And then you enter Chester and Hester's Dinorama And your mood just sours.
Every time I'm there I hear a complaint about its tackiness...I get why it's themed that way, but it is very un-Disney-like.
I grew up with Disney (check the signature)...but I didn't go back for a long time, and my short stay in the Mid 2000's we only went to Universal and Hollywood Studios.
So, when I brought the kid in 2010, I didn't know what I was walking in to, and Disney had made a LOT of changes in that time.
What's my point? Looking back at how I viewed it in 2010, as a relitivaly "new" guest, and certainly new to AK (it was my first ever visit there)...I hated Chester and Hesters. On the map, it didn't seem so cheesy and cheap, but when we rounded the corner from the Boneyard, and I saw what is basically...a carnival...with another "spinner" (which my kid loves, by the way) and boardwalk games (a la Six Flags) heart sank.
NOT what I expected from that area.
Oh, and as far as the story, unless you REALLY slow down and pay attention, or you are a member of a forum such as this, you won't get it. AK is full of crap like that. They focused so much on making the story "subtle"...that the story just doesn't come across.
Here's something fun to try...stand in that section of the park and ask random guests if they even know the name of Chester and Hesters...
I suspect most won't. Much less knowing the convoluted back story behind it.
Just, overall...bad show Disney...BAD show!