Why don't people like Test Track??

walts son 1971

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Simple answer people dont like Test track because they are stupid.Most would say Im stupid because I dont like Mission space at no time during the space trip do I feel like laughing.


Well-Known Member
bhg469 said:
id like to take my car in there now that would be fun. and i would defiitely be doing 140 outside . :sohappy: i havent had a chance to push my car yet but i got it up to 125 and i had a whole lot left in 6th gear.
What kind of car are you driving?:confused:

Remind me next time I'm in Buffalo,NY to stay off the roads! Wouldn't want to get in your way.:lookaroun :lol:


New Member
I don't like Test Track becuase the line is consistently long, the attraction is consistently down, and, frankly, it's not a very memorable experience. A trip in a car? Bore-ring. I'd rather ride El Rio de Tiempo hundred times. It's just a more sensory, alluring affair.


Well-Known Member
Disney Allure

I enjoy TT, but I will say it was disappointing. I think it is more that it is lacking the WOW factor for some reason. I agree it should have been made a bit longer (both inside and outside), and I know that had to do with keeping the shell of WoM intact. I really do miss WoM, but I accept replacements if they are done "The Disney Way." TT just feels hollow at times. I am not sure what it is, whether it is too one-dimensional or not grand enough or what. Perhaps it is that you can ride it once and really see 90% of everything detail wise (something not possible in the original attractions). JIIwF has the same feel as does ETRunderNM. I think so much is going into the ride systems now that spending on appearance is gone/missing/pencil whipped. I would argue WoM was a piece of art (as were Horizons, JII, etc.). TT is not a piece of art but could be. Enclosing the track at times, hiding backstage areas, disguising the track line, etc. could all help. Give me a fully immersive experience, not a creation of an experience that should feel immersive.

That's my 2 cents, anyway.


Active Member
It's not really a bad ride. It's no World of Motion (my favorite from the original Future World), and given how little you 'get' it shouldn't have taken so long to get operational, but it's pretty fun. It is, however, a perfect example of a ride system being the entire attraction - what in the show exists for any other reason than to show off the sophisticated conveyance system?

I'll usually hop on it if the wait's not bad. I'll admit that I probably like it more than I know I 'should', a la Malestrom, but it's good and popular and I'd rather have it there than have no ride in the building at all.


New Member
I love TT, but the line is always so long and it is more fun to be able to ride with friends or my husband instead of having to go on the singles line.

When my husband and I were there in May the Fast Passes were gone by 12 for the day! Besides the 1 time we were able to get on it...it ended up breaking down.


New Member
i LOVE this ride!! Now the past two trips, it did break down...and yea..it gets frustrating..but i say its definetly worth the wait.


Well-Known Member
Two words:


Considering how much this ride was advertised, and how much it was delayed, I (and I'm sure others) expected it to be a technological overload of epic proportions. From what was presented prior to its opening, it seemed like it would be a high speed adventure through the making of a car. Instead we got an inconsistant disappointment of a ride that STILL can't run properly, and achieves little more than I-4 in a convertible. Why people wait in line more than 15 minutes for an attraction that you already experienced while driving to Epcot is beyond me. It just wasn't what it was hyped to be, and as a result the ride will always leave me with a bad taste in my mouth.


Well-Known Member
I like TT...but will bypass it if I have to wait more than 10-15 minutes...The first time I rode it I waited for an hour and half...the ride is short...and nothing out of this world...I was dissapointed and angry that I stood in line for such a long time....maybe if they can come up with something so that there are different tests or something each time you ride...or maybe a car test gone wrong scenario would be awesome...some rides are worth waiting in line for...TT is not one of those rides...just my opinion.


New Member
Legacy said:
Considering how much this ride was advertised, and how much it was delayed, I (and I'm sure others) expected it to be a technological overload of epic proportions.

Dissapointment is my feeling more than dislike. The ride has zero character and nothing approaching a thrill until you hit the outside banking.

I don't dislike it and will ride it when there is a short queue.


Well-Known Member
Test Track is fine. Just not great. We almost always do it. It's an e-ticket, but not even close to the best e-ticket.
Part of the problem is it replaced a really neat animatronic-heavy dark ride, which many people, myself included, like very much. We ALWAYS rode that one. Loved the Gary Owens narration.
It's one of the reasons we love Disney. It's NOT Six Flags. That's not to say Test Track is a Six Flags attraction, it isn't. But it's just not Disney's best.


New Member
I love Test Track. Every bit of it.

I can see how people don't like it either. People say, "I drove in a car all the way here, why would I want to go on a car ride?" Those people are missing out on a great ride, and make the line a little shorter for the rest of us.

Things don't have to be new or extreme in order to be fun.

Test Track is very immersive and detailed. It's a complete experience. The Test Track experience starts when you hear the cars racing around the building, and ends when you step out of the gift shop. Nothing is left out. The queue is entertaining and informative. The preshow is effective and sets up the ride pretty well. The ride speaks for itself. The postshow is a lot of fun too. It's a complete experience.


Well-Known Member
Well, I don't know if I'd go so far as to say they don't want a thrill ride in WDW. I like Test Track. For me it's fine for what it is. A demonstration, supposedly, of what vehicles are put through testing wise, followed by that good run around the building. I could definitely do without the showroom at the end, but I understand why it's there. They're the sponsors and they deserve to promote their product.

I wouldn't call Test Track a classic like SSE. Oddly enough the complete opposite speedwise of Test Track. :lol:


Active Member
Michael72688 said:
They dont like Test Track because the believe there should not be a thrill ride within a 100 mile radius of WDW

That is absolutely not true. It is not that it is a bad ride, but it definitely does not qualify as a "thrill" ride and I think that is the problem. If it were more than it is and was a "thrill" ride, people would not be so disappointed in it. :rolleyes: As stated earlier, it was not what it was hyped to be. It is just ok.


Active Member
I don't hate Test Track, in fact I used to really like it. The first times. Now that there is Mission Space next door, it pales in comparison. It will pale even more when Soarin opens.

I think the problem is that it is too much an actual attraction. Not looking into the future, not looking on the past. It is a testing facility you can see everywhere, in a universe that surrounds you everyday. I know Futureworld is not about fantasy, but it is always on exploration or discovery. Here, it is not.

Then, there is the problem that it is not that innovative. Well, the ride system may be, but the result is not. It is just basically a dark ride that speeds up at the end.

Third: the experience is not a WOW. It could be very thrilling, or beautiful to watch, but it is neither. It is not very interesting to watch, and provides a few second mild-thrills for the fun. It ends when the fun begins, and for that I am just looking for more. Longer, faster, whatever you want.

So all in all, it isn't bad, I just think it is average. Average in themeing, average in thrills, average in excitment, average in result. I used to like it more, but I even think they have toned it down a bit outside, I'm not sure. I'm sure World of Motion was much better although a slow ride. And I'm not sure TT can fit Future World for the decades to come as it is already dated to me.

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