Who has seen Cirque du Soleil-La Nouba?


New Member
We saw La Nouba on our trip recently. I have seen another Cirque show (Alegria) which was spectacular and am seeing another one in September (Corteo). La Nouba was extremely good but not as good as Alegria. I thought the trapeze act paled in comparison. My mom made a good point in the reason why the price is so high is because of all the costumes and lights and everything. I think it's worth it!!!



New Member
Hi All. . . .We have been 2 times and loved it both times...it is like nothing you have ever seen before. Yes it is a little spendy but then everything is also...it is all relavent...I would vote for you to go see it or you will always wonder just what it was that you missed...Enjoy and have fun! :sohappy:
Disney Dreams....... :snore:


New Member
lawyergirl77 said:
And as for the show - I normally don't love Cirque du Soleil shows (*hears the sirens of the Montreal cops in the distance, coming to kick her out of the city* :lookaroun) but I loved loved loved La Nouba!

Your statement is almost treason in Montreal!

I didn't think there was a dress code to any of their shows. I thought Cirque believed that you should be comfortable. I should know. When I saw Varekai in Houston, there were women in fur coats on the side of me, but the girl sitting next to me was wearing warm-up pants!


Well-Known Member
Well...as I am in general a huge Cirque fangirl, I suppose my opinion doesn't really count.....but I'd say definately go for it!!

I've seen three of Cirque du Soleil's shows (Dralion, Varekai, and La Nouba) live, and own nearly all the show DVDs they've released (even the two movies and the reality series, I'm such a dork! :p ). I think La Nouba is probably my favorite of all the shows (it has definately got the best music). I've seen the DVD a number of times, and finally got to see the live show last month. We had 7th row center seats (which, by the way, while expensive, were still much cheaper than the same seats would have been at a touring show), and they helped make the experience all the more priceless. Even my non-Cirque-initiated friend got a laugh out of the clowns performing before the show on the landing directly behind us!

I'd definately agree with what others have said: get your hands on a copy of a Cirque show DVD (preferably not La Nouba, if you don't want to spoil all the suprises! :) ) if you've not seen a show before. Then you can decide from there if the experience is really worth your money.

...btw, midnightstar17, I just have to say...Waaaah!! I'm sooo jealous you're going to see Corteo soon!! :lol: From the few clips they have of the show up online, it looks like a great one. Have fun!


Active Member
SpectroMan said:
Your statement is almost treason in Montreal!

Lord don't I know it!!! The founder of the Cirque came into my firm one day (Guy Laliberté - what a jerk) and I wasn't nearly obsequious enough (I only said that it was a "pleasure to meet him" and not that I worshipped his shows!) I got a stern talking to as a result, which was priceless!!! Who'd have thunk that more than mere politeness was de rigueur in those situations? :rolleyes: Methinks the senior partner in question was trying to get an invite to M. Laliberté's RIDICULOUS after party during the Grand Prix... Personally, I would have loved to have seen him get to go, just to see if he would turn into a donkey afterwards. Then again, he already is an ______, so it's not like it would have been that much of a change!! ;)

Topic? The new Cirque show is not nearly as good as La Nouba. And it cost MORE to go see it in its temporary tent (that was badly air conditioned by the way) than it did to go see it at WDW, and that's saying something!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My DH and I saw it for Valentine's Day 2 years ago and loved it so much that we gave tickets for it to 6 other family members for Christmas presents. They all went in February and absolutely loved it!
BTW, I think you can get discounts on tickets through Maple Leaf - check with Deb Willis about this.
Enjoy your trip!


New Member
I saw it in July, and it was amazing! The tickets were like insanely expensive, but it's totally worth it. At the beginning I thought I wasn't gonna like it so much. I thought I was gonna have to think abstracly to understand the theme of the show, but then I decided to just take it for its face value and the acrobatics and everything was wonderful.

As a dancer and gymnast/tumbler, I was amazed by everything they did and even nervous at times. We went to the earlier of the two shows, and actually a couple of the trapeze guys fell, but they had nets. Afterwards we headed over to Epcot for Illuminations.

I would totally recommend La Nouba, as it is definitely worth the price. I highly suggest seeing the earlier show that way you can head to one of the parks later, and still have time beforehand to spend a lot of time at one of the parks.


Well-Known Member
Is La Nouba worth seeing? Without a doubt. I've seen several on dvd but it's nothing compared to experiencing it first hand. It's worth every penny. And it makes for a great night out.


Well-Known Member
If you've seen other Cirque shows and loved them, you'll love La Nouba. I've seen most of the Cirque shows through Bravo, but La Nouba is the only one (so far) I've seen live. I saw it a couple years ago with my dad, and we both absolutely loved it! Definitely something we will never forget! And we've both expressed interest in seeing it again sometime. Is it expensive? Yeah. But, honestly, it's probably one of, if not the least expensive of the Cirque shows. Is it worth it? Absolutely! It is for sure a love it or hate it kind of thing, though. My dad and I, for example, love Cirque du Soleil...my mom and sister, however, hates it. So, if you haven't seen any Cirque show, I'd say try to see one before your trip. If you like it, chances are you'll like La Nouba just as much, if not more. :)
La Nouba is fantastic possibly my faveourite Cirque I've seen. It's a great way to add more magic to your vacation, I think it's outstanding hence why we've been twice now.

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