Who Knew Choking Each Other Would Earn Us Fastpasses? We were just kidding!

Hello there and welcome to my trip report.

I guess I'll start out with the introductions of the cast and crew.

My name is Lisa (a/k/aTinkerbell as my boss likes to call me) and I am a 44 year old paralegal, wife to John and mother to Hunter and Lacey (who didn't join us on this trip 'cause she's attending missionary college). My husband, John, also 44, owns and operates a cabinet shop which is good because I can always talk his boss into letting him off work to go to Disney.
John acts all nonchalant about going to Disney but when somebody asks him a question, he immediately starts chattering away.

Since I am still uploading pictures and can't seem to find a picture of John and I from this year's trip, I guess I'll just use a picture from last year's trip.


Hunter is our son and he turned 13 just 3 days before we arrived in Disney. We couldn't think of a better way to celebrate becoming a teenager than by partying hard with Mickey and the gang. Hunter is a multi-talented little dude. He can play the acoustic guitar, electric guitar, keyboard and viola. Magical illusions and cup stacking are his newest tricks and he's pretty darn good at both. When he's not playing an instrument or trying to trick you, he's playing football or singing in the honor choir. See....I told you he was multi-talented.

Also along for the ride this year was my Mama, Edna. She's 76 years old and dotes on John and Hunter like they were her little babies. Mama has been to Disney with us once at Thanksgiving, 2000. That was back in the day when we stayed offsite 'cause we didn't know any better.
We were anxious to see how Mama would do with all the walking, heat, humidity, conveyor belts, etc.

Again, I don't have all of my pictures uploaded so I'll just use a picture of Hunter and Mama riding the clamshells into The Seas with Nemo and Friends. Not the best of pictures but a picture nevertheless:


We are a pretty silly fun loving family that always seems to attract.......hum.......let's just say,we always seem to have an "incident" happen during each of our trips. Over the years:

1) We got stuck on Test Track in the cold section and I almost tinkled myself;

2) My tooth (temporary crown) fell out while eating lunch at the Electric Umbrella and I had to super glue it in;

3) John got his toe broken after being run over in a drive-by scooter incident;

4) Hunter boogied with every character we ran into;

5) My wonderful, beautiful, loving family pedaled off on the surrey bike without me when my shoe hit the pedal and flew over my shoulder;

6) Lacey and Hunter jumped for joy in front of the Epcot ball;

7) We laughed so much during the trips that I caught myself saying "stop making me laugh or......" every 30 minutes.

And so forth and so on. We love spending time together and there's no better place than Walt Disney World to act silly and have a good time. Our goofiness paid off during the trip and that same goofiness inspired the title of this report.

This was our 15th trip to Disney in 13 years and our 5th stay at the Caribbean Beach Resort. We spent 9 1/2 glorious days at Walt Disney World and I could have stayed longer had my boss not insisted that I return to "the real world".

I have people ask me all the time why we go to Disney World year after year after year. I've tried to explain it to them but, unless you are a Disney fan like myself, you just can't understand. Remember those old Lay's potato chips commercials? You know, the ones that said something like "Lay's potato chips...so good you can't eat just one!" I liken Disney to a Lay's potato chip....."Walt Disney World is so fun you can't go just once!"

Now that the introductions have been made, I guess I'll get busy working on the next installment.

Oh....I hope that everybody feels free to post replies/comments 'cause I really like chatting.


Original Poster
So, now that I've shown my complete ignorance of all things Star Wars, let's move on to something else we were apparently too ignorant to do/find. BOBA'S BOUNTY!
And, no, this is not where the choking came into play....that happens later this evening.

We didn't have a plan to do anything else until our dinner ADR at Sci-Fi and to use the Fastpasses that we had obtained to see the Boba Fett guy and Lorne Peterson both of which were for later that afternoon. What to do? What to do? Hum....guess we'll wander the Streets of America and take these pictures:





As you can see from the pictures, a few more guests had begun to make their way to that part of the park. It was getting close to lunch time but we weren't quite ready to eat yet. We'd already wandered all over the darn park, why not wander more and go do the Backlot Tour. As we walked over, lo and behold what did we see? BOBA'S BOUNTY!
The darned thing was stuck back in the back where you couldn't even see it. But, we had walked by it at least four or five times. If it had been a snake, it would have bit us.

We told the castmember at the door that we had been looking for it all morning and he laughed and said "Well, actually you're not there yet" and pointed us through another door and told us to walk around. I took a picture or two as we walked around:




We finally made it over to the entrance of Boba's Bounty and were told to wait. They only allowed a certain number of people in at a time. When we entered, they schooled us on how many limited edition pins we could buy and how many this and that's we could chose from. I honestly don't remember everything there was in the store but I remember Hunter bought two limited edition pins. There were some cool Star Wars Weekend shirts and Hunter wanted one of them. They ran really small so he needed an adult Large! I couldn't believe how small they were. They had a "buy X dollars and get a throw for X dollars" promo. Of course, I bought it. What's one more throw to add to our collection?


Original Poster
While he was trying one of the shirts on, John called. He said he was up, had shaved, showered and had talked to Mama. She was going to stick around the resort for a while and he might go with her to get something for lunch and then come over to the park. Once we had made our purchases, filled out the resort package pickup slips and paid, we felt like we had actually accomplished something. I mean, we had searched for hours for that darned store. Our stomachs were rumbling which meant we needed some Disney sustenance. I don't really care too much for any Hollywood Studios counter service restaurant. There's nothing bad I can say about them but nothing really good I can say about them either. We figured we'd go on over to Toy Story Pizza Planet and get our grub on.

I took pictures along the way:




Usually, Pizza Planet is so busy and we can never find a table. Fortunately, the lines weren't too bad. We hopped in the first short one we saw and ordered. I ordered a Caprese salad and Hunter ordered a cheese pizza. Hunter got a chocolate chip cookie for dessert while I got the rice crispy treat.


I guess I didn't take a picture of Hunter's pizza.

As we were sitting there, a nice lady came to our table and said she was sorry to interrupt us but did I write a trip report on one of the internet discussion boards. I told her yes I did. She was a member too! I didn't ever think that anybody would recognize me.

Turns out her beautiful family was sitting right behind us and I waved to her husband and little boys. We talked a little and we found out that we live about 100 miles from each other. Isn't that the neatest thing ever? John called about that time and I told him about meeting some "neighbors" who happened to be on the boards too. He thought that was cool too, especially when I told them how close they lived to us. He said he was about to catch a bus and would be there soon.

I took a few pictures while we were eating:


***I guess this a good place to stop this installment. Up next: John joins in on the Hollywood Studios fun!


Original Poster
We finished up our food and I told the family we met goodbye on the way out. I commented to Hunter that I couldn't believe that we met some Louisiana neighbors and he said he thought it was pretty darned cool.

Have I mentioned how doggone hot it was that day? Well, if I did, I said it an installment or two ago so I'll say it again. :rolleyes: It was hot that day! And this comes from a Louisiana gal who's used to the heat and humidity.

So, we made our way to the front of the park to wait on John. I sent him a text asking if he was on the bus yet. He said he had just gotten on it which would mean he would be there in just a few minutes. And, it was, seriously, just a few minutes. I think it might have been...maybe...10 minutes before we saw him coming through the turnstiles. Makes me love the fact that the CBR is centrally located even more.

We didn't really know what we wanted to do. We knew that there would be no way we could ride Toy Story Mania. It was, after all, already after lunch time and we knew that the chance of their being any Fastpasses was slim to none....leaning heavily towards the none.
We had Fastpasses to see Lorne Peterson at 2 something and the Boba Fett guy Fastpass was for later that afternoon.

Normally, the line for The Great Movie Ride moves fairly quickly, so we figured that would be as good a place to go as any. While walking down Hollywood Blvd., we saw streetmosphere actors. The lady said she was taking driving lessons and the faces the guy with her made were priceless! Every time she would back up the vehicle, she'd say in a nasally voice "Backing Up! Backing Up! Backing Up!".
Okay, so maybe it was funnier in person.



We stopped outside of The Great Movie Ride so Hunter could see some of the handprints. Of course, he spotted David Copperfield's immediately. (He was so into magic and illusions during that time.)


Once we got inside the theater, we were pleased to see that the lne wasn't long at all. In fact, we were able to walk almost all the way down to the front of the theater before stopping. I wanted to see if I could take pictures on the ride without a flash.

Look at what I took a picture of:


Go ahead, admit it.....you've all taken one of those kinds of pictures before. I have so many pictures of my knees, or my feet or the floor. Thank goodness we no longer have film that we have to get developed and we waste our money on worthless pictures.


Original Poster
Our vehicle started moving and I tried a picture of the entrance without a flash:


Yeah, well, before you start saying "that's not a bad picture", "she did pretty good", etc. etc. etc.....look at these sorry ones:




At least you can tell that we went through the Western side of the ride when we were stopped by our new "tour guide".

I did manage to get one decent picture on the entire attraction. But, you'll notice that there weren't any animatronics in it. Just a stupid prop/building:



Original Poster
Let me see where I was when I left off.......oh yeah, we had just gotten off The Great Movie Ride where I had taken some not-so-good pictures. To describe them as not-so-good would be an understatement. They were downright blurry and bad!

Hunter's first Fastpass to see Lorne Peterson was 2 something. I think it was somewhere around 2:30 ish. We figured we'd have time to see Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular so we headed over that way. It was so ever-lovin' hot in the line. Thank goodness they had the misters going or everybody in the line would have been melted into one giant puddle.

We made it into the theater and we got some fairly decent seats despite the fact that we had been in the middle section of the line. However, that also meant that we had to wait until they filled the theater to the max before they actually started the show. When I say filled to the max, I mean standing room only.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the show did, indeed start. Here's a picture or two of the beginning:



A little after the show started, Hunter and I started doubting our choice to see the show. We certainly didn't want to be late using our Fastpasses as they were like the golden ticket in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. We had to be on time or else we couldn't use them.

Hunter and I had trouble paying attention to the incredible stunt performers but I did manage to snap pictures:







Original Poster
Yeah, yeah, flip flip, tumble, tumble.....can we please move a little quicker? We've got Fastpasses to meet somebody incredibly famous! (At least that's what Hunter told me.....remember....I don't have a clue who these people are.)

Go ahead Jones and whatever your name is lady and fling yourself from one building to another:



I kept a close eye on my watch as did Hunter and we were starting to fidgit in our seats like a little kid who had to tinkle. A few more stunts before we decided if we needed to leave or not:



And, then, boom bam, the truck flips over and that's all Hunter and I can stand.


I told John that we were going to go ahead and leave. We didn't quite know for sure where we were to line up to see Mr. Lorne Peterson and that was making me a little nervous. John said he was going to stay and watch and he'd call us when he left the theater.

I stopped the first castmember I saw outside the theater and asked where we were to go to see Mr. Peterson. We were relieved to see that it was just a little ways outside the theater. We walked over and there were little tent/awning things set up for each of the Star Wars people/creators/whatever you call them.

We quickly found Mr. Peterson's line and showed our Fastpasses to the castmember at the end of the line. He unhooked the ropes and let us into the holding area and we waited. Oh, and he gave us a black and white picture of Mr. Peterson so that we could get his autograph. As we are standing there, we saw that some of the people in front of us had brought huge Star Wars models, plush dolls, Star Wars figures in boxes, etc. for Mr. Peterson to sign. I felt kind of silly that all we had was a WDW autograph book and the black and white picture they handed out to us. I suggested to Hunter that we have Mr. Peterson sign our park map and he thought that was a great idea.

While we waited, I snapped pictures:



About this time, John called to say the show was over and asked where he needed to go. I told him where we were and he found us quickly. He waited outside the little roped off area.

Very soon, we saw that Mr. Peterson had arrived and had started greeting the guests. It didn't take long at all before we were standing underneath this sign:


And, after a few more minutes, we were admitted into the tent area to meet Mr. Peterson. Hunter was so happy which made me so happy. The castmember took our camera and snapped a few pictures:



I have to say that I was very impressed with Mr. Peterson. He chatted with Hunter and I. Hunter asked him a few questions and Mr. Peterson answered them as if he had all the time in the world. What a wonderful "famous person" encounter we had.

***Still to come.....a meet with Boba Fett!


Well-Known Member
I am really enjoying your TR. We are going in June to take our DS for Star Wars weekend. I can't wait to read more :)


New Member
For those thinking about dressing to the theme a little during Star Wars Weekends:

If you get the right Jedi Robe, you will actually be cooler with it on and the hood up than you would be in shorts and a t-shirt! The cheap, floppy, shiny, probably Halloween-costume-aisle-at-department-store one that mickeystoontown poked fun at early in the morning, yeah, that's probably going to be itchy and miserable and might even melt a little in the sun.

When I was in the 501st Legion (a group of grown-ups who dress in bad guy costumes from the Star Wars movies and raise money for charities like Make-A-Wish), during the winter months I dressed up as one of the soldiers who wear red armor ("Galactic Marines") because it had a lot of layers and was nice and warm; but in the hottest months of summer, I let the braver people wear the hot costumes and I worked in the background as a "handler", wearing an Assistant Jedi costume with a robe from Mystik Merchant. Several years later I can't move around well enoough for all the silliness we'd do in our costumes to entertain the kids, but I still have that robe! It's rain-resistant, gives me shade while letting me breathe in summer, prevents sunburn, and doesn't pick up dirt when the Storm Troopers "arrest" me! I recently dug it out of storage to wear to and from the hospital, and it even kept the snow off me long enough to shuffle through a door.

(Being "arrested" by the Bad Guys usually involves being "stunned", so I flop on the ground in the dead pose, and then the nearest children hopefully rescue me and save the day.)

In any case, the important thing in Star Wars fandom during the summer is that one has to not care whether other adults think you look silly. We do look silly, honestly, but it's mostly on purpose; and it's no weirder than dressing in silly sports-fan get-ups. And don't wear black when it's hot, of course!


Original Poster
For those thinking about dressing to the theme a little during Star Wars Weekends:

If you get the right Jedi Robe, you will actually be cooler with it on and the hood up than you would be in shorts and a t-shirt! The cheap, floppy, shiny, probably Halloween-costume-aisle-at-department-store one that mickeystoontown poked fun at early in the morning, yeah, that's probably going to be itchy and miserable and might even melt a little in the sun.

When I was in the 501st Legion (a group of grown-ups who dress in bad guy costumes from the Star Wars movies and raise money for charities like Make-A-Wish), during the winter months I dressed up as one of the soldiers who wear red armor ("Galactic Marines") because it had a lot of layers and was nice and warm; but in the hottest months of summer, I let the braver people wear the hot costumes and I worked in the background as a "handler", wearing an Assistant Jedi costume with a robe from Mystik Merchant. Several years later I can't move around well enoough for all the silliness we'd do in our costumes to entertain the kids, but I still have that robe! It's rain-resistant, gives me shade while letting me breathe in summer, prevents sunburn, and doesn't pick up dirt when the Storm Troopers "arrest" me! I recently dug it out of storage to wear to and from the hospital, and it even kept the snow off me long enough to shuffle through a door.

(Being "arrested" by the Bad Guys usually involves being "stunned", so I flop on the ground in the dead pose, and then the nearest children hopefully rescue me and save the day.)

In any case, the important thing in Star Wars fandom during the summer is that one has to not care whether other adults think you look silly. We do look silly, honestly, but it's mostly on purpose; and it's no weirder than dressing in silly sports-fan get-ups. And don't wear black when it's hot, of course!

I didn't mean to be "poking fun" at the guy in the robe in the beginning. I meant that I didn't see how any of these people could walk around in the costumes and not burn up all day. It was hotter than heck and I couldn't imagine walking around in any hot looking get-up all day long.

As you'll be able to tell in my later posts, we certainly don't have a problem looking silly. We like to have fun at Disney (or anywhere for that matter) and really don't care if anybody looks at us or not.

I think your Make a Wish participationi is wonderful! I certainly admire you for that.


New Member
I have been defeated by the Dark Side!

I didn't mean to be "poking fun" at the guy in the robe in the beginning.

:hammer::hammer::hammer:Oh God. Please don't mind me: I'm weening myself off prescription meds, and I have Stupiditis lately. I am very sorry!

Lemme try that again! And see if I do any better at communicating myself at ALL this time!

You said something about some Star Wars fans in the line with you being "weeeeird" and then illustrated your point with pictures of the people who were wearing costumes GUARANTEED to have them broiling by eleven, right? And one of them caught my eye because he was wearing a sparkly Jedi Robe. It looks like some sort of polyester and maybe Lycra, with no way the breeze could cut through that at all and is this some sort of bad crossover between Star Wars and Twilight? So now he looks a wee bit silly -- which we're all in favor of -- but also he's looking like he cut corners and he's going to pay for it by looking and feeling awful later on.

And I was trying to say that it's possible -- if anybody reading your absolutely wonderful Trip Report is thinking about dressing as a Star Wars character for a future SWW visit -- to skip that "look and feel awful" part by taking the time and the money to get a good robe, made out of a sensible material for the season. Wear earth-tone Dockers and a cotton undershirt and a thin martial arts wrap-around jacket (maybe stained with Lipton tea in the kitchen sink?), most of that's cheap and comfy, but spend the money for a medium-good belt and a very-good Jedi Robe, and the whole thing will wind up still looking like movie extra costuming even after hours of standing in lines and riding Tower of Terror!

And without getting a weird rash, or heat stroke!


Did I do better this time? It looks okay in Preview, but then, so did my first try!

(Oh, God, I hope I wasn't a jerk!)


Original Poster
:hammer::hammer::hammer:Oh God. Please don't mind me: I'm weening myself off prescription meds, and I have Stupiditis lately. I am very sorry!

Lemme try that again! And see if I do any better at communicating myself at ALL this time!

You said something about some Star Wars fans in the line with you being "weeeeird" and then illustrated your point with pictures of the people who were wearing costumes GUARANTEED to have them broiling by eleven, right? And one of them caught my eye because he was wearing a sparkly Jedi Robe. It looks like some sort of polyester and maybe Lycra, with no way the breeze could cut through that at all and is this some sort of bad crossover between Star Wars and Twilight? So now he looks a wee bit silly -- which we're all in favor of -- but also he's looking like he cut corners and he's going to pay for it by looking and feeling awful later on.

And I was trying to say that it's possible -- if anybody reading your absolutely wonderful Trip Report is thinking about dressing as a Star Wars character for a future SWW visit -- to skip that "look and feel awful" part by taking the time and the money to get a good robe, made out of a sensible material for the season. Wear earth-tone Dockers and a cotton undershirt and a thin martial arts wrap-around jacket (maybe stained with Lipton tea in the kitchen sink?), most of that's cheap and comfy, but spend the money for a medium-good belt and a very-good Jedi Robe, and the whole thing will wind up still looking like movie extra costuming even after hours of standing in lines and riding Tower of Terror!

And without getting a weird rash, or heat stroke!


Did I do better this time? It looks okay in Preview, but then, so did my first try!

(Oh, God, I hope I wasn't a jerk!)

I didn't think you were being a jerk at all.

Photobucket bandwidth exceeded! Can't see pics!

Working on the problem as we speak.....well type.:D Hopefully, I can get the pictures uploaded to another photobucket account so I can post more.

We had the day off work yesterday because of the freezing rain and sleet that came through and I spent the day cleaning house, baking cookies, etc. Hopefully, once I get my boss off to court, I can upload the pictures and post another installment.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Sorry I haven't posted another update. Our house flooded and we've been doing clean-up for the last several days. I'm getting ready to post another installment now.

I don't know how I missed this post, but I am so sorry to hear about your flood! We've been flooded three times (just the basement, thankfully), and cleaning up afterward is just about the worst task ever. You have my sympathy. :(


Original Poster
I don't know how I missed this post, but I am so sorry to hear about your flood! We've been flooded three times (just the basement, thankfully), and cleaning up afterward is just about the worst task ever. You have my sympathy. :(

Thank you so much! We have finally gotten just about everything cleaned up and replaced. It was a complete mess. :cry:


Original Poster
Today seemed to be a day of just rambling around the park with no set plans. This is something very very unusual for me. While I don't ever say we are going here and then here and next here, I do have a semi-plan of what to see and do. Today, that all went out the window. And, you know what? I didn't really like it. I know I should have but I just felt like we were little lost souls amongst all these knowledgable people who had a goal and a purpose for the day. It seemed as if we were missing out on soooo much even though we probably weren't.

Anyway, moving on, once we had met Mr. Peterson, we decided we'd see what was going on in the Animation Building since we were the only people in the place (with the exception of the one lone castmember) earlier in the day. I took a couple of pictures along the way:




Before we went into the building, we all had to make a pit stop in the bathrooms. I came out of the bathroom and Hunter was admiring his Lorne Peterson autographs. I told him to hold them up so I could snap his picture:


Just as I took the picture, I felt a couple of droplets of rain. If you remember the pictures I took while standing the Mr. Peterson's line, you'll remember seeing those dark clouds. Maybe the rain would cool everything off 'cause it sure was hot. Hunter quickly stowed his pictures in the little bag a nice CM gave him and as soon as John came out to meet us, we ducked into the line for the Animation tour.

There were definitely more people in the building this time. I don't care how many times I see the little presentation that stars Mushu, it's still funny. I can just picture Eddie Murphy smiling his big ole smile when he's speaking for Mushu.

We saw that Sorcerer (is that spelled right 'cause it looks kinda funny
) Mickey was out and greeting guests and I remember there being a couple of more characters out but, for the life of me, I can't remember who they were. I know we didn't get in line to see any of them so they must have been characters we had seen before or the lines were too long to hop in them.

We started to get in line for the drawing class but just before we got there, we heard the castmember tell the people in front of us that the class was full and they would have to wait for the next class. That mean we would too and we didn't feel like waiting. Don't know why we didn't because there wasn't anything on the agenda but we didn't.

I wanted to look around in the store a bit because it was raining outside still. Not a heavy rain but raining nevertheless. I took a few pictures of the figures in the store:



And, I loved loved loved this picture:


Look closely at the clouds. Once I looked at the price tag, I realized that I better just snap a picture 'cause that's as close as I was ever gonna get to owning it.


Original Poster
I didn't see John anywhere and Hunter and I looked around for him. We spotted him over in the corner talking to a castmember. Good, he wasn't lost. There was a Disney artist there in the store and he was drawing characters in Star Wars costumes. They were really cute. We stood and watched him for a while and then went to find John so he could come watch. He wasn't in the corner anymore. He was now at the cash register which meant he had made a purchase. Remember how I said we buy each other little surprises while in Disney? Well, that's what he was doing. Sweet man....I knew I married him for a reason.

John found us a few minutes later and we went to talk to the Disney artist a little. He was very kind and was answering questions about how he got his job for Disney, how long he had been an artist, etc.

I peeked outside and it wasn't raining any more so we decided now was as good a time as any to find something else to do. We also wanted to call Mama and see if she was ready to come join us. Here's the requisite "John's on the phone again" picture:


Mama didn't answer which didn't concern us because we figured she was either taking a nap, relaxing outside or shopping at Old Port Royale. John wanted to wander over to the Street of America just for the heck of it so that's where we headed out to. For some stupid reason, we went right down in front of Toy Story Mania. What a dumb thing to do....it's always congested in that area now. But, we did it and after we made it through all the folks, I turned around and took pictures:



A little further down the way, we ran into a couple of Stormtroopers. One kept walking:


But the other stopped and posed for pictures. We were second in line for pictures and two other families jumped in front of us. And, yes, they took forever and two Sundays to get all the pictures they wanted. Someone had what looked like an adult beverage in their hand and the Stormtrooper wouldn't pose with them. He motioned for them to put it somewhere and you know where they put it? In their baby's stroller on the little tray thingie in front! What a dumb bunny! When they walked away, the Stormtrooper just shook his head and motioned for Hunter to come over and pose with him:


The Stormtrooper shook Hunter's hand and we were back on the path to the Streets of America.


Once there, Hunter found a magic shop:



And John almost busted his you-know-what trying to pose in this picture:


Let's see if John can stand up straight in the next shot:


**Up next: Why haven't we ever noticed these cute things before?


Original Poster
Once John had re-gained his footing (you'll remember he almost fell down trying to be silly when posing on the Streets of America) and Hunter had tried getting in the false front Magic Shop, we were ready to find something else to do. What would we do? Heck, we didn't know. Just something. This no-plan of action was driving me absolutely nutso. Well, more nutso since ya'll already know that I'm a tad bit touched already.

We hadn't seen Muppet Vision 3D yet so that's where we headed. John tried calling Mama again and got no answer. Honestly, it didn't surprise us. Mama never keeps her cellphone turned on. She only turns it on when she's calling somebody then she immediately turns it off.
Oh well, we'd try again and hopefully catch her when it was on.

When we reached Muppet Vision 3D, we noticed that the line wasn't out the front of the building like it normally was. It was off to the side. That was the first time we had ever seen it like that. While the line wasn't long, it did extend down the side of the building. I don't know if Disney did it that way to keep the people out of the rain or what? Anyway, I'm glad that it was down the side of the building because we got to see something we had never seen before. Look:






Aren't the posts and light fixtures the cutest things ever?!?! There were also posters and paintings on the walls that I loved:



Continued in next post


Original Poster
There were so many posters that were modeled after old movie posters and we laughed at each one of them. But, I couldn't get a good picture of all of them because of the other people in line. The line moved fairly quickly and we were in the building in no time.



We got our 3D glasses and went into the holding room where I took even more pictures. John tried Mama one last time and got no answer so he turned it on vibrate and said he'd try again after we got out of the show. I snapped pictures while we were waiting:









We were watching the television screens and laughing at the same old reel that they have shown for several years now when I noticed a little boy about three years old standing near me and he was crying. He looked like he was lost and I didn't see anyone looking for him. However, we were at the front of the holding room and the room was super crowded by then and it was loud in there too.

I looked near the theater doors for a castmember and there was no one there. So, I picked the little boy up and kind of held him up a little so maybe one of his parents would see him. Poor little thing was still crying and I tried to calm him down. A lady came forward and she had tears in her eyes. The little boy reached out to her and I knew it had to be his mother. She kept saying "thank you" "thank you" but then everything else she said was in another language. I've never lost track of one of my kids in Walt Disney World but I could imagine what she was going through.

Continued in next post

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