Why don't people like Test Track??


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
General Grizz said:
I have many contradictory feelings about Test Track. I'll post them tonight here after I take care of some business. :)

uh-oh is right. i think i know what is coming........................ ill check back to see, interesante' (im in the Mexican pavilion.......... ahhh muy bien!)


Well-Known Member
I like Test Track. It does have its problems though. How many of us have been to Epcot and the ride hasn't been working, or has broken down, or had some form of problem. I think its biggest problem has stemmed from the fact it was retrofitted into the old WoM building, rather than it knocked down and a new building being built... however, a better job was done with this than Rocket Rods in Disneyland.

Grim Grinner

New Member
I for one really enjoy Test Track. I am under the firm belief that if it had opened on a section of the the park where it would not require the dismantling of another wonderful ride- it would be held in high regard by pretty much everyone.

World of Motion was one of those great dark rides, and I'll never forget going on it over and over just to see the big IMAX screen that simulated high speeds. I was crushed to see it gone when I returned from a long absence from WDW.

Test Track was the first ride I went on during my honeymoon in 2000. As such it has special meaning to me. (As a side note: I guided my new wife that way so I could show her Horizons, which was simply standing there forlorn and unopen).

I think it fits in with the Epcot Center idea of industry. Many people take certain things for granted, and the various elements that go into that ride/show are among those. I believe everyone here has gone over some bumpy bit of road, turned to their significant other and said "Heh, german blocks".

Test Track is imbedded in us now. It has all the elements of a dark ride with that of a thrill ride. I wish it could have been longer, but at least its not an outright rollercoaster. It has theming and is a unique experience.


Well-Known Member
Its an okay attraction yet several things detract from it.

1 - The Inability to keep the ride working properly for one day. Between Zone stops, the ride going 101 and very few cars having all the on-board audio and video working properly, it gets fustrating. My dad was disapointed to come all the way from Maryland and the only time ge got to ride TT was in a car who's audio didnt work, nor the video.

2 - The line, the line and the line. That has to be the slowest moving line in disney history. You would think that you could find a way to be more efficent with load and unload procedures. Last time i rode it, there were only 3 cars being serviced at a time, with the gates for the 4th not operating.

3 - It seems to have typical GM reliablity. My car is made by GM and its falling apart, just like test track.


Active Member
I love Test Track, it's one of my favorite rides.

Side Note: Anyone else get a kick out of the WDW guests that call Test Track "Fast Track"?


New Member
Am I right in that the majority of the reasons people don't like TT is because of the reliability of the ride and the fact that it doesn't live up to the hype? Perseption is key here. They market the ride in a way to get interest up, stating the obvious. If you expect the ride to be a thrill ride, ya, I can see disappointment. Prior to TT, where there any thrill rides in EPCOT? In my opinion it has always been the "educational" park. In that case, TT fits the bill and should be perceived as an educational ride. Those are my expectations, therefore TT did not disappoint me. As for reliability, yes, that aspect can be disappointing but that shouldn't alter your opinion of your ride experience. And lines, are the long lines due to the amount of people waiting in them? And would that not be a reflection of the popularity of the ride? And would a ride be popular if it wasn't a good ride? I know, maybe a majority of those riders are first timers but if the lines are that long, I find it hard to believe that a lot of those waiting are not repeat riders. I love opinion based threads. They bring out so much happiness!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
It's boring. When I watched the video and heard some people on this board and other boards going off about how great this ride was, I was expecting this ride to be a thrill/adventure ride. All there was on this ride was hype. If I want to be test driving a car than I would be driving my own vehicle. I have been on that ride with a little girl freaking out thinking that we were all going to die on the ride, and I have been on this ride with a little girl saying to her mom that the ride was like when "daddy drives."


Well-Known Member
LoriMistress said:
Sad but true...that's why I love Toyota's. :king:

thats also why I've got my subaru. would have bought american but 0-60 in 4.7 seconds isnt attainable in any american car in my price range.


Well-Known Member
SO Frustrating

AllThatsJoey said:
Side Note: Anyone else get a kick out of the WDW guests that call Test Track "Fast Track"?
When I was on my CP at the Land, this was one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. :brick: I did presentations at the front of pavilion once a week, and I would have at least 5 people a day come up to me and ask "Can you tell me where Fast Track is." Problem: The Land had FastPass distribution and Epcot has Test Track. AND, it was almost 50-50 which they were talking about. It got to be humorous after awhile, b/c my fellow Plant Science interns started calling TT Fast Track just to upset me.

Funny now that I look back at it. At least I know the guests aren't talking about the Palm or Magnolia courses when they ask about the Giant Golf Ball! :rolleyes:


MicBat said:
Personally, I LOVE Test Track!! I've got my reasons, though. :D :lol:

Whats that Jonnie? haha....

Anyway, I can say SOO much about this, but I wont. The track has its good days and bad days. Being at Test Track for 2.5 years, you know what is good and what is bad. UGH......!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: lol....just thinking about Test Track makes me upset, cause it could be SOO much more...


New Member
It is funny, people complain that EPCOT is losing it's educational value and how rides like Horizons and WOM should stay or come back. But as some people have stated on this thread that why would I want to ride TT when I can drive my car. Well, TT is suppose to be more then a car ride, it is suppose to be educational demo of what a car goes through to make sure the car you drive at home is safe and performs up to standard. People are not seeing what the rides are trying to teach them. They just see fast moving car. This just underscores the truth that many of the GP (General Public) don't care about the educational value in these attractions. I am not saying that the people that made these comments are wrong, because they are not. If you look at lines for JIYI, WOL, and UOE. Those lines will tell you that their comments are viewed by many, and are for the most part correct. I am not a big TT fan, and not trying to stick up for it. I just thought that was a note worthy observation.

I for one enjoy the education value in the attractions, but facts show that many don't.


Well-Known Member
Kenan said:
Whats that Jonnie? haha....

Anyway, I can say SOO much about this, but I wont. The track has its good days and bad days. Being at Test Track for 2.5 years, you know what is good and what is bad. UGH......!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: lol....just thinking about Test Track makes me upset, cause it could be SOO much more...
Yeah.. that's how I feel as well, Slick. ;)

Tara Mae

New Member
I like Test Track, but not obsessively.
The first time I rode it was the previous summer. I was with a friend, and we had our fast passes. We ended up waiting in line for near 20 minutes, and by then, the ride had broken down.
Took fifteen to get running again. But I did get to ride it.
And enjoyed it.

But it's not a biggie.

1: It's unreliable. You never know when it's going to be working. Statistics show it's not working more than working.
2: The lines suck. Even w/ a fastpass or single rider, you're still waiting forever, b/c if the ride stops, the line stops.
3: It gets boring after a while. I like the ride itself, but there needs to be an alternative route than the heat room and such. Maybe instead of taking the testing area, having a seperate turn into a semi-rollercoaster? And plus, the waiting room video at the beginning of the cue line gets boring. I know it by heart, and I've only been on it four times. *rolls eyes*
Another reason I think it's not that big of a deal: It doesn't really belong in WDW. WDW is a family based theme park...this ride is not exactly family friendly. You can't take little ones on it, and it's not prefered for an elder to ride.
Plus, it doesn't fit the whole futureworld theme. It's not of the future, it's just a test site, so to say.
Questions/ Comments to the 17 y/o?


New Member
Why I like Test Track:

1. Yea, you drive up (or down) to Orlando, doing 90+, and you might ask, "Why go on a ride that's 65?" Unless you're in a convertible, 90 feels like 15, especially on an empty highway. And when you drive on I-95 or I-75 to get up there, all you see is trees.
2. It's not futuristic, but it's still fun. The attention to detail is incredible. Disney even put in "call box signs" on the outdoor part.
3. Why WOULD you hate it? EPCOT isn't the biggest thrill park at WDW. Test Track, it's there (for me at least) to serve as a break from education at a theme park.

People who say that it sucks when the video and audio breaks down...it doesn't suck when that happens. It just takes away a bit of the experience. Luckily, if you ride with me, you're getting audio whether you like it or not. :D

It's fun! If you put your hands up and lose yourself (like the people in the Universal commerical do), you're gonna have some fun. After a few rides, you can simply enjoy the theming and the experience. I've been on 20 something times, and I'm still finding new things in the ride.


New Member
I like Test Track. Its a couple minutes of fun and then its over. I dont think of it as magical.
There is no theme song that sticks in my head and drives me crazy weeks after im back at home. <----thats not a bad thing
I like the attractions like the former- World of Motion that the whole family can enjoy together. Attractions that last more than a couple minutes long, i think WOM was close to 15 minutes. It had an great music soundtrack and storyline plus one of the largest Audio Animatronics cast of any Disney attraction.
I dont think of Test Track as timeless or magical like WOM, but what it all comes down to is: which one sells more shirts...

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