Why B mode on Everest?


New Member
Original Poster
Hey what's up guys? I had family visit me from New Orleans and we went to Animal Kingdom today to ride Everest. I was excited for them because it was there first time riding it. Much to my dismay the Yeti was barely visible through the "B mode" strobe light. In my opinion you lose a lot of the Yeti effect, he doesn't even swing at you! I was hoping they would've been able to see the Yeti in full force, but no big deal I guess.

:confused:My Question: Why does it operate in B mode? I went on it twice last Thursday at 7:30pm and it was in the good A mode. I just don't understand, is there a set schedule?



Well-Known Member
Disney does not want it to run in B mode. It is not a scheduled thing. When the Yeti is operating in B mode it is because he is not working. In other words he does not move at all. Rather than have the ride go down or have an obviously static figure they set up the B mode of the show. In B mode fans and strobe lights are used so that you can the Yeti but can't tell that he is not moving at all.

Magic Maker

New Member
RonAnnArbor said:
Why? -- Because it is BROKEN --

And people complain when I say it is an overblown, overbudgeted mess...


You obviously have never worked or studied theme park operations. Every major attractions everywhere has technical issues typically on a daily basis, that is the nature of theme parks.


Well-Known Member
I worked in a theme park for 6 years so get over it. EE is an overpriced, overbudgeted attraction - you don't think I know rides break down?? Look at Cedar Point's "record breaking" Top Thrill Dragster which doesn't have a b-mode, it just doesn't run for three quarters of the season. There is a wise money investment for Cedar Fair. I think EE is great for drawing in new people -- but unless there are more new attractions in AK, the attendance there will drop down to the same pre-EE levels of the past few years within 6 months. People expect too much from EE, and the Disney PR factory put such a huge spin on it that somehow everyone thinks it must be an amazing thing -- its ok for what it is - a mediocre barely-roller coaster in and around a plaster mountain. We have other thread that discuss this on here ad-nasueum.

The OP asked WHY they were operating in B-Mode. They were operating in B-Mode because A-Mode was BROKEN.

Magic Maker

New Member
You cannot compare a roller coaster to an elaborate attraction such as this.

Disney does nto build super duper coasters, because that just isn't our thing. All Disney attractions are elaborate and have a story.
Any coaster that does not have a story does not have a B mode because as you and I both know, there is nothing left to expereince on a regular coaster if it ain't working.

Elaborate attractions such a Everest or Revenge of the Mummy are more than just a track with twists and turns, there are many, many elements besides the ride itself. B Mode is better than no ride at all. And having to run B mode from time to time is normal, it is nothing particular to Everest, it is normal for any major, elaborate, immersive attraction.
It sucks that it has to be that way, but that's just how it is, it doesn't make Everest any less of an attraction.

There are coasters and then there are Disney attractions. Everest should not be judge as a coaster, but as a Disney attraction.


New Member
There's been a lot of consternation in this forum concerning the Yeti, so I thought I'd throw in my two cents and a clarification.

The Yeti doesn't necessarily run in B mode because it's broken. It also runs in that mode when it's not operating within very specific and stringent A mode operating parameters. Motions of the Yeti are closely monitored by a number of systems. When any single monitored motion is detected to be outside of the set parameters the Yeti is automatically shutdown. Obviously this is done for safety purposes. The Yeti interacts with the guests far too closely so the benefit of the doubt is given to the guests, not the Yeti. Safety is far more important than allowing the show to go on.

Despite the extensive testing performed for months on the Yeti prior to EE opening to guests (probably more testing than any device Disney has ever built), there are still instances where things can happen. When something as large, complicated, and powerful as the Yeti has to operate for hours upon hours during a day, things are bound to occur that no testing or design consideration can anticipate. Each shutdown event is logged and scrutinized to determine why it happened and adjustments are made. Shutdown faults are to be expected, especially initially. Uptime will improve but even 10 years down the road you can be sure there will be the occassional fault that never happened before. That's the way of complicated mechanical devices.

What's really a shame is that flying by on a coaster doesn't do the Yeti any justice whatsoever. Guests don't get a good idea what it's really doing. To fully appreciate the Yeti people need to stand on the platform just below it, where the fans and strobes are mounted, and watch it go through a few cycles. It's absolutely breath-taking and awe-inspiring. It's a shame Disney doesn't give tours of that. It's understandable though. Liability and all that.

And just to clear something up, there are actually 3 modes for the Yeti. There's A mode, for which it goes through its full range of motion. There's B1 mode in which there's a limited range of Yeti motion (most people probably wouldn't be able to distinguish between B1 mode and A mode unless paying close attention, which is hard to do while going 30 mph :) ). Then there's B2 mode which is no Yeti motion, fans/strobes only.

The above is purely my personal opinion and is not intended to represent the views or opinions of my employer.


Active Member
The Yeti runs under extremely high pressure so think if the compressor or somthing couldn't get the pressure high enough to run in time, then it would have to run in B mode. I can not imagine how many things could go wrong on the Yeti or make it not run in its specified range of motion. Just think of Test Track and how easily it shuts down due to something not being exaclty how the computer system wants.


All I have to say is LISTEN to you people..." Poor us...we had to ride E:E on B-mode!" pft... Im sooooo sorry that you had to ride one of the most amazing attractions in the world and even Universe(yes i believe in ETs haha) and your upset cause you can't have the Yeti work on your schedule and your demand. If you ask me...you don't FULLY appreciate Disney Attractions for what they are and all the hard work that not only Imagineers put into them but also what the other CMs put into it like the contracters that never get mentioned even though THEY are the ones that actually BUILT it...Imagineers just think it up and design it(and they ARE gods). But yea back to my point...E:E is great and amazing in both A and B-mode. The ingeniousness is not only in the Yeti(which I know ALOT of people think is the only greatness in the ride) but also in the track itself...Imagine the tracks having a B-mode...thats just calling for two cars to collide if you ask me. All Im saying is STOP COMPLAINING. There is my two cents for the day


Active Member
AlishaMisha said:
Im sooooo sorry that you had to ride one of the most amazing attractions in the world and even Universe(yes i believe in ETs haha) and your upset cause you can't have the Yeti work on your schedule and your demand.
People have a right to voice they're complaints if an attraction is not working at 100%...
AlishaMisha said:
If you ask me...you don't FULLY appreciate Disney Attractions
It's a rollercoaster... it's an inanimate object... it has not thoughts nor feelings...
AlishaMisha said:
for what they are and all the hard work that not only Imagineers put into them but also what the other CMs put into it like the contracters that never get mentioned even though THEY are the ones that actually BUILT it...
Why lie to the people who put so much work into it?
AlishaMisha said:
But yea back to my point...E:E is great and amazing in both A and B-mode.
That's highly opiniated...
AlishaMisha said:
The ingeniousness is not only in the Yeti(which I know ALOT of people think is the only greatness in the ride) but also in the track itself...Imagine the tracks having a B-mode...
The tracks don't have a "B-mode..."
AlishaMisha said:
thats just calling for two cars to collide if you ask me.
It is quite a feat, but I digress.
AlishaMisha said:
All Im saying is STOP COMPLAINING. There is my two cents for the day
With inflation, you really do owe us more. We need to pay for gas these days...


Well-Known Member
WOW...Connor002, you have no idea how much you just made my day. But thanks to AlishaMisha too, without your mindless rant Connor002 wouldn't have been able to deliver such hillarious comebacks. THANKS!


Active Member
Yet another newcomer who has no idea obviously what in the world Expedition Everest is... besides the fact that it is "the best ride in the universe". He/She probbably saw some show on the ride, but has never even rode it. There's my $2.85 for the day. (Theres a gallon of gas for 'ya Connor002)


Well-Known Member
AlishaMisha said:
All I have to say is LISTEN to you people..." Poor us...we had to ride E:E on B-mode!" pft... Im sooooo sorry that you had to ride one of the most amazing attractions in the world and even Universe(yes i believe in ETs haha) and your upset cause you can't have the Yeti work on your schedule and your demand. If you ask me...you don't FULLY appreciate Disney Attractions for what they are and all the hard work that not only Imagineers put into them but also what the other CMs put into it like the contracters that never get mentioned even though THEY are the ones that actually BUILT it...Imagineers just think it up and design it(and they ARE gods). But yea back to my point...E:E is great and amazing in both A and B-mode. The ingeniousness is not only in the Yeti(which I know ALOT of people think is the only greatness in the ride) but also in the track itself...Imagine the tracks having a B-mode...thats just calling for two cars to collide if you ask me. All Im saying is STOP COMPLAINING. There is my two cents for the day

Calm down a bit buddy, the OP obviously didn't understand the purpose of a "B" mode, and therefore has every right to be angry. If you thought that they only ran the yeti at half power for a set period of time each day, you'd probably be angry too. Next time try not to be so nasty.


New Member
Original Poster
The funny thing is, I am not really mad at all. I was just annoyed at the time when I saw the strobe light. I got over it quick though. That was a rather harsh reply by that one person. I love the ride, and I anticipate the inside the mountain scene with the gigantic Yeti. I was just simply asking a question hoping to get some answers, and I did. Thank you!



Well-Known Member
I hope to see both A and B when I get to finally ride it in June. But I do hope that I get to see the A version for my first ride.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
I hope to see both A and B when I get to finally ride it in June. But I do hope that I get to see the A version for my first ride.

Same here, but I have to wait until August! :(


aklodge said:
Yet another newcomer who has no idea obviously what in the world Expedition Everest is... besides the fact that it is "the best ride in the universe". He/She probbably saw some show on the ride, but has never even rode it. There's my $2.85 for the day. (Theres a gallon of gas for 'ya Connor002)

First of which...Im not a new comer. Been on this site for years But i didnt become a member/guest til March. And yes I HAVE been on E:E (9 times to be exact last FEB-MARCH) AND i have also seen all the shows. This site is harsh for a girly who has plenty of humor in her life....pft, forget it

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