Who's too chicken to ride RnRC??

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Actually, before RnRC, I'd never been on a looping coaster either. However, on a band trip my friends talked me into it (thanks peer pressure!). Anyway, as luck would have it, my friend and I ended up in the front row, which only added to my already considerable anxiety. The worst part is indeed the anticipaton, and the launch. The rest of the ride isn't too bad. You never really feel like you're upside down. I did enjoy it in the end (and the look on my face in the picture is priceless), though I do understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea. I'd recommend trying it once, because otherwise you'd never know if you would enjoy it or not. However, if you're still not feeling up to it, that's okay too.


New Member
:cry: :cry: :cry: I love roller coasters. BUT now, I can't ride them. It's been over 5 1/2 since I rode a coaster. I got hurt at my work in 2000 with a lower injury. :cry: So now I just have to learn to live with it. That's not fare.


New Member
I have a cool "disney moment" from RNRC. I had always been leery of roller coaster, and we had just went on Space Mountain (which left me pretty shaken up!). So when my wife wanted to go on RNRC, I pretty much just said "no". A cast member overheard us, and came up to us and started trying to convince me to go on. He said that its much more fun than Space Mountain and not nearly as rough. After a few minutes, I caved and we went on. It was awesome! We got off the ride and got right back in line. The cast member spotted us back in line, came up to us, and I thanked him for convincing me to go on. As a "reward" for being brave, he instructed my wife and I to follow him. He took us from the back of the line, through a couple hallways and then through another door which put is right at the front of the line! He took us right up to the first car so we could ride right in front! It was very cool, and a really nice moment I'll never forget. Can't wait to go back! Don't skip RNRC!!!


New Member
One neat thing about this ride you can ask a CM that you want to sit in the front or the back and they will place you in the car you request. I would advise first time riders to ride this ride in one of the first three cars. The G-forces are more intense towards the back of the ride than the front. Someone mentioned that they ride Mission Space but not RNR Coaster. Mission Space is more intense than RnR Coaster.

Ralph Wiggum

Account Suspended
it's actually a very tame coaster.the indoor and dark elements add something to it. it's all about the theming and the launch. after that, there's really not much to it. by midpoint, the ride's trim brakes slow the coaster to a crawl. Space Mountain brings more of a smile to my face. but it is a very smooth ride. try it once, if you don't like it, you'll never have to visit that corner of Sunset Blvd. again. :)


New Member
I think the simulated movement rides (like M:S and Star Tours) are much more motion sickness inducing. I can't ride RnR 5 times in a row like the hubby and kids, but I do enjoy it. The coaster at DCA (California Screamin') made me WAAAY sicker than RnR. I think because it's outdoors and you see everything. Hubby and kids rode it continuously for HOURS. Not me!


Well-Known Member
You'll never get me on ToT or RnRC. I don't do coasters. I have severe fear of heights and the "falling" sensation makes me absolutely panic. (Crying, shaking, vomiting - full on panic attack.) I rode M:S during it's pre-opening testing (before I knew what it was) and it made me queasy, but that passed. I've ridden Space Mountain and hated it. (Too rough and not being able to see freaked me out a bit.) The only thing I ride is Big Thunder. Beyond that, I do not, and will not ever do thrill rides or coasters. Heights and motion sickness make it utterly unworth it to me. It'd just ruin my day.


New Member
RnRC is a really fun ride, but not one of the most "intense" roller coasters by any stretch of the imagination. The first time I rode it, it was the year it came out and I was only 8. I about crapped my pants. But since then, I have gone to Cedar Point and Kings Island, and become a seasoned coaster rider. After riding Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point, RnRC seems very tame. Here is a picture of it in case you were wondering: http://rcdb.com/ig1896.htm?picture=41


New Member
MissM said:
You'll never get me on ToT or RnRC. I don't do coasters. I have severe fear of heights and the "falling" sensation makes me absolutely panic. (Crying, shaking, vomiting - full on panic attack.) -m

Wow- I thought I was the only one! I love the teacups & Mission Space.. but falling gives me the shakes and I cry uncontrollably. It is just the way my body reacts to the stress. So I avoid coasters at all costs.

When Revenge of the Mummy first opened at Universal my husband rode it and told me it was beautiful and not scary at all.. that I had to ride it. (of course, he was lying and just trying to get me on the ride) When he saw my reaction he was terrified.. he thought that I just assumed I didn't like roller coasters without ever trying them. I never told him about my odd reaction, but now he knows better. I could barely walk off the ride and had to go home and sleep it off! :hurl: :cry: :hurl: :cry:

I can't imagine why dropping upsets my system so very much when it doesn't bother other people at all. Of course, he can't ride the teacups without losing his lunch and I could ride them all day long. :p


Well-Known Member
1.) I do not go on roller coasters anywhere, anywhere, except Disney.
2.) I do not go on looping coasters anywhere.
3.) I do go on RnRRC.

Why? Firstoff its a fast ride, its over quick. Second, I can't for the life of me tell what it is doing and when. I never noticed the loops nor corkscrews. Just that it went fast, and it was fun.


Well-Known Member
well to anyone here who has posted because they are afraid coasters check this out. I hate drops and roller coasters in general because the drops. i wont do TOT i wont even go on splash mountain. wanna hear the crazy part? i Love Rnrc i could ride that all day long. i am an auto cross driver so going fast and turning hard arent anything new to me but falling is something i dont like doing and i dont thing rnrc has very big drops at all. it kind of makes me sad cause EE is going to have a fairly sizeable drop and i jsut feel like they can make an amazing attraction without resorting to the easy thrill.


Well-Known Member
My wife is. I got her on the ride without even knowing what it was the first time. Lets just say the next 2 hours were a living "H E double hockey sticks".


Well-Known Member
Rockin coaster is one that my girlfriend won't ride(she rode TOT once, never agian). It kind of helps with the fast pass(I use her ticket for a TOT fast pass), but I always get stuck with some stinky strange person. Anyway, I'm not really a coaster person, but I love Rockin coaster. I thik the darkness, and props really take away from the fact your on a looping coaster. Oh well, I'll see if I can get her to ride in July;)


Well-Known Member
back in the day, you couldn't have paid me enough money to ride a rollercoaster. nowadays, i have a few types i will ride and i love them! RnRC is one of those few. however it took a little convincing...the wait was only 10 min, i got to listen to Aerosmith music in the queue, and it would go by fast. i was flipping out a little while watching the trains shoot off into the tunnel, but by the time it was our turn to load (found out we were seated towards the back :dazzle: ) it was now or never...

i got off *loving* that ride! and i soooo look foward to doing it again when we go back.

however.....you will NOT see me on ToT :hurl:

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