Why does everyone dislike AK?


Well-Known Member
I love AK but there are a few factors that don't exist at the other parks. First and foremost, the traffic pattern. Walkways are constantly clogged with people and they didn't leave enough room for when major shows let out. This park always does seem hotter but IMO, MGM takes the cake as the hottest with the blacktop. Finally, there are far fewer attractions here that are family friendly. In fact, all you do in camp Minnie - Mickey is take pictures. Overall though, I love the park. The scenary is breathtaking as are the animals. I would be happiest if they just opened up some of the walkways. (or at least remove the giant rock in the entrance to Dinoland USA!)

Remember, thier ad slogan says "It's notazoo!".

Imagineer Jer

New Member
Originally posted by Walter
I, personally, love AK. I think it looks great, doesn't have many attractions, but doesn't ned them. Do you think that it's too small? Do you think that it doesn't have enough attractions? What?

I didn't like AK at first, but now since they are adding new attractions and LANDS, it is better. Some people just don't like animals and stuff. I think that is why. Other wise it is pretty awsome. I like " It's tough to be a bug".


Original Poster
Originally posted by spider-man
We are having a lot of threads like this lately, when did everyone get the idea that everyone hates AK. Sure, we Disneyholics are highly analytical and look for the good but more times nit-pick the bad in many elements of Disney, but only cause we love the place, and it definitely does not mean we hate Disney. Even JII ver. 3 is tolerable to the purest Disney Lover when the moment comes to ride it or not, but we don't have to like the overall experience. With AK however, I think the park is very well recieved and if anything, people simply want more. I never knew that wanting a lot more of a great thing means you hate it at the moment.

OK I'm through.... again. :lol:

It just seems to me that alot of people dislike AK for some reason, but maybe that's just because they don't think that it's up to par with the other parks.

I disagree about the JII thing, though, I'll never ride that godawful thing again. Really upsets me, too-Figment's my favorite Disney character!

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Walter
I, personally, love AK. I think it looks great, doesn't have many attractions, but doesn't ned them. Do you think that it's too small? Do you think that it doesn't have enough attractions? What?

Dislike it??


The reason of most people to disliking it because,
they tink it hasn't got anyting to do with Disney...

In which they're WRONG!!

AK really is Disney........ all the way...
I like the theming and sutff of Animall Kingdom but i just dont like it. it doesnt feel like the Disney magic that I am use to. I didnt feel like I was on the property even. I dont know if this is b/c ive only been there once or if it seemed like a waist of time. Theres not enough attractions.


I don't dislike Animal Kingdom, I just think it could use a few more attractions. I think AK could benefit from the much rumoured and/or hyped Australia, plus I'd love to see the really cool kangaroos and finally a Rescuers attraction. That last part is just fancy, but I think it would be a cool thing.:sohappy:

Overall, I think it is a beautiful park, and the attractions it does have are quite enjoyable.


New Member
I don't dislike AK, but it certainly is my least favorite park. I agree that the theming is great, but, to me, it doesn't have the same Disney-feel as the other parks. Also, it really needs some more attractions. And they need to do something about the traffic patterns...even on slow days, the park feels like it is packed. The walkways aren't large enough and they definitely can't handle the crowds when a show lets out.


New Member
Re: Re: Why does everyone dislike AK?

Originally posted by Imagineer Jer
Some people just don't like animals and stuff. I think that is why. Other wise it is pretty awsome. I like " It's tough to be a bug".

For me this isn't the case. I love animals and have all my life. While I don't dislike the park it is my least favorite of the 4. The scenery and theming is excellent I remember being in Africa and just sitting and taking in the whole theming of it all. I, like others said, felt trampled as I walked through some parts of the park. It felt like there were tons of people there. When we got to the parking lot only one lot was filled-I was like can you imagine what it would feel like on a busy day. Also, I was a little put off with the ability to "do" the park in less than half a day, but I have to say when we go back in October I would like to see it again (we decided not to go to AKon our trip in April )

Like others say it is not the normal theme park-nor is it the "Disney Zoo", it takes some time to get used, at least that is how it is for me.


Well-Known Member
not to destroy your argument or anything, but every new park disney has built has been small enough to do in half a day. Disneyland opened with fewer than twenty attractions...I personally remember back to when MGM opened, and you could do it in half a day. New parks are like that.


New Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
not to destroy your argument or anything, but every new park disney has built has been small enough to do in half a day. Disneyland opened with fewer than twenty attractions...I personally remember back to when MGM opened, and you could do it in half a day. New parks are like that.

You are right! In my orginal "draft " of my post I had that it was a relatively new park so it should be given time to add new things(not sure why I took it out) I, too, remember when MGM opened. We were there 3 weeks after the grand opening and it took us no time to go through it. Of course we still had fun (and I have an embarrassing picture made in one of the shops of me on the cover of Hit Parader in my akward teenage glory to prove it! LOL).

Like I said, I am looking forward to seeing it again in October!


Meega, nala kwishta!
Ok, sounds like I'm gonna add my comment about AK and the "Heat" thing again. :D

Back in Oct 02, we did the Wild by Design tour and were told why it feels hotter that the other park. I didn't feel like re-writing it, so I just copied this out of my trip report I post a few months back...

I bet you also didn’t know why AK always feels like it the hottest park. Well, it is. To get there zoo accreditations, them must have certain stop gap measure to keep the animal in, and people out of area they are not to be in. One of them is a hill built all the way around the park. In essence, AK is in the middle of a bowl if you saw it from above. The hill tends to block normal breezes, thus the park seems hotter. I did see they now have those fans with water mist going all over the park. Last year, they were only in Africa.

I hope that helps.

BTW, we love AK, and I don't see why people say it's only a half day park. We visit it at least twice on every trip now, and still don't see everything. Now we do the two animal trails, and take our time and talk to the keeps if they are around. I guess I'm just an infor hound and like to know all about it, but we find we never have enough time to see everything. Guess it's just me. MGM is like that to me, 1/2 day and I've got my fix for the year.


New Member
I find AK to be improving each time I visit it. I wouldn't say I hate it, but I don't love it as much as the other parks... MK and MGM are my favorites... then EPCOT and AK... It's just a different kind of atmosphere..

But - I will say - AK has an incredible show in Festival of the Lion King! Love that!!!!:sohappy:





Well-Known Member
I do remember when just about every other post here was about the quality of the AK, and lately, I think we've come to see that it is a very nice park. It does lack attractions, but the park has so much potential. (compared to that of...well....DCA). I mean, the park is defenetly the most "emersive" at WDW in my opinion, because of the size, and because the scenery, plants, rivers, block pretty much everything from the outside world.


New Member
The park may have potential but there sure not using it... AK was a big waste of time when i was there in the summer of '01 ... The only decent thing i thought from the park was the safari tour :wave:


New Member
It's niche is not as big. It requires an interest in exploration and a love for the quiet things, the simple things, the plain things in life that many people don't have. An imagination.


New Member
I know I'm beating a dead horse when I say this but...

I really do love AK.. and not just because the food is wonderful.... I just get so sad and disappointed every time I'm there because I know what the park COULD and SHOULD have been! And then when they add cheap rides and crappy themed "lands" like Chester's & Hester's, it just makes me so angry at those cheap cost-cutter's at Disney! When you have SUCH amazing ideas from WDI, and then you throw 75% of it in the toilet... I just DON'T get it!! And THEN you see the ABSOLUTE TRIUMPH that is DisneySea... really makes me not want to keep forking the money over to Uncle Eisner...


Well-Known Member
Disney did not pay for DisneySea, so that is really a whole different ballgame. It shows what the Imagineers can do with an infinite supply of money. DinoRama may appear cheap, but people do like it--people in the park, that is. It has some charm, I suppose...corny, but it's supposed to be, and while Primeval Whirl is short, I thought it was fun...


New Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
Disney did not pay for DisneySea, so that is really a whole different ballgame. It shows what the Imagineers can do with an infinite supply of money. DinoRama may appear cheap, but people do like it--people in the park, that is. It has some charm, I suppose...corny, but it's supposed to be, and while Primeval Whirl is short, I thought it was fun...

Yes, but what I'm saying is.... just imagine....

What would Animal Kingdom have been like if Disney had put HALF the time, money, and effort into AK as it did DisneySea. First of all, Disney wouldn't be constantly gripping about it's low attendance levels, because those would be blowing through the roof. More money and time spent = more CUSTOMERS!

Not only that, but Beastly Kingdom, the Excavator, and probably a dozen other attractions would be standing in their glory!

And us Disney geeks wouldn't be saying, "What if..."

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