Why do u love the world


New Member
Well for me, its weird cuz,Almost everyone I travel with, dont act like they love WDW as much as I do.I mean, their basic excuse would be,"oh weve been here so many times"yes while thats true, I am the only member in my family who absolutely loves it.I mean Every little thing, I love it.Everytime I see the Welcome to the Walt Disney World resort, I be like OMG...........I cant believe Im here again.Im crazy

But my family really dont appreciate disney like I do.They say little things like, "its the same little ride and its been like that forever"I mean, they say these things they KNOW I dont wanna hear, but they still do it.I just shake my head get the camcorder out and whisper to it.

NO RESPECT.:hurl: oh well I still love em, shoot, right now, they my only ticket to WDW.


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Originally posted by DiPSU224
I feel like I can be silly there and walk down the street wearing a princess tiara even though I'm 22 and no one thinks twice about it. It's also in my opinion the most romantic place the in the world...

Two of your points here really struck a chord with me...

As far as WDW being the most romantic place in the world...THANK YOU!! Someone else who gets it. Whenever I tell my friends how romantic a place I consider Disney to be, they look at me like I'm nuts because I didn't say Maui or Paris. WDW is definitely romantic, especially at night. I would have proposed to my wife there except I couldn't wait to do it and we didn't have a trip planned at the time.

As far as the tiara thing....well, I've never worn a tiara, but your comment reminded me of something that happened a few years ago that really showed what sets Disney apart. My wife and I go hiking a lot and we wear a line of clothing that is specifically designed for hiking, but is also practical for everyday wearing. So when we travel, we wear it a lot. The thing is, it has kind of a safari look to it. So one year, we were at Animal Kingdom and we were wearing this clothing. All day long people were mistaking us for Cast Members and asking us questions. The Cast Members and Guests who apparently realized we did not work there were making comments to us all day like, "Wow, you guys are really getting into the act!". We didn't do it on purpose (like I said, we wear that clothing almost everywhere we go), but it was cool how everyone reacted.

Well on that same trip, we also went to Busch Gardens in Tampa. Again, we were wearing that same line of clothing. Busch Gardens (for anyone who hasn't been there) also has kind of an African Safari sort of theme to it to some degree. Again, we didn't wear the clothes to get a reaction, but it was amazing how differently the employees and customers reacted to us at Busch Gardens. All day long, people were doing double-takes and looking at us as if to say, "Who do these idiots think they are? Do they realize how stupid they look trying to look like they're on a safari here or something?"

I suppose if I had to sum it up, I would say THAT'S why I love WDW!


New Member
Originally posted by Glasgow

3) It's fun!

me and my mom were watching the vacation plannin dvd the other night and i was thinking how awesome it is there, how it's so carefree, there's no worries, no stress.. ect.. and i was getting into a really deep thought, and then out of no where my mom said its soo fun! but you know wat, thats all it really is! Its an escape from reality becuase reality usually isn't that fun! its so carefree because you're having so much fun that you forget about all your problems! The atmosphere is so great because everyone there is having an awesome time, and are having fun! The one thing i've never relized about the world is how fun it is. that's what makes my experiences there so increadable. it's amazing how one word can sum up my definition of the world. to me, its really not that complex at all, its just sharing an awesome time with your family, friends, relatives, or even with people standing beside you watching a parade that you've never met in your life before. man i cant wait to go back!


New Member
Ok so I've told you some stuff already but there is more, I've been thinking about it. Disney is the place where everything disappears. Every worry every pain every suffering every problem goes away. I see the little faces of children running around, I see my own face in the mirror and I am estatic. I have been to Disney over 18 times and I am only 18 years. Disney is my special place if you will. Everytime I go there something else catches me by surprise, everything is different and ever changing in Disney. Disney is that one place where you can skip and dance down the road, sing little kid songs and even Aerosmith songs :animwink: It's a place every nonchild becomes a child once again. When I go to Disney I feel like I have let everything go, all my inabitions all my problems are gone even if just for a few days. I get to be that child that I still am I the inside but is not cool to do in regular life. Disney is the only place where every single person can be a child and let go, dance and sing and be silly. I am forever thankful to Disney for being my escape from reality.

Foolish Mortal

Well-Known Member
Wow, what great response's. Can't really add anything new since everyone else has pretty much said what I would have posted. My main reason's are like many other's, the escape from reality and the atmosphere. I alway's tell people, if I was in the MK and found out the rest of the world blew up i'd probably just shrug and say "that's a shame, let's go ride Space Mountain again".

And if somebody sat me down on a bench in Tomorrow Land or in front of the fountain at Epcot and said all I could do for the day is people watch and listen to the background music, i'd be o.k with it.


New Member
I wasn't able to visit WDW until I was 27. Simply put, I love WDW because it was one of very few childhood dreams that turned out just as magical when I experienced it in real life.


New Member
Quote: As far as WDW being the most romantic place in the world...THANK YOU!! Someone else who gets it.

I am also really happy to hear that. My wife and I go to WDW at least once a week. We stroll around world showcase, ride the little motorboats at the Polynesian, eat at Victoria and Albert's. We just can't get enough.

We have been living in Orlando (on and off) for 6 years and I love being in WDW more than ever. Every time we enter a park or a hotel, get on a monorail or train... we feel safe and happy and HOME!


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Originally posted by kaliriverrider
Quote: As far as WDW being the most romantic place in the world...THANK YOU!! Someone else who gets it.

I am also really happy to hear that. My wife and I go to WDW at least once a week. We stroll around world showcase, ride the little motorboats at the Polynesian, eat at Victoria and Albert's. We just can't get enough.

We have been living in Orlando (on and off) for 6 years and I love being in WDW more than ever. Every time we enter a park or a hotel, get on a monorail or train... we feel safe and happy and HOME!

Coincidentally, I just saw this on Yahoo: http://travel.yahoo.com/romantic

I seriously don't understand why WDW isn't on this list. People just don't look at it that way I guess, which is a shame because they're missing out.


Disney is the one place where I don't have to worry about what people think. I can be my own goofy self and not worry about it. It is also the place that helped me make up my mind on what I want to do when I grow up. After riding Journey Into Imagination V.1 i thought to myself, "This is what I want to do. I want to design masterpieces like this. I want to be an Imagineer."


New Member
Why We Love The World

My wife and I love WDW because as soon as your there it just makes you and everyone around oyu just happy. I personally love that is always clean and so well maintained I'm also in awe of the architecture and engineering behind it all. We also have fallen in love with the cruise line it is also just incredible. We will be heading back down in May to take our 5th cruise line trip and we cant wait.


New Member
I go to Disney almost yearly because I live 3 hours away from it. Disney to me is an excuse to see very close friends that live up in Orlando. So I get to see awesome friends and be at one of the most fun places in the world. I love how its themed and how the rides are all one of a kind. Its just such a magically place and I can make a complete fool of myself and not care because I will never see those people again.


New Member
I recognise you Third Eye - yes... it is you. Good to see you again!

I love the WDW people...they have a warm and welcoming way of dealing with people on vacation.


Well-Known Member
I love going to Disneyworld. I love the drive up there (I live in south florida). I love driving up and knowing the drive pretty well. I love seeing all the annoying Yeehaw signs. I love stopping at the rest stops and grabbing a bunch of Disney and other theme park brochures. I love seeing the entrance as we're driving up . I love when the signs begin to go from normal green to Purple and Blue. I love seeing how on the highway signs it just says "WALT DISNEY WORLD NEXT RIGHT" as if it was any regular exit. I love parking and waiting for the tram to pick us up. I love seeing everyones license plates to see how FAR they freakin drove to get there. I love getting on the tram with hundreds of people at the same time. I absolutely love going to MK and riding the monorail. I love hearing the voiceover on the monorail. I love hearing CM's say "...and enjoy your day here at the magic kingdom" (or whatever park we are at). I love being somewhere in line where you can hear loud sounds from the ride you're about to get on. I love distinct smells everywhere. I love knowing I'm surrounded by thousands of different people from different places.I love the fact that I'll be there in April (eh, grad night, but I'll feel the same) and I can't wait. :)

stitch rocks

New Member
why i love the world... well lets see first of all it's the only place where i can be a kid in a 20 year old body without getting weird looks... it;s the place where i can go and forget about all my trobles and just have fun... i don't have to worry about school, problems, living situations, and everything... it's gone out the window... left on the run way... woot...

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