Wilderness Lodge pool rehab 9/3/2014- 11/27/2014 .. should avoid or no?


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Original Poster
Friend of mine was thinking of going to the Wilderness Lodge during the Rehab coming up and was asking what I thought.

Anyone know the extent of this rehab? One of the great things about the lodge is the fantastic views and woods ambiance you get looking out your balcony.. but looking out to a bunch of contraction walls and hearing construction etc would absolutely be pretty disappointing. I keep having visions of how the poly looked and sounded on my recent trip.. if you closed your eyes on the beach it sounded like a new york construction site.

Do you think the lodge will have walls around its main pool and lots of construction noises or do you think its just some type of extreme pool cleaning where the sights and sounds would still be mostly intact.

If it was you.. would you still choose a lake/courtyard view or try for a woods view instead to avoid having a construction site as your view.

Or.. would you just save a bunch of cash and hit the pop century while the lodge is under repair.


Well-Known Member
When are you traveling? Do you plan on using the pool? For me, one of the best parts of the WL is the courtyard with the waterfalls, streams and pool. If you didn't enjoy the Poly during their pool construction, chances are you'll feel the same about the WL. What about Animal Kingdom Lodge?


Well-Known Member
Ok so for starters, I love your avatar. On DH and my first trip together I felt sick after riding Star Tours not too long after eating so we went to hang in our room for a bit after a gruelingly long bus ride. We laid in bed and watched TV for a bit and an Appliance Direct commercial came on. My husband made some hilarious off color jokes and I laughed to the point of tears and felt so much better.

Aaaaanywho, honestly if I were you in that position I'd change hotels if possible. I HATE HATE HATE construction sounds and if it's going to be loud and obnoxious to me that's not a part of that nice relaxing resort feel I so crave. I'm not sure if they'd only be working during the day when you'd be at the parks or how far away room wise you could get from noise. I can't imagine they'd work during the night-that's just wrong. But yeah I'd research and look elsewhere. That's just my feeling. Happy choosing!


New Member
I was booked at WL. Taking the kids and grandkids. WL is our home away from home. BUT, decided to change to AKL. We actually saved a few bucks.


Well-Known Member
It depends how much the construction would bother you, and how much you're planning on using the pool.

We'll be travelling with a 3 year old, so having an accessible pool is a biggie (I know that guests staying at WL during construction are allowed to use the pool at CR, but didn't fancy schlepping all the way there and back, every time we wanted a quick dip). I've never stayed at WL before and to be honest, I didn't want my impression of it to be noise and construction, after wanting to stay there for so long. So, we switched to BC and will save WL for another trip, when it will be the peaceful & beautiful resort that we've heard so much about!

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