Wii will start a Revolution


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
I doubt they would base their entire system off something that doesn't work.

Not saying it won't work (maybe a bad analogy), but what I'm saying is that I think people will get tired of it very fast.

Again I could be TOTALLY wrong. Just my opinion.


New Member
I like the Revolution ( I still call it that.. Wii is just... ) because of the controller. I like the idea of actually swordfighting, instead of pressing buttons. It could help obesity problems.....


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
I like the Revolution ( I still call it that.. Wii is just... ) because of the controller. I like the idea of actually swordfighting, instead of pressing buttons. It could help obesity problems.....

And that idea does NOTHING for me. I just see myself getting frustrated at reacting to something that isn't physically there.

But it would be neat if it works better than I'm giving it credit for and if I try it and like it, I'll be the first to admit it and say I was wrong.


it could, but I doubt it. Hand the kid a DDR pad, or better yet, put down the controller and go for a run everyday. I play games 9 hours a day and yet I still go to the gym and work. Swinging a sword with your forearms isn't going to give someone the excersize that is required in a day to stay fit. Eye Toy or DDR are two different stories, they focus on whole body interaction.


Well-Known Member
Another thing that knocks out the Wii for me is no Grand Theft Auto. No GTA = No sale for me. And I don't think sports games will go real well with the motion controller. And if you use the Wii's normal configuration controller, you've basically got a suped up Game Cube (which I hated).

It's not like I'm rooting against the Wii or anything either. I like Nintendo and I was a Nintendo 64 guy over the Playstation. But I just think that Sony has the best product now and for the future, gives the best bells and whistles, and has the best controller (by a mile).


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Another thing that knocks out the Wii for me is no Grand Theft Auto. No GTA = No sale for me. And I don't think sports games will go real well with the motion controller. And if you use the Wii's normal configuration controller, you've basically got a suped up Game Cube (which I hated).

It's not like I'm rooting against the Wii or anything either. I like Nintendo and I was a Nintendo 64 guy over the Playstation. But I just think that Sony has the best product now and for the future, gives the best bells and whistles, and has the best controller (by a mile).

I have to disagree here, the xbox controller is so much better than the ps2 and with the new ps3 it looks totally off. Nintendo is going to change everything with this system, i guarantee it. Sony has a fan base, they will never flop but its like they don't care what kind of games they make. They turn out complete garbage on a mass scale and come out with a handfull of quality games, GTA, GT, and Kingdom hearts. I bought a playstation sold it in a week, never owned a ps2 because i can wait for the GTA games to come out for my xbox and i wont buy a ps3 because between my PC and buying the 360 and the wii there will be enough to keep me more than happy.


New Member
bhg469 said:
I have to disagree here, the xbox controller is so much better than the ps2 and with the new ps3 it looks totally off. Nintendo is going to change everything with this system, i guarantee it. Sony has a fan base, they will never flop but its like they don't care what kind of games they make. They turn out complete garbage on a mass scale and come out with a handfull of quality games, GTA, GT, and Kingdom hearts. I bought a playstation sold it in a week, never owned a ps2 because i can wait for the GTA games to come out for my xbox and i wont buy a ps3 because between my PC and buying the 360 and the wii there will be enough to keep me more than happy.
Exactly. I am NOT paying 500 bucks for KH....


I for one can't wait for the Wii. I have a 360, which I love, and The Wii will complete my thirst for gaming, cuz I can get all the classics on it. I'm really excited to get all the old Nintendo games, plus all the sool games that will be possible on the Wii. I used to be a Sony guy, but they pushed me away towards the end of the PS2 and the unveiling of the PS3. They seem only to care about graphics and little about gameplay. All the PS3 titles I've seen so far look so boring, save MGS 3. They look so bland, a worn out. Plus GTA come sout on the 360 at the same time. Yea the Blue-Ray looks cool, but I have 50 DVDs, which I don't feel like converting to new ones. Plus remember when they said UMDs were going to be all the rage when the PSP came out? How well is that doing compared to the DS?:lol:


Again, the titles you may prefer are different, I'm talking about mass sale games. I'm not refferring to preferences, personal or otherwise, I'm going on tried and true facts. UMD discs are selling VERY well, their variety of titles ranging from music videos to movies to full seasons of shows are proving to be worth while to Sony. They are currently working on a way to transfer your UMD & PSP viewing to a TV, so that no matter where you go you have a portable DVD system. This is ideal for A: People like myself who have to travel quite alot and B: People who prefer not to buy a DVD and a UMD.

Secondly, the gaming industry in sales leaves Sony at top, Microsoft in second, and Nintendo in third. Their dwindling sales with the Gameboy Micro and anniversary editions were based off of mediocre sales in the gaming industry on the DS. True the DS has a wide range of games, but many gamers found it's design to be of poor quality when compared to a PSP, which has gotten a 9-10/10 rating from every company and magazine to review it. The PSP is not a kids toy, it is a convenient portable entertainment system, with many consumers in the age range of 5-50. (again more of an age range= more sales.)

Just because a title looks boring or not in your genre of gameplay does NOT mean it won't sell. PS3 recieved a stunning amount of support from E3, and it's game titles are being praised for their FMV quality gameplay, and strong title series. This whole time I've listed facts and actualy data taken from E3, from my friends who have been there and from the industries that reviewed it. So far I've yet to see hardly any factual evidence that things will change, other than a few complaints over price (which is ridiculous, as I have over and over again explained how the PS3 is almost 2 times as expensive to make than what it is selling for, which is the same as a 360, but with free HDD internet service) and a few opinions on title preferences.

I've made my arguments, I haven't been biased, I have been true to fact. I'm a stubborn girl, but I'm done listing these things so people won't take them into account. If someone else were to make an argument that honestly and factually seemed feasable that Nintendo would sell enough to revive itself and jump back up to Microsoft and Sony's level I'd glady accept that. But I'm a member of the Gamer Advisory Panel, I own every game system that has been out since before I was even born, I play PC games up to 100% completion and end-game content, and I have friends who support and work in the industry of each gaming system. Bottom line, Sony will make it's sales, Microsoft will maintain a steady position, and Nintendo will hang on to it's position as third in the industry. History is known to repeat itself, and it will. make all arguments you want from here on out, I'll wait unil November 17th when the worldwide launch is soldout in a matter of hours to make my point clear.


Well-Known Member
BTW, I have no support for the PSP and I knew the UMD movies wouldn't catch on. But I still have faith in the PS3 and Blu Ray.


Ansem said:
Secondly, the gaming industry in sales leaves Sony at top, Microsoft in second, and Nintendo in third. Their dwindling sales with the Gameboy Micro and anniversary editions were based off of mediocre sales in the gaming industry on the DS. True the DS has a wide range of games, but many gamers found it's design to be of poor quality when compared to a PSP, which has gotten a 9-10/10 rating from every company and magazine to review it. The PSP is not a kids toy, it is a convenient portable entertainment system, with many consumers in the age range of 5-50. (again more of an age range= more sales.)

Just because a title looks boring or not in your genre of gameplay does NOT mean it won't sell. PS3 recieved a stunning amount of support from E3, and it's game titles are being praised for their FMV quality gameplay, and strong title series. This whole time I've listed facts and actualy data taken from E3, from my friends who have been there and from the industries that reviewed it. So far I've yet to see hardly any factual evidence that things will change, other than a few complaints over price (which is ridiculous, as I have over and over again explained how the PS3 is almost 2 times as expensive to make than what it is selling for, which is the same as a 360, but with free HDD internet service) and a few opinions on title preferences.

1. Yea the Gameboy Micro was a horrible idea, doesn't really suprise me that no one bought it. Buuut, I'm pretty sure the DS has had more units sold than the PSP. I understand that analists like the PSP better, but it's all about the games, and the DS has good more good ones than the PSP. Granted there are good ones for PSP, just not as many. That orange blod game looks cool, I'm not sure what it's called though, looks like the next Katamari in my opinion.

2. It's not that I don't like the genres of the games, I just don't like the games. I play any type of game that is has a good story/gameplay, and I just don't see that with the PS3 titles so far, except for MGS3 and that game that is set during WWII era, but is about aliens instead(idn what it's called, but it's made by the people who made Ratchet and Clank). I personally see them as a graphics . They seem to only care about how their games look, and not how they play. I guess you're hearing different things from E3, too. Everything I've seen/read points to a luke warm reception for the PS3.

And don't get me wrong, the PS3 is going to be one awesome piece of hard ware. Great graphics and the blue-ray MIGHT be cool. It will definately sell out at launch, but really that's to be expected. Supply won't meet with demand, and there will be people waiting longer for one. I still think the price will hurt it, though. Not that it isn't worth 600, I mean technically it's worth much more. It's just I don't think parents will be willing to drop 600 on a system for junior, when they can get a 360 and 4 games for the same price. And I'm personally skeptical about Sony's games. Sony will win this round of the console wars I think, but that's only because Microsoft is clueless on what to do in Japan.


Well-Known Member
Watching the IGN Weekly, it seems that pretty much all the editors said that Wii stole the show, with a few of them saying they were skeptical about how the controller would work in real-life, and one saying "I couldn't believe it, but the controller works. It really works [...] I really loved Wario Ware, as it forced you to use the controller in as many ways as possible..."


Well-Known Member
I read that and it did sound good for Nintendo. I'm still skeptical about how this would work for sports games, other than tennis or ping pong or something like that.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the article. I'm still just not interested in playing my football games that way. Maybe that will change once I try it though.


Well-Known Member
I can appreciate what Nintendo is trying to do and I like the fact they are trying something different. But I just don't think this will appeal to the average gamers nearly as much as the X-Box or PS3 will, much like the GameCube.

One thing that I think should be said is, I think there is enough room for all 3 companies. Each has their loyal fanbase and I don't think any of these systems will completely flop.


dxwwf3 said:
I read that and it did sound good for Nintendo. I'm still skeptical about how this would work for sports games, other than tennis or ping pong or something like that.

Yea I'm not to into the Wii sports, but that's what my 360 is for. :D


Well-Known Member
When looking at the systems, for me:

PS3 + Blu Ray Player > X-Box 360 + Wii

And that's basically how I'm looking at it, especially when it comes to the price.


dxwwf3 said:
When looking at the systems, for me:

PS3 + Blu Ray Player > X-Box 360 + Wii

And that's basically how I'm looking at it, especially when it comes to the price.

Yea, where as I'm in it for pure gaming reasons, so it's the opposite for me. To each his own.

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