Who is more Excited?

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Good Morning Disney People. This is a question for families going to WDW this year.We have just one son [14] my best buddy,anyway this trip he didn't want to get involved too much on the planning side,Iam ok with that,but I've just realised that Iam more excited than he is about our vacation.Do other families have this scenario,hope I've spelt that correct,that the adults get more excited than their children?or is it an age thing?where he's now a teenager and Altho he's looking forward to Disney,he's not as excited as myself.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Disney People. This is a question for families going to WDW this year.We have just one son [14] my best buddy,anyway this trip he didn't want to get involved too much on the planning side,Iam ok with that,but I've just realised that Iam more excited than he is about our vacation.Do other families have this scenario,hope I've spelt that correct,that the adults get more excited than their children?or is it an age thing?where he's now a teenager and Altho he's looking forward to Disney,he's not as excited as myself.:sohappy:

This will slowly change. Had the same with my son - now he does all the planning (especially the ADR's) and he is now in his 40's:xmas:
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New Member
my son is 16

i will be at WDW in 3 weeks. i am 44 with a son 16 and daughter 12. they are both bringing a friend (me too). i have asked them if they wanted to help in planning and both said no, but the girls are way more excited than the boys. my son is excited but at 16 just doesn't show it much. he always gets into it when there. they both just don't like to plan much and leave it up to me. i know though that disney will be something they both do when they have families. i can tell. just plan away i say. everyone will have a great time. if they don't its their own fault.....:D
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erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
i will be at WDW in 3 weeks.
See you there!

My daughter is 10 and she is excited to go but doesnt really seem to get too into the planning side of things. I will say that the excitement level between us and the kids is about 50/50. We are just as excited as them, if not more in some ways.
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Active Member
I myself (44) am sooooooo excited! :sohappy: DH not so much and DD (almost 10) doesn't know yet. :ROFLOL: We are going to surprise her for her 10th birthday in August and we will leave 4 weeks after her birthday. She will be so excited.
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Well-Known Member
Good Morning Disney People. This is a question for families going to WDW this year.We have just one son [14] my best buddy,anyway this trip he didn't want to get involved too much on the planning side,Iam ok with that,but I've just realised that Iam more excited than he is about our vacation.Do other families have this scenario,hope I've spelt that correct,that the adults get more excited than their children?or is it an age thing?where he's now a teenager and Altho he's looking forward to Disney,he's not as excited as myself.:sohappy:

I think the parents get excited during the planning stages (hoping we get what we want, making plans for new experiences, etc) We too, have one son, soon to be 23, and have been taking him to Disney since he was 3, and it has always been the same, I do the planning, ask the family where they want to dine, and then, by the time the trip is 30 days or less away, I am mentally exhausted, but my son is jumping off the walls excited. :ROFLOL:
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I don't involve my son in any of the planning. BUT, my husband isn't helping with the planning anymore. I'm not sure why. He says he wants to go with the flow more... but, I do all the planning and researching... and of course, I'm obsessed. My son however, (10) keeps asking if we can go other times... so I know he's excited.! :)
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Well-Known Member
Oh I am The crazy nutter in the house that is way more excited than DH, DS (8) and DS (3).

I agree with the previous poster that I am the planner so this gets me so excited early. When we are there DS (8) will be happy as can be!

I do love Disney. Such great memories for our family!
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Well-Known Member
I have 3 boys - 11, 5, 5. My 11 year old has been about 10 times already, so it's nothing new to him. He enjoys going obviously, but certain parts of the trip don't excite him. My twin 5 year olds ask me every day "Daddy, how much longer until July?" Yesterday they wanted me to show them on the globe where Disney World is. Then they wanted to know where Universal was. :lol:

So, obviously, they're excited. But I definitely think my wife and I (me especially) get the most excited. Just being able to spend 2 weeks together as a family is awesome, and we love both Disney and Universal, so it's perfect.
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Well-Known Member
I'm 23, ad my family consists of my mum, stepdad, myself and 2 younger sisters (17 and 12). I am definitely the most excited, I literally can't think of ANYTHING else, my mum is a close 2nd. The rest just go with the flow and will be excited the week before, they still have an absolute ball when they're there :)
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Well-Known Member
When they become teens they lose some of that excitement. My 16 year is happy we are going in a few days, but he's not jumping for joy like when he was 9. He would spend two months prior to the trip driving me nuts. And this from a kid that went a few times a year. Now my youngest is 9 and he is doing the same. I don't tell him til a few days before, because I'll go crazy. I didn't go through that phase as I always loved it, but I didn't go as much as a teen. We went once a year as my parents felt I was too old. I did my thing with my friends but still enjoy it and I think I enjoy it more now. What he is going through is normal for teens.
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Well-Known Member
Im 43..my daughter 17 gets every bit as excited as I do....our last trip was in over news years, she was playing in the Disney Soccer Showcase event...she bemoaned her sporting duties were interfering with park hoping..

next trip scheduled for xmas 2013...she is already looking forward to that
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Well-Known Member
I'm 45 and by far the most excited in my family. It's not that my wife, daughter, son and my sons girlfriend aren't excited, but I'm the one keeping the countdown going on the chalk board in our kitchen.
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We need time for things to happen.
Same here. I'm definitley the most excited. We probably wouldn't go every single year if it wasn't for me, but I know that everyone in the family appreciates all the planning I do, and I they obviously enjoy going.

But no one gets as pumped (or so far) before hand as I do.
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Well-Known Member
Oh My!

It is mostly me, but my sons age 7 love watching the youtube videos of the rides and such!:wave:

I am 42 and I can't wait until Sept. 23!:D

My husband is more excited about finally getting to stay @ the POLY!:sohappy:
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I'm more excited, my teens told someone the last trip that they had to come because I wanted to go...... now I've booked without them and they're pouting.
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I have three girls, currently 12, 15, and 20. The older two both went through the "I'm too cool for Disney, don't make me take a picture with that character phase". It's those early teenage years around 12-15. Right now all three of my girls are Disney nuts and all super excited. I don't see the youngest going through this phase any time soon, she currently has a beauty and the beast and a Muppets poser in her room and wears Mickey Mouse shirts to school all the time. :)
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