Will Disneyland USA suffer? ALL Of Disney's Theme Parks Now Closed - Reopening Dates Unknown

Curious Constance

Well-Known Member
I wonder if they'll do a daily parade for them, just to keep the Disneyland CM's employed? 🙂

Back in Anaheim, what would it take for Disneyland to close for a few weeks to a few months? Some sort of government decree, or just a voluntary response to the public panic? Disneyland never closed during the Hong Kong Flu pandemic of 1968-1969, and that killed a million people worldwide, including 34,000 Americans. I relayed my own personal experience with the Hong Kong Flu earlier in this thread. I can fully understand and see demonstrated daily now that this flu has become highly politicized in an election year and fueled by a media frenzy, but if Disneyland hasn't closed previously during very bad flu outbreaks, would they have to do so now due to our current age and Social Media culture? That would seem extremely silly to me, but somehow it wouldn't surprise me.

Back in China, I read an interesting article on Slate.com today. But some interesting statistics on the death rate from this current Coronavirus thus far, although these stats are from the Communist Chinese so should be taken with a grain of salt.

Coronavirus Death Rates in China:
Children Age 0 to 10 Years = 0.0%
Healthy Adults = 0.2%
(remembering that "healthy" in China still smoke regularly and live with polluted air)
Elderly and Chronically Sick = 14.8% (although it's hard to tell if they died because of Coronavirus, or just with Coronavirus in addition to other medical problems)

The article goes on to state that the appearance in Northern California of a Coronavirus patient who had no known contact with a Chinese person or anyone who traveled to China may be a good sign. That is because it's likely this Coronavirus is already circulating widely among Americans this flu season and either they show no symptoms because their immune system fought it off, or they just think they have their annual winter cold or flu and are medicating it themselves after a Target run for some Nyquil and Tylenol and herbal tea (don't forget the Coaxium!).

But I can only wonder at this point what it would take to close Disneyland USA in this current environment of mass hysteria and panic? In the meantime, I'm washing my hands a few times per day and am about to pull the trigger on some stock buying next week to hopefully catch some undervalued stocks on the upside. :cool:

My alter will prevent this from ruining my June trip right?

A Noble Fish

Well-Known Member
Also of interest is that this would be just latest flu to originate in China and spread worldwide. The 1918-19 Flu that killed tens of millions (before the advent of antibiotics and advanced medicines) was brought to North America and on to Europe by a batallion of sick Chinese soldiers sent across Canada by rail before they went on to fight in World War I in France.

The Hong Kong Flu of 1968-69 that became very bad in America in 1969 (but never closed Disneyland) started in... Hong Kong and then was transferred by American servicemen returning from Vietnam.

But all of these Chinese flu pandemics start in the crowded and culturally different cities of China. They live literally stacked on top of each other, eating freshly killed live animals from meat markets, putting whole dead bats in their soup on a Saturday night, smoking a pack of cigarettes per day like it was 1962, breathing horribly dirty air, etc., etc.

Here's beautiful downtown Wuhan, a city of 11 Million people with a population density of 3,200 per square mile...



That type of living environment isn't exactly Irvine, or any other average American suburb. Or even city. The average American suburb has a population density of 1,200 per square mile.
The Coronavirus is NOT the flu (influenza). Stop spreading misinformation. This is disgusting, reprehensible, and shameful because you have spent the better part of this week downplaying its effects, acting as you understand everything about this.

Extraordinary quarantine measures by the Chinese government will not be replicated by republics and democracies.

Let's not make the same mistakes as China and downplay its significance early on. We don't invest enough in the CDC, Health, and Sciences in general and we will bear the consequences if this has the potential to have millions of cases (which everything indicates it can).

No need for immediate alarm, but common sense dictates that we should do everything in our ability to prevent spread as a government and citizens. Misinformation and weaponizing will not help anyone. We will see how the response plays out and if it borders on incompetence (like in China initially), or if we are better prepared.

In this age where opinions are facts, and us vs. them, I'm asking you to just stop.

The United States has an astronomical amount of variables that will play into this, and hospital overcrowding is not being discussed but could become an enormous issue. I don't want to live in a world where there's the potential that millions could die instead of delaying the spread for a vaccine next year. We will only know if cases fall after it spreads before the summertime, and since it is related to SARS, there's a good chance the summer could stifle it, but its easy spread is unnerving and means it could remain here for a while.

What we do know is that it spreads extraordinarily easily and that we must take precautions (not to the extent of a plague, but as the dangerous virus it is). All sensible and logical responses require treating it as serious, inevitable, and not apocalyptic.
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The Coronavirus is NOT the flu (influenza). Stop spreading misinformation. This is disgusting, reprehensible, and shameful because you have spent the better part of this week downplaying its effects, acting as you understand everything about this.

Uh.... okay. You can continue to freak out about it, I'm not telling you you can't do that. Sell your car. Sell your home. Buy an entire pallet of Macaroni & Cheese at Costco! Do it now! Panic! Freak out! It's Coronavirus. We are all going to die within weeks. Or at the very least, maybe get the flu and stay home to get caught up on The Price Is Right.

As for me, I'm going to just wash my hands and use those little disinfectant wipes for the shopping cart at my local Ralph's like I always do, and go about my normal business. But feel free to completely lose your mind over this. Because it is the end of the world.

And then next fall when I get my annual flu shot, it will have the vaccine for Covid-19 included in next winter's flu shot. But I'll still use those little sanitizing wipes for my shopping cart at Ralph's, just because those are kind of fun. :D
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Curious Constance

Well-Known Member
Uh.... okay. You can continue to freak out about it, I'm not telling you you can't do that. Sell your car. Sell your home. Buy an entire pallet of Macaroni & Cheese at Costco! Do it now! Panic! Freak out! It's Coronavirus. We are all going to die within weeks. Or at the very least, maybe get the flu and stay home to get caught up on The Price Is Right.

As for me, I'm going to just wash my hands and use those little disinfectant wipes for the shopping cart at my local Ralph's like I always do, and go about my normal business. But feel free to completely lose your mind over this. Because it is the end of the world.

And then next fall when I get my annual flu shot, it will have the vaccine for Covid-19 included in next winter's flu shot. But I'll still use those little sanitizing wipes for my shopping cart at Ralph's, just because those are kind of fun. :D

I wonder if those little grocery cart wipes do much good? I’m thinking, maybe, it would take about ten minutes for those wipes to kill anything on the cart? By that time, I’ve pushed it up and down 5 aisles. Maybe I’m making this up.


Well-Known Member
Uh.... okay. You can continue to freak out about it, I'm not telling you you can't do that. Sell your car. Sell your home. Buy an entire pallet of Macaroni & Cheese at Costco! Do it now! Panic! Freak out! It's Coronavirus. We are all going to die within weeks. Or at the very least, maybe get the flu and stay home to get caught up on The Price Is Right.

As for me, I'm going to just wash my hands and use those little disinfectant wipes for the shopping cart at my local Ralph's like I always do, and go about my normal business. But feel free to completely lose your mind over this. Because it is the end of the world.

And then next fall when I get my annual flu shot, it will have the vaccine for Covid-19 included in next winter's flu shot. But I'll still use those little sanitizing wipes for my shopping cart at Ralph's, just because those are kind of fun. :D
Supposedly those alcohol wipes increase the chance of surface-born infection since they break down the skin's natural germ barrier but who knows? This goes for alcohol-based hand sanitizer as well.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It's only a matter of time before we're discussing which you're more likely to get at Disneyland. A decent boarding group for RotR, or the Corona virus..

Ha! I already got a decent Boarding Group a few weeks ago, #36 via my AT&T data plan, so statistically that should prevent me from getting the Coronavirus. I'm practically immune! I also still have most of my hair at my advanced age. 😎

Supposedly those alcohol wipes increase the chance of surface-born infection since they break down the skin's natural germ barrier but who knows? This goes for alcohol-based hand sanitizer as well.

To be honest, I don't really think those little shopping cart wipey things do much. But they are fun to use, and are a nice little routine for me on shopping day. And at the Whole Foods in Brea they are lavender scented. 🙂
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A Noble Fish

Well-Known Member
China's pollution and the enormous smoking population there are definitely having an effect, but it would be naive and disgusting to not take this seriously since we do not know how it will act and how it will evolve. It also is worth noting that the weaker people you mentioned are still worth protecting; hopefully, herd immunity will help those people, but it's far too early to tell. The press in general just wants to sell a story, and unless it's smearing someone or factually inaccurate, it doesn't do much harm other than taking away from more important stories. For news to be profitable it has to be entertaining after all.

The reactions are still varied, but it's something we should treat seriously. All reputable news organizations have been fact-based and professional.

I hate to say that it's not a big deal. It is a big deal, but it's not an end-all situation like the doom and gloomers say. It's a situation that must be addressed professionally, logically, and to preserve lives, and so far it has been done like that. I don't watch cable news much, I prefer to read AP News, Reuters, and others, but even from what I have seen, they're not going berzerk. The bigger problem are echo chambers on networks of misleading info, but that's a whole other topic.

Unlike the unsubstantiated panic for Ebola and the Zika Virus (unless you, yourself, traveled to infected regions), Coronavirus has shown an acute ability to spread rapidly and undetected. This isn't Planet of the Apes where everyone dies. It seems that the worst-case scenario is this becomes a yearly occurrence like the flu, but a tenfold more deadly one. If it infects close to as many people even modest estimates could see hundreds of thousands dying here a year. That is not something to play around with. We spend so much money a year on government programs like Medicaid and Defense, but relatively little on science and infrastructure that will help in situations like these. That has to change.

Fortunately, it seems to be more related to SARS than coronavirus in that it may not mutate as quickly as the flu. Without China's lockdowns, this would have exploded, and democracies cannot have lockdowns to that extent. China is underreporting its numbers just like they do with their debt and other areas. I disdain conspiracy theories like the ones emerging about the Coronavirus' origins, but we cannot trust China's numbers. South Korea is a better example of how this virus will play out over the short term.

No point to attack millennials, every generation has their own baggage, but the people overly freaking out are just that: people overly freaking out. I'm not even a millennial, but it's silly to have talking points like that when the fears are cross-generational, and primarily amongst older people who fall for phishing emails, and don't rationalize, but that would be mean to say wouldn't it? Like when they fell for that caravan that was dangerous...

It's a tricky situation, with a lot of uncertainty. What's key is that we band together as the humans we are to take this on in a non-alarmist, fact-based, intelligent manner. Government funding for vaccine research, prevention measures, supplies, medical staff, and other good government policy is how you tackle this as a country to the best of our ability. As a citizen, we avoid gathering, frequently wash our hands (not 5 seconds, but 20 like people always should), telecommute, change business procedures, and kick nail-biting habits.

A large concern is our limited hospital capacity (I don't see us building hospitals in 10 days), and the risk that people stay home and brush it off as nothing if they cannot afford healthcare. Fortunately the at-risk elderly are supplemented with Medicare, but there are many people who are unemployed without health insurance or employed with awful coverage. There's also the paid leave situation in the US that would damper containment in a dire situation. What I am saying is every country has its unique strengths and weaknesses, and we don't know for sure until it happens here. We need to get the message out that if you have this you must quarantine and receive treatment if necessary.

I predicted the stock market crash this week, but so many people tried to rationalize the irrational: that it couldn't happen, and now people are rationalizing paranoia. People are so predictable in the ways they move with emotions and not logic. There might be a slight rebound but it will go lower as soon as Asian and to a lesser extent US stocks reveal abysmal earnings. Summer will make or break this thing, but I don't see a world where the Tokyo Olympics are not postponed-- it's unlikely it gets canceled outright with the stake Japan has in it.

A bit outside the discussion, but I felt it gives some clarity to my understanding of the situation:
You know, let's also just set something straight for people reading this because I've seen a lot of people blaming politicians for the coronavirus and the economy, and for what they're actually responsible for. This isn't a political affront to people, but more so just a discussion of how things work. Unless a President has great longterm economic policies, his/her effect on the economy is extraordinarily negligible. Bad policies short and longterm like those that exasperated the Great Recession and Depression are the outliers and that's why they fell so hard, but it's naive to place blame solely on a President for routine economic recessions and growth periods. High oil prices etc. that could affect economies are not fully their fault, but over the longterm, it does matter what foreign policy and economic structures/investments are made since being energy-dependent is in itself bad policy which can affect economic health. Anyway...

Effective governing is pragmatic governing with good monetary and fiscal policy that understands how the world operates and is therefore what helps get the most out of economies. With the Coronavirus, people should not blame leaders, unless the response itself is weak or they were lied to (ex. Iran). If people just thought rationally and took the time to research they'll find that systems work differently than they imagined instead of being blinded by ideology, conspiracy theories, or instead fears (or lack of thereof) of a pandemic. However, if an official goal is to cut everything in government or expand everything they're both equally ideological and don't actually understand how to handle a scenario like this. This is why I'm frustrated with the reactions so far to the coronavirus because it already seems like people are taking stances instead of thinking clearly. It's not something to lose sleep over, but at the same time, effective approaches are absolutely essential to better this country and as a human.

We'll find out next year to what extent this will be, but it's not an insignificant number of lives, and frankly, your point actually makes a case that other diseases should be better researched and not just cast-off as merely a fact of life. Car crashes, suicides, shootings, diseases should all get far more attention. Wouldn't it be a great world if everyone thought through things rationally?
Uh.... okay. You can continue to freak out about it, I'm not telling you you can't do that. Sell your car. Sell your home. Buy a pallet of Macaroni & Cheese at Costco! Do it now! Panic! Freak out! It's Coronavirus. We are all going to die within weeks.

As for me, I'm going to just wash my hands and use those little disinfectant wipes for the shopping cart at my local Ralph's, and go about my normal business. But feel free to completely lose your mind over this and obey anything CNN tells you to do. Because it is the end of the world.
Stop this madness, what would you like? Zero response? The government has a responsibility to govern and act in our interests, and it is in our best interest to support its efforts to carry out prevention for public health so long as it does not become akin to martial law (and no, there are not any indications that there will be martial law). I'm not defending or condoning an irrational fraction of the public, but you don't even understand that you're as bad as them denying it as an issue at all.
@The Mom, can we please stop the further spread of misinformation?

And for your irrational CNN rebuttal that I never even mentioned (you're doing a beautiful misdirection, aren't ya?), Fox News was going ballistic over the Ebola Virus and saying the response was incompetent for a disease that was very hard to spread in sanitary conditions. Ebola was not found in major trading partners, and it had no chance of spreading in the United States with the proper containment they had. You can read any scholarly article, not from echo chambers, and you'd find the consensus is that it's a big deal, but not the end of the world. No consensus has reached what you are describing. This proves that you have partisan motives behind this and have no interest in the objective facts for this situation, or any other if it suits an ideological need. This isn't even about politics, it's about the truth. I never watch cable news for commentary, I read articles, cross-examine, and learn to comprehend the world around me. Occasionally it means I'm wrong, but if you don't even know how things actually work (ex. government systems, biology, logical thinking), then you will deny facts as you are. This is asinine.

And so you know, I'm an ER doctor who knows far more about biology, pathogens, and American healthcare than you, but that doesn't give you an excuse to spread misinformation, or me and excuse to not exercise diligent authority over what I write. We have the internet in 2020, use it to live in an echo chamber, or use it to learn legitimate knowledge. Let me guess, evolution is a hoax too? Subjectivity is the human way to logically reason based upon a groundwork of facts, and if you think those facts are subjective, you are wildly mistaken. Ideologies don't actually operate in the real world.

And I put my money where my mouth is. I sold a lot of my stocks a few weeks ago and saved thousands in anticipation of the Coronavirus as I began understanding its effects not only on global supply chains but its impossible containment. Markets panic and ignore recession indicators irrationally, but a correction/recession was overdue anyway with debt levels and interest rates, and poor longterm policy. We shouldn't halt the economy, but lives should always be the priority (logically, morally, and it's in the Constitution), and much of it seems like out of our control.

We must delay its spread so we gain further perspective on the illness, supply resources, save lives, and get closer to the vaccine. That's a rational response and is the one we seem to be taking, albeit delayed. Withhold judgment unless you know what you're talking about. Technically this statement is an opinion but it's corroborated by facts, that led to a logical conclusion based upon how systems and illness actually work.

I'm literally gasping about this right now. Telling myself this isn't what I'm hearing. Be in whatever reality you want but don't in as so much spread conspiracies and false information. Stop calling it influenza, and stop acting like you command authority with misleading talking points. You have no interest in finding the truth.

Internet forums are great for discussion, and sometimes even arguing, but we can all learn things, and it's inappropriate to spread false information.

I haven't spent a minute sweating this because it's going to be okay. It's not the human apocalypse, but as it is spreading throughout the United States, I will be taking proper precautions for myself, my family, and my fellow citizens. This isn't a time to divide. I see your point on sensationalism, but you are vastly overestimating your knowledge of the situation, and using to fuel an equally dangerous and factually false nonchalant approach.
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A Noble Fish

Well-Known Member
Wow. This turned into a fun Friday night!
Stop acting like a sly politician. Liking my comment, snarkily responding back, misdirecting the conversation, avoiding legitimate facts, and more are all just an act to divert attention away from me calling you out, and you have zero evidence to actually counter my arguments and the facts I have presented.

I don't care what you or anyone else believes, but don't in any way shape or form, contribute to misinformation about this disease, or how to effectively respond to it. You have an ideology that has shaped your worldview like an anti-vaxxer, and there's no amount of facts I or anyone else can present to change your mind short of when it happens.

I can't reiterate enough that the people going into DEFCON 3 and the deniers of the issue are both equally acting like petulant children and neither is the reality we have. I'm simply iterating the facts and iterating what an effective government response looks like. Kind of reminds me of the whole climate thing...

I'm not wasting my time responding to any more of this fabricated nonsense. Hopefully, the mods on this forum have rules against outright disinformation.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
And so you know, I'm an ER doctor who knows far more about biology, pathogens, and American healthcare than you, but that doesn't give you an excuse to spread misinformation, or me and excuse to not exercise diligent authority over what I write.

Your profile here says you were born January 30th, 1998 and are currently 22 years old. But I'll just assume that was a typo and you were actually born in 1978 and are 42 years old and an ER doctor.

That said, I'm still much older than you and have lived through a whole bunch of bad flu winters and illnesses.

Have I ever told you all about the time 15 years ago when I ate bad Bratwurst at Oktoberfest at the Phoenix Club in Anaheim and got horrible food poisoning?!? It was hell! I was in bed for a week and I literally thought I was going to die. The only good part was that I lost almost 10 pounds, but by the time I could leave the house it was already November and the t-shirt and shorts season was over and no one could admire my weight loss. :(

That said, I do appreciate your passion around this health topic. I am being flippant and jokey, I fully admit. But maybe that's just because I've seen a lot and this media frenzy about Coronavirus just seems stupid. Maybe I'm wrong, only time will tell. But if this really is the Virus X that kills a million Americans over the next six months, I will come back here and apologize. If I'm not dead.

Until then, AVOID THE BRATWURST AT THE PHOENIX CLUB! https://www.thephoenixclub.com/oktoberfest-2019-phoenix-club/
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Meanwhile, in Anaheim, USA Today linked in the Coronavirus with today's debut of the Magic Happens parade. Our intrepid reporter stood "shoulder to shoulder" with a hundred potentially infected strangers to bring us this report on the new parade...

I haven't spent a minute sweating this because it's going to be okay.

Your posts would suggest otherwise..You've been pretty dramatic, including "gasping" and requesting the madness to stop..
If I were a doctor I would still be more concerned with the amount of sodium and saturated fat in a turkey leg. No statistics to back this claim, but Im guessing those things have killed millions!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
If I were a doctor I would still be more concerned with the amount of sodium and saturated fat in a turkey leg. No statistics to back this claim, but Im guessing those things have killed millions!

That's hysterical. :D

And in all the decades I have been going to Disneyland, did you know that I have never had one of those turkey legs? Not because I dislike turkey. But there's something that just seems so uncouth and unattractive about an older man chomping on a giant turkey leg in public. I think younger folks can get away with it, sometimes. But me? No thanks.
That's hysterical. :D

And in all the decades I have been going to Disneyland, did you know that I have never had one of those turkey legs? Not because I dislike turkey. But there's something that just seems so uncouth and unattractive about an older man chomping on a giant turkey leg in public. I think younger folks can get away with it, sometimes. But me? No thanks.

I'm not old, but not as young as some. I honestly don't remember turkey legs being a thing prior to around 2005. Either way they are over brined, over salted and really not that great. There's a reason why we have KFC and not KFT.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'm not old, but not as young as some. I honestly don't remember turkey legs being a thing prior to around 2005. Either way they are over brined, over salted and really not that great. There's a reason why we have KFC and not KFT.

I think the turkey legs did show up around the 50th, as a matter of fact. I will continue to avoid them. But about twice a year I get a craving and do drive down the hill to the Kentucky Fried Chicken on Tustin Avenue for a 3 piece meal, Original Recipe. And it's divine.
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A Noble Fish

Well-Known Member
Your profile says you were born January 30th, 1998 and are currently 22 years old. But I'll just assume that was a typo and you were actually born in 1978 and are 42 years old and an ER doctor.

That said, I'm still way older than you and have lived through a whole bunch of bad flu winters and illnesses.

Have I ever told you all about the time 15 years ago when I ate bad Bratwurst at Oktoberfest at the Phoenix Club in Anaheim and got horrible food poisoning?!? It was hell! I was in bed for a week and I literally thought I was going to die. The only good part was that I lost about 10 pounds, but by the time I could leave the house it was already November and the t-shirt and shorts season was over and no one could admire my weight loss.

That said, I do appreciate your passion around this health topic. I am being flippant and jokey, I full admit. But maybe that's just because I've seen a lot and this media frenzy about Coronavirus just seems stupid. Maybe I'm wrong, only time will tell. But if this really is the Virus X that kills a million Americans over the next six months, I will come back here and apologize.

Until then, AVOID THE BRATWURST AT THE PHOENIX CLUB! https://www.thephoenixclub.com/oktoberfest-2019-phoenix-club/
What a gorgeous misdirection. Please counter any of the facts I said that aren't true, or why the response portion of my subjective argument is not a good idea based on these facts because I'd love to learn if I'm wrong. Why on Earth would anyone put their birthday online?

I'm sorry if I sound overly aggressive, but it's almost 3 am here on the east coast, and I'm exhausted. It's also frustrating to see what you're writing on the subject. I didn't sense any sarcasm in your posts whatsoever. Sensationalism or complacency are not the logical answers here. A million Americans are exceedingly unlikely to die over the next months, but I'd suspect that millions have the potential to contract it without quarantines/school cancellations/changes in our behavior, in the upcoming months. It's an unpredictable, unknown, quickly spreading coronavirus and effective measures and our current understanding are needed to slow its progress for public health.

None of this changes, however, how you've repeatedly dismissed facts, spoken with false statements, and keep misdirecting my statements to dismiss a legitimate, fact-based discussion. Just apologize and move on.

I figure you're a decent person, I don't know. I appreciate your posts about the parks on the forums, but I can't condone this.
Your posts would suggest otherwise..You've been pretty dramatic, including "gasping" and requesting the madness to stop..
If I were a doctor I would still be more concerned with the amount of sodium and saturated fat in a turkey leg. No statistics to back this claim, but Im guessing those things have killed millions!
I don't know how anyone could not gasp when confronted with denial like this. Humans are, as a species, self-aware of our consciousness, but we really don't have the innate ability to be self-aware about a bias, worldview, or a topic unless we want it and/or learn by a means (which we do constantly subconsciously in an effort to 'survive'). Humans are also looking for comfort as social creatures and they can find that through ideology, and they can't grasp their reality if they have been fed misinformation. This works towards everyone with information or especially weaponized propaganda that is subconsciously fed to us and advertisements which is a form of propaganda (though the idea in itself isn't necessarily harmful). Our brains then sort info in a way that allows us to take shortcuts, and it works great for staying alive in life as a caveman or for daily function, but it works poorly to be informed unless you challenge your belief system and the biases that one may have overtime as a result of such a worldview. Abstract thinking is such a cool part of us, but it's impossible to effectively do without trying to comprehend the world better. No one is required to do so, and I am not saying they have to, but please don't spread false information even if it may be thought by them to be right. It is objectively dangerous to public discourse.

Well, it's 3 am now, and I felt the unease wrestling through from my brain to my fingers on the misinformed @TP2000 to iterate my points logically and emotionally. I don't think there's ill-intent, just a misinformed individual.

It's logical to make the assumption that the high sodium levels and saturated fat in turkey legs have impacted individuals, but it alone wouldn't have killed anyone unless it's an outlier or they consumed it in high frequency. It along with a healthy diet and genetics would determine a person's fate. Well, at least that's what science suggests. Some pure chance too...

The bottom line is we don't know what will happen in the future for anything in life, but we CAN and DO make reasonable assumptions using logic (and rigorous proofing accepting legitimate criticism) based on factual evidence. You're an eloquent writer, but one that instead of using that gift to help uses it to (rightly or wrongly) flat out lie. Please be a bigger person and rethink how you came to spread fake news like the COVID-19 is the flu and how it's pointless to have a response at all 'because reasons'...
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