Exactly as I said above.. you are over-buying and over-paying for the guise of risk aversion. But it's purely a fabricated belief - created by the artificial boosting of a la carte pricing. You are buying into the artificial belief of "no need to worry".
The DDP started as a premium 'all inclusive' model, but instead of selling it as the special offer... Disney moved to make DDP the dominate offer with a high attach rate. This push to guaranteed revenue per guest has had the tail wag the dog... making the dining operations as a whole bend to fit within this umbrella pricing model at scale, rather than operate with unique goals.
The concern about 'overspending' on food and being protected by DDP isn't a major concern - until Disney made it one by driving prices so redonkulous to make the DDP look better. If you were dining based on your NORMAL behaviors... you'd regulate yourself as you do every other day of your life.
I really don't overbuying 100% of the time to avoid maybe overspending some of the time is a great fiscal strategy.
As for credit cards.. you still had to pay off DDP too.
I totally get people like the idea of 'paid off, so don't have to worry about it' -- but that doesn't nullify the weak value or the impact it has had on the product. Like I said, this is all about the psychology of promoting 'do not have to worry' and the false narrative that it's a value.
I don't blame people for taking advantage of an offer the product company offers. But I do blame them if they can't step back from their choices and objectively evaluate things. It's fine if people are willing to 'pay to make a problem go away' - but they should be cognizant that's what they are doing.
You can not care about something... but that's not the same as not being aware of something