Well-Known Member
This highlighted bit is interesting to me so I just gotta ask: What is it that Starbucks "stands for" that arrouses negative emotion for you?
Fair question...I'll try and keep my answer short and personal. TO ME Starbucks represents elitism. It falls into the same category as driving a new BMW instead of a 40 year old Ford Falcon. It has evolved basically because of it's selling price. A beverage that is picky about it's consumer. It threw in a few, new to us, words like latte or cappuccino and all of a sudden it was limited to those that either knew how to order it or were willing to learn. I don't care how much foam one uses, it is still basically hot water run through ground coffee beans and the public is being fleeced in my opinion.
I think that being in a Disney Park makes it more of a level playing field since everything in Disney is ridiculously priced, it just becomes one other thing...nothing special. People enjoy it so, why not!