Why Disney?


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Original Poster
Alright, I have to ask this question:
Why Disney? More specifically, why Disney Theme Parks? What is your inherent interest, and why then have you joined this online community? <O:p</O:p
While I realize this question may carry the sentiment of a "Thank you Captain Obvious" response, and it may not be the most interesting thread, I am in the midst of writing a research paper that will probably be around 25 pages in length, and your responses are essential for primary source arguments. The overall theme is assigned to be centered around subcultures and subcultural theory, and I chose online Disney theme park internet sites, most specifically this one, because as a member, this topic really interests me. I didn't want to write another paper on the Mods, Rockers, or Punk... Don't worry about your responses...remember I'm biased toward your side, and will keep all responses in a positive light. <O:p</O:p
Thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated!
(If for some reason this is a topic from an earlier post...you have my sincere apologies)


Active Member
How can this thread provide you true research when you state

"Don't worry about your responses...remember I'm biased toward your side, and will keep all responses in a positive light."

This is like a manufacturer hiring a research firm to research their product and publish the results as scientific findings.

Being biased going into a research endeavour blinds the researcher as to the truth.

That said ... I having been a Disney and Disney themepark fan since I first visited DL in 1955. Going to DL allowed me and my family to spend time having fun together and today allows me to remember those good times in my life. Everytime I enter the park and smell the sir, I am reminded of these good times. I could just walk the grounds without going on/in any attractions and enjoy the day by leaving the real world and all the daily problems outside.

Some people like the ocean, or the mountains (I do too), and others find pleasure and peace in Disney themeparks.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
The whole package

Disney provides a complete vacation. A self-contained, comparatively secure site. Organized entertainment and a level of "something for everyone". The "magic" is something that adds significant value to the vacation.

I can take DS and, although I'm still obsessively diligent in watching over him, it's a worry-free vacation compared to other choices. Being "immersed in the magic" from landing at MCO to departure is always wonderful.


Well-Known Member
I was a late-comer to Disney. I remember going once as a child and I'm sure I liked it. I went to Epcot once in high school and I liked it very well. But as an adult, I had no interest.

Then I got married to a Mickey Mouse fan who had never been to Disney World. I thought it would be neat to take her there for our honeymoon, though I was much more interested in Universal at the time. I was simply amazed on so many levels.

When we saw Mickey for the first time, it was like a commercial. My wife became a little kid. And then, when I saw the Star Wars characters at MGM, I had the same feeling myself.

There were so many things to do. I remember thinking that no matter what your interests might be, there was something there that you would love to do. Even if you hate theme parks, the WDW Resort still has more to do than any other vacation spot I'd ever been to.

When we got home, we were both a little burned out on Disney to be honest. But as I looked over the pictures and began to reflect on our vacation I started to appreciate WDW on a deeper level. I realized that it was a unique experience. There is truly nothing else like it on earth.

Little by little, my interest grew. I became fascinated by the story of the Disney company. I'd never realized before what a truly brilliant visionary Walt was. Here I thought he was just an animator. The more I learned, the more I wanted to know. Soon I was on forums like these and checking the Travel Channel regularly for new shows about Disney.

Now, my Mickey Mouse fan wife thinks I'm crazy for being "obsessed" with Disney. Go figure.


Active Member
As a child of the 60's and 70's, every Sunday our family watched "The Wonderful World of Disney". In one installment, Walt did an episode on the building of PoTC and HM at Disneyland. At that time I knew I wanted to see them both. My parents were never able to make the trip but my sister, brother and I finally made the trip to WDW in the summer of 1980 with my friends parents. Actually the group consisted of a 4 car caravan with 2 parents, their 6 kids and 8 of their kids friends. This is when my brother and I fell in love. I was able to get back for a couple days in 1984 when my husband and I married. Both those trips were magical. Then in 1993 I came back with my 5 yr. old son. Seeing the world through a child's eyes was an awesome experience. My boy is now 19 and he still loves to go to WDW twice a year.

Why is your question, it is home. We have visited DLand 3 times and WDW over 20. We keep coming back because it is familiar. There are no strangers here, people will chat with you in queue, in the resort lobby, just walking around. It is like leaving the country and going to another country. I leave the worries of work, bills, real world behind. Our WDW worries include who has the best score on Buzz, how can we get from Cosmic Ray's Starlight Cafe to the HM during the rain without ponchos and not get wet. (It can be done.) Life is fun there.

Sure life is fun while not in WDW, its just that you know at WDW that each day something great is going to happen.

Feel free to PM me if you want something more. Good luck on your paper.


New Member
I think the real question should be...

Why anywhere else?

Where else can you go and absolutely feel like a child again. That's what a Disney trip does for me. The butterflies in my stomach as Cinderella's castle comes into view. That embarrassment I get when I feel the absolute excitement of seeing Mickey Mouse! All worries and concerns fade away and something "magical" happens, I'm 13 again with not a worry in the world except whether or not I would look really foolish on Dumbo. In my opinion, that alone is worth what it takes to get to DisneyWorld however long it may take to save and plan...it's worth it.

That dear poster is the reason why.


Well-Known Member
Because from the moment you step foot onto disney property,well even drive onto Disney property you get this happy, exciting magical feeling that does not go away. It is different then any other place I have ever been and you can go and not have to worry about anything at all. Just hearing the music as you walk down Main street or seeing the monorail or spaceship earth , the castle, tot for the first time in a while makes you smile. Theres just something about it. Theres Magic and unless you feel the same way I do its hard to explain.... somethings in the air and you cant help but to be happy and excited and well a child again.


Well-Known Member
Why Disney??..
well both my husband and I had been before we had met each other ,as children...but went back for our honeymoon 10 years ago ..and well thats when the magic started...I often say its good we did'nt go before we got married because our wedding would have been disney themed...anyway every year since 1996 we have been , with the exception of 2000 due to me being in early labor...going to disney is a very unbelievable experience...For most of us that is..Every time we go it never gets old..both our girls who are 2 and 5 have been each and every time we have gone..and each time the experience with them gets better and better..some people may say why?? well to see disney through a childs eye is priceless...it makes you much like a child as well again..to see their excitment as you drive closer the magic kingdom and they say" oh I see it..I see rella's castle" yes its priceless...or when seeing mickey mouse ...even though you just were there last year..its like its all new again...just well.."that Feeling" as I call it...watching wishes..when the music starts...like your whole chest is just floaded with emotion...there is no price...and well disney doesn't as we all know here , do it for everyone...to each is own..but for me walt disney world is home...like an old friend..yes there may be changes much to our dismay but that as we know is out of our control, ...Funny as we were walking into the house this morning my 2 year had 3 chocolate muchkins in a dunkin donuts bag(donut holes for those who aren't familar with dunkin) and well as she looked into the bag she said" mama look Mickey mouse" well I looked in the bag and yes there was a mickey head....made out of munchkins....she is brainwashed too!!! well there could be worse things...Disneylove....nothing like it!!!

173 more days...till we go home....


I was a Disney late bloomer. I got to go for the first time when I was almost 28 years old.

I'm 47 now and in those almost 20 years I've returned 9 more times that is, every two years.

I'm from Puerto Rico so it can get a little expensive:eek: every time we go but it's worth it.

The time me and my family spend at the World it's the most magical, unstressful, worry-free, problem free time we can ever hope for.

Once you enter those gates:D , you're in another world, in another dimension that doesn't allow time or space for anything but magic, fun and family togetherness.

That's the "why" in your question. Just being able to enjoy your family and your life like it was meant to be in the first place.

We will be going back again and again and again 'cause every trip adds about 5 years to my life so I'm planning to live forever:lookaroun insofar as there's WDW to go to.:lol: :wave:


Why Not - Just Had to.

:sohappy: Because, you do not have to try hard to leave the outside world behind. When I take my family, the last thing I want to do is think about home, work, other things I left behind and with a little effort on your part, you can.

Plus, I and My Wife can be kids with our son.:sohappy:


New Member
First, good luck with your paper. Second, My husband and I never had the desire to to to Disney until our children were 7 and 5 even though like many of you, we grew up watching Disney. My husband and I were 41 our first time. I thought it would be all about the kids - I was definetly wrong. We have been there each year since 2002 and April will be our fifth trip. Not only is there the ""Disney Magic", but there is always something for everyone to do. We can do the kids things, rides, pool and burgers, and go have a really nice dinner at one of so many restaurants - and I can always get something for my picky daughter to eat so there are no arguments. The majority of rides and attractions can all be done as a family, whereas other amusement parks have many rides only some can enjoy - you end up splitting up for a considerable amount of time. At Disney, the majority of the time, we do everything as a family.

As for this site, I came across this last year when we were debating about whether to go back to Disney or not this year. I was trying to find information about the Everest opening. We saw the construction and my son really wants to ride. Anyway, I came across this site and could not get over all the great information about Disney that people here share. It has been very helpful in planning our trip this year. I just could not believe how much I did not know. I shared this site with my niece who is honeymooning in August at Disney. She has been there before a couple of times and was shocked about how much she did know. Also, people on this site have so many kind words for others. Yes, I have seen some "heated discussions", and I believe that is good for the mind and soul sometimes. Anyway, thanks to everyone for all your great information and again, the best on your paper.


New Member
My husband visited WDW with his family almost every year from age 5yr on...so he has a lot of special memories from those family vacations and he shared his love of WDW with me.

I visited once with my family when I was 8yr old and again with my husband (then boyfriend) when we were first dating (about 10 years ago)...so we sort of fell in love there and then got engaged there.

We just love WDW. My husband is still amazed that I am such a big fan. I often tease him that I now know MORE about Disney than he does...and he feels like one lucky guy that I now share this obsession with him.

Granted, we don't vacation ONLY at WDW...we love to see the rest of the world, too, but this will be our 4th vacation there together and we plan on making another trip there at the end of the year (long weekend).

We just love the feeling we get when we're there (similar to when we visit Hawaii where we were married) -- like we're coming home! We love the resorts, the restaurants, the parks, the people...I can't even put the feeling into words. Disney just know their stuff, they know how to keep their customers happy and when you visit WDW, you can experience so many different things without leaving the property - it's great!

We visit the Disney boards so we can chat with other Disney fans, learn about new changes to WDW and keep our Disney hunger satisfied until we visit again!


New Member
Wow....I had never thought about WHY I love WDW so much; I just did. So after thinking about it, here's what I came up with: I never got to go as a child. I always watched Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday night and always wanted to go to WDW. Let's just say that my childhood was not great....not even what you would call good. You know that place you drift off to in your mind.....that place where things are wonderful, beautiful, and just about perfect? When I got married, my husband took me to WDW on our honeymoon. I realized THAT was my place!!!! So, WDW is my escape from reality. It is that place where I am not someone who stands out. It makes me feel normal. It almost makes up for all the things that went wrong in my childhood.


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Original Poster
First of all, thank you all very much. Primary sources are key.

Second, I wanted to assure "landauh" that both sides of my argument are equally represented in my paper, and that I make a misleading point in my previous message that started this post. What I meant was, "Don't worry, I'm like you. I won't call you crazy for loving Disney so much!" What I wanted to prevent was any sentiment that I was a leech using this information to poke fun at this occurence, and therefore render anyone aprehensive to respond to my question. With that said:

Everyone - Thank you so much! (Maybe I'll post it when it's done)


Active Member
I'd have to agree with a lot of what Nansafan wrote. I grew up watching "The Wonderful World of Disney" with my family. It was a weekly ritual. So Disney is connected to many happy memories because of that. We never went to the theme parks when I was a kid though, something I always regretted. I knew I wanted to have that experience with my own son, especially since I had exposed him to Disney from an early age.

We finally went for the first time last year and it was everything I could have hoped for and more. He was 11 and I thoroughly embarassed him by going nuts over the characters. I caught him hugging Minnie Mouse though. Going to the theme park was a fantastic way for us to share some time together, have a blast and make wonderful memories (and relive old ones for me). We plan to go again and again (and will in two months!). I hope I've given him an experience he'll want to share with his own children someday.


New Member
Disney has always been apart of my life. I remember being a little kid and watching Disney movies, The Wonderful World of Disney, etc...
I remember my first trip as a kid to WDW, the feeling I got, well, I still get that feeling to this day...it's an amazing feeling. I think we all share the same feelings when it comes to Disney and WDW. I always want to be there, so happy when I am there and I am always planning the next trip.


New Member
As a kid in the UK during the Seventies, I would see re-runs on the TV of Wonderful World of Disney. The parts featuring Disneyland fascinated me. It was a world far away that I saw no possibility of visiting.

I finally made it over to Disney World when I was 20 and able to pay my own way. Been a dozen times since.

It appeals to my sense of fun, escapism and the big kid in me.

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