Why is AK still not operating after Charlie?

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FutureCEO said:
The world is not going to end people, It's just a hurricane. Bad words after a Cat. 4. Just a place. Personal, I think you would show a little bit of compassion for the people in the hurricanes path then a theme park.

What the???? where the heck did this rant come from?? I am taking this attack personally since I started the thread. I hardly think I (or any of the responses implied) was undermining the storm or people's losses! I was simply asking a QUESTION as to the delay and whether there was damage to the park. I know the devastation a storm like this brings to people's lives and think it is a horrible thing to live through. I really think you should take a minute and THINK before you make an acusation like that. :fork:


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However, it really is a trivial matter (which is what I think CEO was getting at).[/QUOTE]

What makes it a trivial matter? Because you know/dont care to know the answer? I was asking a simple question that I was interested in knowing about. There are PLENTY of posts here that I find trivial. If that is the case, I just skip over them and find another thread that interests me.


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Nick said:
OK, here's the story on DAK ...

We were open for normal operating hours yesterday (Sunday). We did not open late, the gates opened at 8:45 like they always do. We were closed for operations on Saturday, so here's that story:

Very early in the morning on Saturday, Dr. Beth (VP of DAK) and all the area managers did a walkthrough assessment of the park. The Oasis was covered in branches and trees, the Savannah was a mess, some of the areas were inaccessible, even the new walkway had all the trees uprooted. By the time they got back, many of the cast members had called in that they wouldn't be able to come including many of the animal programs and horticulture cast. DAK by far had the most damage of the 4 parks and the animals couldn't go out in that kind of mess. It was then they decided to cut their loses and close DAK. They set up a damage control center in the main entrance and got cleanup crews out and working. All cast members who arrived for work were redeployed to the other three parks so you probably saw DAK CMs in the other parks in their DAK costumes.

So that's the story, and I'm sticking to it. DAK still has some debris to clean up, but everything was running smoothly when I arrived to work yesterday. I'm about to head there for some fun today, so we'll see how it goes! :slurp:

Oh, and the EE construction site is justfine. There are no delays. :)

Thank you! A simple answer to my simple question! Your response is much apprecieated! :wave:


Active Member
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Nick said:
OK, here's the story on DAK ...

We were open for normal operating hours yesterday (Sunday). We did not open late, the gates opened at 8:45 like they always do. We were closed for operations on Saturday, so here's that story:

Very early in the morning on Saturday, Dr. Beth (VP of DAK) and all the area managers did a walkthrough assessment of the park. The Oasis was covered in branches and trees, the Savannah was a mess, some of the areas were inaccessible, even the new walkway had all the trees uprooted. By the time they got back, many of the cast members had called in that they wouldn't be able to come including many of the animal programs and horticulture cast. DAK by far had the most damage of the 4 parks and the animals couldn't go out in that kind of mess. It was then they decided to cut their loses and close DAK. They set up a damage control center in the main entrance and got cleanup crews out and working. All cast members who arrived for work were redeployed to the other three parks so you probably saw DAK CMs in the other parks in their DAK costumes.

So that's the story, and I'm sticking to it. DAK still has some debris to clean up, but everything was running smoothly when I arrived to work yesterday. I'm about to head there for some fun today, so we'll see how it goes! :slurp:

Oh, and the EE construction site is justfine. There are no delays. :)

Thank you! A simple answer to my simple question! Your response is much appreciated! :wave:

Pixie Duster

New Member
I have spent 3 days dealing with Charley and all that he did. I come here to talk about WDW, not the hurricane. I am full ready to move on and get back to my world, Walt Disney World. I actually am very anxious to be back to work, even though I am exhausted.

Glad that AK is back. There were many, many reasons for it's delayed opening. And I get to work there tomorrow morning, it will be a nice change from Magic Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Pixie Duster said:
I have spent 3 days dealing with Charley and all that he did. I come here to talk about WDW, not the hurricane. I am full ready to move on and get back to my world, Walt Disney World. I actually am very anxious to be back to work, even though I am exhausted.

Glad that AK is back. There were many, many reasons for it's delayed opening. And I get to work there tomorrow morning, it will be a nice change from Magic Kingdom.

Hey, PixieDuster, you may have answered this before, but what do you do for Disney? Do you normally work at BOTH Animal Kingdom and The Magic Kingdom? Is it normal for them to move you from one park to the other, or is it b/c of the hurricane?

And, FYI, glad you were O.K.

And as for the other "debate" in this thread; I think that this thread was set up just out of a person's curiousity. Which is O.K., and does not lessen their concern. I started the "main thread" for the hurricane, and people have rightly used it as a primary source of info on each other during the hurricane. People have shown tremendous passion there, for friends and family all around Florida (and even to me, after I mentioned my cousin dying for non-related matters). But we have also entertained curious questions there, about the hurricane or Disney or both. But mostly I think that you just need to consider the names of the threads. You will find MOST of the hurricane talk very compassionate, but mostly in the "main hurricane" thread (and a couple other places). Other threads are just about other things. And some are just to get people's minds off it.


Well-Known Member
I heard that the MAIN reason why AK is closed, and will be closed after the other parks opened is the lack of CMs. Yes, there was loads of damage, but that can be delt with in a day. The lack of CMs will have the park closed for a day or two.


StevenT said:
Nothing would be worse than letting people back in to the park only to find out that the tigers found an escape route.

I don't know- I kind of want to say that a lot of people would pay double the regular admission to see that :drevil:

Nick, thanks for the update. Good to know that the animals are ok. Hopefully the guests are being nice about DAK being closed. I read in another thread that the CMs in other areas are having to deal with a lot of ugliness regarding the parks/hotels not being up to the usual Disney standard. (I still can't believe people can really be that bad! Yikes!)


Well-Known Member
It is a shame that people get mad at Disney for things that cannot be controlled. I'm sure that Disney is trying extra hard to get everything back to normal, they probably hate the damage the most. Disney lost a lot of money by keeping Animal Kingdom closed for a day.


New Member
Erika said:
I don't know- I kind of want to say that a lot of people would pay double the regular admission to see that :drevil:

I think you could be right. Do you think they would like to see who could run faster?


Well-Known Member
StevenT said:
I usually I don't like to get involved in arguments against other members but I think everyone has been showing plenty of compassion to those affected by Carley because many of us here, myself included were affected. There is a thread on the ChitChat board and people are asking, and checking to see if they have heard from other members. You have to remember that this is also a Disney board, and while my power was out, while I wondered what happened north of me in Charlotte county, I also wondered the state of Disney. That is just a natural question to ask for any Disney fan.

Everybody wants to know how the happiest place on earth is doing but I do not think that should be people's first thoughts. I don't let Disney control my life like some of you people do. Personally, I would focus on the thousands of people homeless, billions of dollars in home owners damages, lives and dreams lost, personal possessions lost and small business (not large coropations because they can afford to rebuild). Small business sometimes can't afford to rebuild a house and their business. I'm not overly sensitive, I just have my priorities, so shove it.

SO my final question to you is how important is a place compared to a life.


Well-Known Member
Web boards aren't reserved purely for the first things on peoples minds, they're also there for the second, third, fortieth, whatever :).


Well-Known Member
Jeez, I really hate to get involved in all this, but here goes...

Let's think outside of the box. If we had found out that animal kingdom was closed for lack of CMs, we could then assume that those CMs had all had some type of damage or loss to the extent that they could not get in to work. Worse yet, some of them might have even been hurt or killed by the storm, also making them unable to report. If we had found out it was because the animals had been harmed and there were not enough "left" to run the park, that too would have been a horrible tragedy. And, if the damage had been trulty catastrophic in the park, then we would have seen hundreds or thousands of Cast Members possibly out of work for months -- just at a time when they most needed the money from their jobs. Thankfully, we found out that for the most part, the damage there was minor, and it seems that a vast majority of "our people" are OK. In other words -- when we ask about whether Animal Kingdom is up and running, it's not just morbid curiosity -- it also shows compassion on a second level -- worrying about the cast members and the animals. I'll admit that on Saturday, I was scanning the TV for word of any damage at Disney. And I was especially worried about AK, Busch Gardens, Sea World, and Discovery cove, due to the animals inside them that could not "evacuate." But at the same time, I also spent a good portion of the day trying to reach friends and family all along the path (thankfully, they are all OK and with minimal property damage). I might further add that I was truly pleased with the way that WDWmagic forum members started the "is everyone OK" thread to make sure that our fellow members in the path had made it out unscathed.


New Member
FutureCEO said:
Everybody wants to know how the happiest place on earth is doing but I do not think that should be people's first thoughts. I don't let Disney control my life like some of you people do. Personally, I would focus on the thousands of people homeless, billions of dollars in home owners damages, lives and dreams lost, personal possessions lost and small business (not large coropations because they can afford to rebuild). Small business sometimes can't afford to rebuild a house and their business. I'm not overly sensitive, I just have my priorities, so shove it.

SO my final question to you is how important is a place compared to a life.

If you went to a funeral and asked how the family was doing would you say "who cares, they are not the one who died"? Bottom line is, the original poster had a curiosity about AK and asked a question at the best place to find this kind of answer. It does show concern for the people affected. Like someone else said on this post, if you are not interested in answering in a constructive way and are not interested in this post, close it out and move on to the next one. And to say "so shove it", that helps no one, and is not a very Disney like attitude.


Well-Known Member
FutureCEO said:
Everybody wants to know how the happiest place on earth is doing but I do not think that should be people's first thoughts. I don't let Disney control my life like some of you people do. Personally, I would focus on the thousands of people homeless, billions of dollars in home owners damages, lives and dreams lost, personal possessions lost and small business (not large coropations because they can afford to rebuild). Small business sometimes can't afford to rebuild a house and their business. I'm not overly sensitive, I just have my priorities, so shove it.

SO my final question to you is how important is a place compared to a life.

So what are you doing on a Walt Disney World forum discussing Walt Disney World and judging someones question about the state of Walt Disney World?

Good Grief, am I know I'm not the only one who is tired of the hypocrytical attitude of some people here. Instead of belittling others with your holyier than thou attitude how about you act on some of your lofty ambitions.

If you have such a higher purpose and are so much more compationate than us then why are you here? Your accusatory words are in direct contrast to your supposed "focus" on the needs of others.

I love Disney and I like these forums but this thread is just so wrong.


Well-Known Member
Didn't all your mother's teach you: "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" ?

I'm going to leave all of this to tempers being short and frazzled due to Charley. This is a Disney/family site. Now hug and make up. :)


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Unless I've taken a wrong turn, this is still WDWMagic.com. It is a place to discuss all things Disney. Since the original question has been answered (thank you :wave: ) I'm going to close this thread. I don't see any point in continuing this.
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