Why do CMs lie?


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Why do SOME CMs Spread False Information to Disney Geeks Like Me?

Okay.. so I was over at the latest M:S thread, when something said caught my attention...

People come here with "rumors" all the time which have supposedly come from Cast Members at the parks.

My question is: Why do Cast Members lie to the guests - spreading false information and such??

I mean, I would think it would be Disney policy that they shouldn't do something like that. Plus, it may seem funny... but to me that's just mean.

The reason this struck me is because I too have been the butt of a few different CMs' lies. My most recent example was when I was down in mid-December at MGM. I was so excited b/c I read on this site that TOT4 "soft-openings" had begun. So, I asked the CM at the gate if they were running TOT4 tests that day. His response, "Yes." Then, before we boarded our elevator, I asked another CM. His response, "We have no control over our elevators any longer." To me, that was another confirmation.
But as the ride started the drop sequence. It was the EXACT same as the previous hundred times I've ridden. We rode it 6 times in about an hour - every drop sequence exactly the SAME! I was so ticked at those CMs. I even said, "Thanks for lying to me," to the one at the gate.

Not very nice.


New Member
I think they get tired of the same questions over and over. So they get creative with the answers.

It's just part of the "magic."



It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
But why doesnt WDW managment curb that kinda thing (I assume they dont :veryconfu ) . I mean.. make there CM's better informed.. I know there is a cast portal on the net, and Eyes and Ears (the CM newsletter).... still.. I personally dont like being lied to... and if I do catch them it a tall tale... it just aggravates me... and I bite my tounge most of the time GRRRrrr :fork:

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by hallowboy11

Then, before we boarded our elevator, I asked another CM. His response, "We have no control over our elevators any longer." To me, that was another confirmation.

To me, this just sounds like part of the script for ToT.


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Originally posted by dreamer
I think they get tired of the same questions over and over. So they get creative with the answers.

It's just part of the "magic."


Listen, I used to work in retail for about 4 years... so I totally understand the inane questions that you get over and over. But isn't that part of the job??? I mean, if a customer who was a U2 fan asked me when the new U2 album was coming out, I didn't tell them it was next week (when it was actually 6 months) and that it was going to be a rap album.

I myself LOVE being a smart-a$$, but when you're working for Disney - that is NOT part of the "magic" (Btw dreamer, I know you were joking :animwink: )


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Re: Re: Why do CMs lie?

Originally posted by Yellow Shoes
To me, this just sounds like part of the script for ToT.

Is it?? That was his response directly to me before he put us in front of our elevator.

And btw, Yellow Shoes, that whole "Thanks for lying to me" thing sounded quite stupid after I read it. :) I just put that in b/c it is extremely rare that something would tick me off at WDW - especially where I would make an angry comment to a CM.


New Member
Not all CMs lie. Once on a monorail from EPCOT back to the TTC, my dad asked me why they don't expand the monorail to MGM and AK? I told him because of the cost and it's not reliable. The driver said yep and told him the rest of the story. (I knew it all thanks to this site):D


Premium Member
I think a lot of the times they spread false information because they believe it to be the truth. Front line CMs are pretty much as in the dark as we are when it comes to future attractions and such.

As for your experience at ToT, that's really strange. I thought they have been running Tower 4 nonstop since December 9. Perhaps they had to unexpectedly revert to the previous profile temporarily? If that was the case then perhaps not all CMs at the attraction were aware of the change.


New Member
Maybe CM's lie or tell false information to the GP, because they dont want CP knowing all of the Disney Secrets that go on here and there. Or they dont want you to know the true information because they dont want you getting all excited about something good.

Take MS for instance, if they told you the true opening date you might get dissapointed because its so far away!! or if they told you its close cause they want you to be happy/excited about it to look forward to something.

take note that there are CM's on this site reading this forum and they're probably laughing at us right now. Have you noticed this seems to appear at Disney only.... its in their job.....

They seem to be the ones that do it besides SF, and I think it happens by accident at Six Flags!! :lol: :lol:

I'm jp about the SF part.... sorry for being immature...stupid.. i had to let that out..... :rolleyes:
As a CM I can say we are in the dark about a lot of stuff. There are also quite a few rumors that go around backstage. I could have come to this site a few months ago with the news that Tarzan Rocks was going down becuse it was something that was circulating backstage. This, of course is not true. I could also have told you that this latest rehab of Voyage of the Little Mermaid was to add a new scene with "Kiss the Girl". That was true for a while, but they axed it last minute. Most attractions CMs rotate around to different attractions or pick up overtime in different areas so they may not be familiar with the current details. So, maybe they weren't lying to you. Maybe they were just given incorrect or outdated information.


Active Member
In my 30 or so visits to WDW I have met hundreds of wonderful CM's:D :) and three nasty ones:( Wait it was only two:) Come to think of it there was just one:D Ooops sorry that was at a non-WDW park:eek:

So let me see , hum I guess I have only run into really great CM's.

I was asked by the very nice and new CM who was registering us at Movies in Dec. how many times I had been to WDW. When I told him over 30 he asked what brings me back. It took half a second to answer. The Cast Members I said.:D And it is true.

Do they sometimes have incorrect info? Of course. They hear and read the same rumors we do. Do things change at the last minute and they are not told. Of course. Do they sometimes joke around with guests. Of course. To be mean? No.

By the by I road ToT three times on January first and every time was different and two were nothing like I had ever experienced on ToT.:cool:

I have my reservations for March and for May:D

I look forward to all of you wonderful CM's who have made my visits magic everytime:animwink:
aw becky that was so sweet!

lol ok but i would have to agree that the whole thanks for lying to me thing sounded really stupid. whats the whole point of going if you dont play along?


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Premium Member
Originally posted by hallowboy11
My question is: Why do Cast Members lie to the guests - spreading false information and such??

seriously, I'm offended.


New Member
Re: Re: Why do CMs lie?

Originally posted by mktiggerman
seriously, I'm offended.

Oh man! are you one of the CM's laughing at us? :( :brick: :hammer:

lol! im jp man.... sorry i couldn't resists :)

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