will any new ride replace body wars any time soon?


New Member
Original Poster
The pavillion with Body Wars is usually always closed and i was wondering if they would build something there. after all, that pavillion wasn't very popular and imo body wars wasn't that good of a ride. Does anybody know if maybe for the 25th anniversary of epcot they will announce something. because i think EPCOT really needs some more rides.


Active Member
Well the pavilion is pretty much closed down... i doubt it will open back up but i have seen some rumors on here that it will...


Well-Known Member
My best guess is that we're going to get the Nemo ride up, the SSE rehab finished, possibly a new soarin film if the rumors are correct on that and then nothing for a while aside from the possible changes to imagination we keep hearing about. After a bit of time and a new sponsor we'll probably get a new pavilion in the wonders of life area.

There really needs to be something good over there because that whole side of the park just feels so barren, and it's even going to be worse once the nemo ride is up.


Well-Known Member
The fact that UoE isn't very popular makes it even worse. That entire back corner in Future World East is entirely empty these days. I hope after they finish with TLS and do some work on SSE that they will turn their attention to this neglected area and insert a new pavillion and breath some new life into the area. It will definately help balance out the crowd flow, cause as of right now its pretty much focused mostly at M:S, TT, and Soarin.


Well-Known Member
PurpleDragon said:
The fact that UoE isn't very popular makes it even worse. That entire back corner in Future World East is entirely empty these days. I hope after they finish with TLS and do some work on SSE that they will turn their attention to this neglected area and insert a new pavillion and breath some new life into the area. It will definately help balance out the crowd flow, cause as of right now its pretty much focused mostly at M:S, TT, and Soarin.

I love the Universe of Energy. That 45 minute indoor attraction is great for getting in out of the heat, cooling off and relaxing for a while. While I would hate to see any of that section of the park go, I would especially hate to see Ellen's Energy Adventure go.

But that Body Wars attraction probably won't be there for much longer, whether we like it or not. The actor that plays in that video is much older now. Last time I saw him in a movie, he had alot more gray hair, so that gives some indication of how old that attraction is.


Body Wars seemed to be a bit more "violent" in its movements comepared to Star Tours. It was fun to go on but I would always end up with a sore neck after riding it.


Well-Known Member
I never got to ride Body Wars. This year was my first trip back to the park in ages. The last time I was at Epcot, we had Universe of Energy (pre-ellen), World of Motion, Horizons, the main thing in the land was Living With The Land, and Body Wars was being constructed and supposed to be open later that year. Then I come this year and WoL was down. So it looks like I missed seeing this attraction by about a year either way.

I certainly don't plan on having layoffs from the parks like that again.


New Member
wasn't there rumours that some sort of robocoaster type ride was going to be put in there.
some sort of spiderman/robocoaster/centilevered coaster design i read somewhere on here.
just a hunch.

i hated BW, i always came off it with a really sore neck that lasted throughout the rest of the day,i for one am glad it has been taken out or shut down for seasonal use or whatever disney have done with it.

i would like some sort of a dark coaster put in there nothing too extreme,just some thing along the lines of "revenge of the mummy" at universal or a smaller EE type ride.
ive always liked the coasters that are like that,start of slow stopping and starting before tearing off around a cool coaster track.

but hey that just me,what about everyone else?.


New Member
Original Poster
imo we should get that pavillion mentioned in project gemini. wasnt supposed to become a weather pavillion with a roller coster through a rainforest. Correct me if im wrong. but that sound so cool.


New Member
It is just so disheartening to see such wasted space sit there unused. A good attraction for this pavilion would be the Epcot Demolition Ball Derby, presented by Caterpillar. It would fit perfectly into Epcot's philosophy of discovery in that you can see how buildings get torn down and replaced. You can pilot your own demolition crew to help put WoL out of its misery and get replaced by an attraction that will actually be open year-round.


Well-Known Member
epcotfreak1224 said:
imo we should get that pavillion mentioned in project gemini. wasnt supposed to become a weather pavillion with a roller coster through a rainforest. Correct me if im wrong. but that sound so cool.

Thos are two separate ideas. The Rainforest Roller coaster was going by the land. Wonders of Life was perhaps going to go to Weather, but it was never guaranteed. At this point, it's sponsorhip that is the problem. I personally would love DOW or another chemical company to buy it, open an updated "Adventure through Inner Space" (like Spiderman) and a slower darkride for the family.


New Member
OmegaKnight said:
It is just so disheartening to see such wasted space sit there unused. A good attraction for this pavilion would be the Epcot Demolition Ball Derby, presented by Caterpillar. It would fit perfectly into Epcot's philosophy of discovery in that you can see how buildings get torn down and replaced. You can pilot your own demolition crew to help put WoL out of its misery and get replaced by an attraction that will actually be open year-round.

They already have this in Innoventions. It's an obnoxious display where you can raise a hammer and bang it into the screen of a TV, or bang on metal drums. There's nothing innovative about destruction.
Frankly, I don't believe Wonders of Life would be wasted space if they'd maybe give the interior a slight update and re-open it until they finally decide what they're doing with it. While not my favorite attraction, I have no problem with Body Wars (it's about a thousand times less jerky than, say Universal's Back to the Future. Talk about whiplash), and I - unlike many, I guess - truly loved Cranium Command and The Making of Me. Goofy about Health was a nice little show, too. I wish I had the opportunity to check all of these out one last time. But then, I wish that about Horizons, World of Motion, and the original Journey Into Imagination too.


Well-Known Member
I will always think of the WoL as being the best pavilion ever at Epcot. It had something for everyone. Body Wars is still probably my favorite Epcot thrill ride, Cranium Command was a fantastic show, and The Making of Me was extremely underrated. And there was a playground that wasn't just for little kids. It was something that everyone could participate in. Also don't forget the best area loop in WDW history, IMO.

Last December I spent quite a few hours in there knowing they would be my last. Definitely the highlight of the trip.

I really hope something goes in there in the future, after the other parks get some more work done on them.


New Member
Rio de Tiempo

I remember hearing a while back that Rio de Tiempo inside the Mexico Pavilion was going to be rethemed to the Three Caballeros. Has anyone heard more on this or if this was just a rumor??? It was supposed to happen prior to the 25th Anniversary for EC.


New Member
I really hope that any redesign of this pavilion does not change the overall orientation of it. While I love Future World, I think that the Health pavilion was an important, personal pavilion. People can connect to ideas about the body and healthy living because it relates directly to them in a way that automotive proving grounds and space travel and even experimental greenhouses do not, IMO. I haven't been on Body Wars in over a decade, but when I get a splinter, I usually think of that ride!

Plus, with the current health craze/crisis, it's a very relevant idea. I think the whole pavilion would need to be overhauled to bring it forward from the awful aerobics 80s. BW has been far surpassed by other rides in the park, and the other attractions should be updated, too. But I'd like to see the focus remain on health.

Maybe that's just me, though.


Well-Known Member
Plutoboy said:
I remember hearing a while back that Rio de Tiempo inside the Mexico Pavilion was going to be rethemed to the Three Caballeros. Has anyone heard more on this or if this was just a rumor??? It was supposed to happen prior to the 25th Anniversary for EC.

I hope not! :cry:


Active Member
Damm... the only thing i remember about epcot was body wars - :( and now its shut... *sniffle* oh well onwards and upwars so to speak...

Would be nice if they had something similar to body wars - even a walk through exhibit taking you to different parts of the body (and also interacting with the member of the public....) Not too disimilar to what they had at the millenium dome :)

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