From the ESPN website...
Disney Sports Complex Rebranded by ESPN
"Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Fla. is being rebranded with the ESPN brand.
Plans are still in the development stage, but initial concepts call for incorporating ESPN elements throughout the 220-acre complex, which is a leading venue for amatuer and professional sports.
"Our involvement in the Disney sports complex will provide greater opportunities for us to connect directly with athletes, coaches and fans in a highly immersive way," George Bodenheimer, president of ESPN Inc. and ABC Sports, and co-chairman of Disney Media Networks said. "Our involvement also provides us with a unique and exciting new media platform that will enable our advertisers and sponsors to reach new customers and bring their products and services to life.''
Nearly two million athletes, coaches and spectators come through the complex each year."
Disney Sports Complex Rebranded by ESPN
"Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, Fla. is being rebranded with the ESPN brand.
Plans are still in the development stage, but initial concepts call for incorporating ESPN elements throughout the 220-acre complex, which is a leading venue for amatuer and professional sports.
"Our involvement in the Disney sports complex will provide greater opportunities for us to connect directly with athletes, coaches and fans in a highly immersive way," George Bodenheimer, president of ESPN Inc. and ABC Sports, and co-chairman of Disney Media Networks said. "Our involvement also provides us with a unique and exciting new media platform that will enable our advertisers and sponsors to reach new customers and bring their products and services to life.''
Nearly two million athletes, coaches and spectators come through the complex each year."