Day 4: Happy 5k day! (aka a REAAALLLY long day)
Helllllooooo Humans!!! Back to the report and today happens to be where most of my nerves very first 5k! This morning we woke up at about 5am! WOW that is super early. The things we do for Disney

Soooo... My Aunt Ruth, my Dad and I got up and woke up a little. I had a granola bar (so I wouldn't starve, but can't really eat before I run) and we were off. We drove, but left pretty early because we weren't sure about closed roads and parking and all that. We were WAY early. It was a bit chilly, but we kept busy cracking jokes about how horrible we would do!

My Aunt has had 2 knee replacements and her neck and shoulder are messed up from a car accident. She was really unsure she would make it at all but by golly she was going to try.
My Dad
kind of "trained" for it. He did start to run when he signed up was not very consistent. He did make it known that his competitiveness would not allow him to finish after me

Me, I did train, and worked really hard at it too! To go from a non-runner to what I did was a big personal win for me.
Me and Ruth
We stood around as long as we could and listened to the DJs...who had the most energy at 530am than anybody I had ever seen! And they were awesome! We made our way to Corral C as the sun began to rise. We were getting closer to start time...and I was kinda freakin' out.
"Could I actually do this?"
"Did I train enough for this?"
"Surely they are going to have to pull me off this course!"
All things running through my mind that morning. I was not real excited, I was SCARED. I didn't realize what a huge hurdle this was for me until I was standing there, with a bunch of other people, ready to run.
Some of these costumes did make me giggle

Mr. Incredible people. Long gloves, other things and all...
There were also a few men dressed as women

. I just don't understand.
Ok. Corral A was off. We moved up. Then B. Then it was our turn. Which brought a sudden surge of excitement! My hormones were CRAZY this day!
Stopped by these 2 on the way out
And we were off. Man was this course crowded. Even when I wanted to run I had a hard time, there just wasn't room. My Dad was impatient, couldn't wait so he went off without me. That's ok. I wanted to finish strong.
Made it through the parking lot and the first mile. Into the park! I had mixed feelings about stopping to take pictures and having a good finish time so I went by several characters I would have loved to have seen-like Baloo!
Up towards the Tree of Life and around to Africa where my nerves made it time for a potty break

. Back to running until I spotted King Louie, who is one of my faves. I just couldn't pass it up.
And from then on, I moved as fast as I could, which wasn't real fast

By the time I got to the backstage portion (the last mile) I was spent but my self talk began then.
"You got up early and worked hard for this! Through the heat in the summer!"
"Just one more mile! Come on Katie! You want to be able to say you did all you could."
And I did. It was crowded everywhere but every place I could run I did. And I finished that last mile strong. Tears filled my eyes as I caught a glimpse of the finish line. I couldn't hold it back! I surpassed what I thought I could do. My goal was 45 minutes, I finished in 51 (but I had a potty break and a King Louie break) so I declare it met!!
My finish lines pictures were not attractive. No one should look at me when I run, or cry for that matter

My Dad was waiting for me at the finish line and it wasn't too long till Ruth came along! She was much faster than she anticipated! She made it!
We found each other and found the car and headed pack to Saratoga Springs to get ready for the day. People were just arriving for theirs at the park and we had already been up 4 hours... and exercised!
I am glad I did this. I'm not sure if I will again, but this was a real accomplishment for me. If anything, a mental hurdle I needed to jump and I did. But it was physical too and I hope to continue improving in that area.