Why is it still called the Enchanted Tiki Room?


New Member
Original Poster
Ok, this is going to miff some people I'm sure... BUT!

I am a Disney regular and go to the parks quite frequently. Since I live in the area, I usually avoid certain rides/attractions in the MK that I don't particularly care for. (I mean, who REALLY stands in line for an hour for the Jungle Cruise?) But I digress...

I have a 2 year old daughter now, and I thought I would take her into the Tiki Room the other day because she likes animals and music. Now admittedly, the Tiki Room is one of those attractions I haven't seen since Reagan was still in office, and I was very aware that the attraction had been changed. But I was absolutely DISGUSTED with what the changes turned out to be.

What in the name of the One-that-the-Nebraska-Senator-is-suing happened to the Tiki Room? Why didn't they just change the name to "Iago's Screamfest"? That would appear to be more appropriate! Mind you, I grew up in the 80's when hair metal was king, and even I was appauled at the sheer volume of the soundtrack. There were several little kids in the show covering their ears with their hands. The volume was awful!!! And why were the Tiki birds even in the show anymore? Iago and the Tiki God were the only memorable characters in the show, and the birds were not the feature anymore.

Mercifully, the show was only a few minutes long. But I must say, that while I miss Mr. Toad, at least Pooh doesn't make me want to kill an animatronic animal!!!!! (Polly want a poisoned animatronic cracker????)

I'm not sure if anyone would miss this show if they were to close it... isn't it time to do some spinoff of a recent Disney movie again and replace a classic attraction? (How often do you hear someone say that???)

Just venting my humble opinion.....


Active Member
Why is it still called the Enchanted Tiki Room?

Because... Believe it or not, the attraction has only been updated and much of the original is left. When Imagineers were debating removing the attraction altogether or updating it, they chose the latter for cost purposes and for fear of another Mr. Toad incident. By updating the attraction with newer, more familiar characters, the show could continue to operate in a form that would appeal to both the purists and the normal guests. All in all, the attraction does satisfy the normal guest and does a good enough job of keeping people in the show for its few minutes.

While I don't particularly love the version we have here, I appreciate the care that went into saving the attraction from the wrecking ball years ago. It could have been worse... We could have had a Pirates overlay of the attraction... I really don't need to hear another French pirate after watching Eric Idle fumble (in yet another role) in the horrible Pirates 4-D movie...

Just my honest opinion (with a little bit of history/fact thrown in)... :wave:


New Member
You must have caught it on a bad day.. Every time I go it is very pleasurable. I remember alot of tiki birds coming out of the ceiling, and even several starting the show off. I hardly remember Iago at all, besides the fact that he ticked off the tiki gods and got locked in a cage. :p I hope you give it another chance! :wave:

Astronaut Jones

New Member
Yeah I can't stand it, being stuck in a room full of singing birds and the antics of Gilbert Gottfried (Iago) frightens me. Although I don't care much if it's removed or not, some people like it I imagine and it doesn't seem large enough to put anything significant in its place.


When I'm at Disneyland, I visit The Enchanted Tiki Room at least once a day.

When I'm at Magic Kingdom, I visit The Enchanted Tiki Room about once a day.

I like the charm of the original more, but I also like the updated version. I must admit, though, that I've noticed that more youngsters seem to get fidgety during the DL show than they do the MK one. So in the long run the update might have been for the best.


Naturally Grumpy
While I'm not crazy about Yago screaming through the new version...if you stay near the exit door for a few minutes while everyone else files out, you will be treated to some rather funny one liners. Just stay there, the CM's will know what you're doing.


While I'm not crazy about Yago screaming through the new version...if you stay near the exit door for a few minutes while everyone else files out, you will be treated to some rather funny one liners. Just stay there, the CM's will know what you're doing.

Oh yes. Since I normally wear a baseball cap, I've heard one line in particular many times. I'm sure you know the one I mean. :ROFLOL:


Active Member
kaylasmom said:
Why is it still called the Enchanted Tiki Room?
It's not.

The name of that attraction is "Enchanted Tiki Room: Under New Management."

The name is different. The new name practically screams with a wink and a nod, if you know what I mean. In addition, if you happen to be in the queue (as opposed to walking right in), you are clued in by the pre-show that it's not your father's Oldsmobile.


Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
Aye the Captain makes the ride....wish I could remember the awesome one we had last time...he put the others to shame with his "witty" timing and jokes....not that you can control who you get but.....tis a hard role to fill!!

I wish the Yago bird would be replaced with another feathered friend and loose that annoying voice altogether....otherwise I think the Tiki Room is SUPER!!!:animwink:


Active Member
But I was absolutely DISGUSTED with what the changes turned out to be.

I agree with you....though I'm not a complete Disney purist, I think the Tiki Room changes are terrible.....Gilbert Gottfried was half-funny in the 80's and early 90's when he was hosting the USA networks weekend movies.....now it's just lame....

my 2 cents....



Active Member
Because... Believe it or not, the attraction has only been updated and much of the original is left. When Imagineers were debating removing the attraction altogether or updating it, they chose the latter for cost purposes and for fear of another Mr. Toad incident. By updating the attraction with newer, more familiar characters, the show could continue to operate in a form that would appeal to both the purists and the normal guests. All in all, the attraction does satisfy the normal guest and does a good enough job of keeping people in the show for its few minutes.

While I don't particularly love the version we have here, I appreciate the care that went into saving the attraction from the wrecking ball years ago. It could have been worse... We could have had a Pirates overlay of the attraction... I really don't need to hear another French pirate after watching Eric Idle fumble (in yet another role) in the horrible Pirates 4-D movie...

Just my honest opinion (with a little bit of history/fact thrown in)... :wave:

Here, here! I agree. :wave:

I love the "Under New Management" show just as much as the classic Tiki show and we all should be more grateful that's still existant in some form at the Magic Kingdom.

Some things have to change and if the WDW Tiki Room had disappeared altogether, many purists would still be blowing a gasket right about now.


New Member
Granted, I never saw the original version (nor have I seen the DL version), but I enjoyed Under New Management. I can see why purists might hate it, but for the average guest the show represents an enjoyable enough few minutes (perhaps too few) in an air-conditioned room. While I don't consider myself an average guest (I know far too much useless trivia about WDW to be called that!), as a BIG fan of WDW as it is today and as someone who had no attachment to the old show, I find it to be a worthy addition to Adventureland.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty cool that we have both versions today though. I'm thankful that I can still watch the original (well mostly original) one at disneyland and enjoy the new one whenever i go to florida. I'm not wild about the newer one but it's still enjoyable.


New Member
I like the new one better- it's funnier and more entertaining.

Also- it's worth it, when everyone is leaving, to hang back and hear the final jokes.



Well-Known Member
Because... Believe it or not, the attraction has only been updated and much of the original is left. When Imagineers were debating removing the attraction altogether or updating it, they chose the latter for cost purposes and for fear of another Mr. Toad incident. By updating the attraction with newer, more familiar characters, the show could continue to operate in a form that would appeal to both the purists and the normal guests.
And Disney learns appealing to purists is a lot harder than they thought :lol: Though I can actually understand why the purists wouldn't like it. Mind you, I think it's still better than bulldozing the whole thing entirely. To tell you the truth, me and other children like me are probably one of the reasons they changed it. I saw the original in '90 and I think it kept my attention for about... 3 minutes. Then I was bored. ^^; However, while I like the new version, I want to shoot whoever keep letting Iago sing ><

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