Why does the Monorail smell like cow?


New Member
I saw this web site about a women who likes to flash in public places. One of them was on the monorail. Only in this particular shot she was completely naked.


Well-Known Member
Ya know!...

All this 'smell bashing' going on...

and the sad fact of the matter is...

If Disney could bottle this stuff, how many of us on these boards WOULD BUY IT!?
:eek: :lookaroun

*(scrapes sludge off seats and starts stuffing into old mason jars)*


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by disneyisbest
I saw this web site about a women who likes to flash in public places. One of them was on the monorail. Only in this particular shot she was completely naked.


I wonder?......

*thinks of another brilliant idea to increase business at Bwana Bob's*


New Member
OMG! We were in the front of the Monorail at the end of a very warm day, last week. My 3 year old held her nose she was so grossed out by the smell. The back of the monorail did not smell that bad earlier in the day. But, yuck, the smell, in the front, was definitely pungent.


an exacto knife? how'd you get that onboard???

i can see it now...screenings for monorail passengers...

hmmm...lets see, hijacking a monorail...
"Listen Up! Take me to CUBA..NOW!!!":lol:


New Member
I saw this question posted on All Ears Net and this was what they said about the smell:

I know you're busy answering those with 'important' questions, but if you happen to get a chance we were wondering if you could tell us why the monorails at WDW have a certain odor...something along the lines of cow manure. Now, I know we can't be the only ones who've noticed this. Maybe you could enlighten us? Thank you, :)

Hi Tammy!

Hey, wondering why a monorail is stinky is important! :)

There are actually a couple of funky odors on the monorails. One of them is a sort of stale, mildewy smell caused by Florida's high humidity building up and condensing in the air conditioning vents. But the other one--the one that causes us to call it the "Manurerail," is caused by the glue used to replace the carpeting in late 2000. Four years and gallons of fabric freshener later - and still that smell lingers. It's not too bad now, but when it was fresh....hoooooeeeee! It used to smell like something between a cat litter box that needed immediate attention and a cattle car that had been sitting in the sun. I'm assuming when they do the next carpet replacement, they'll be using a different glue...I hope.


Original Poster
Maybe someone can "accidentally" spill a bottle of DRAKKAR on the monorail ... that would kill any smell from now til the year 2020! :)


New Member
I never really have noticed the monorail smelling bad. Is this something that you guys have notice just recetnly or did you always think that it stunk? Not that this has anything to do with it but there are people who do not believe in taking a bath. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
So now we're all a bunch of junkies sniffin glue, huh?

*stands up*

"Hi. I'm Bob.

*everyone says Hi Bob!*

I'm an addict for 12 years now.

My poisen? Monorail glue.

I used to get my fix by lying down in the rear of the cab all day with my nose to the floor.

I'm happy to report I've been clean for 8 weeks now!:lookaroun

(actually, I fell of the wagon...was there Sunday!!!)


New Member
Getting off the Smelly Monorail topic.............

Has anyone notice the bad shape that the monorails are in? They smell, and seem that they are not cleaned on a regular basis.

This is all a shame..............the Monorails are my favorite thing to do at WDW. Disney needs to invest money into the monorails. Think about it, this is the first thing people ride on their way to the Magic Kingdom for the first time..........first impressions mean everything.


Well-Known Member
Just give it a good spraying with Concentrated Simple Green,,,, you will get the best of both worlds, a nice germ free monorail, and that lovley, knock your socks off, its so strong Simple Green scent...


Active Member
My theory...

I've always thought how interesting it is that the monorail doesn't make it's way to Animal Kingdom but it always smells like it just came from there! Perhaps when the monorail is 'delayed' it's because the animals have hijacked it in an effort to escape, but don't realize the monorail just goes in circles!!! :hammer:
Originally posted by figmentfan
Getting off the Smelly Monorail topic.............

Has anyone notice the bad shape that the monorails are in? They smell, and seem that they are not cleaned on a regular basis.

This is all a shame..............the Monorails are my favorite thing to do at WDW. Disney needs to invest money into the monorails. Think about it, this is the first thing people ride on their way to the Magic Kingdom for the first time..........first impressions mean everything.

The monorails have about a 1.5 million dollar maintenance budget a year, watercraft in comparrison is MUCH MUCH lower. Oh, and they are cleaned every night

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