a ressie for the Bibbibi Bobbidi Boutique at the Castle at 8:40am that same morning. We got the least expensive package of hair and makeup. The CM told me that it would take 20 - 40 minutes. So assuming that they're not running late, we could be done by 9:20am, does that leave us enough time to leave the MK and ride over to Epcot?

If your breakfast is in World Showcase, you could always grab a bus from MK to Yacht/Beach/Boardwalk and enter EPCOT from the less crowded International Gateway entrance.

Just a thought :)

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disney magic 06

Well-Known Member
And lets face it, the last thing they will want to do is upset your little princess!

I still think if it were me I'd try to move the time a little, either of the BBB or breakfast.

Have a great time!
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