Who else thinks AK should be majorly remodeled!?


Active Member
Original Poster
There really isn't much to do in Animal Kingdom. I think they should do something more with all those little trails and actually put in a little more rides. I mean, there's really only 4 good rides in the whole park (Expedition, Kali, Safari, and Dinosaur). I don't want it to turn into six flags with just a bunch of rides, but I do think it needs a little extra something. I do LOVE all the shows in AK, especially Lion King and and Tough to be a Bug. They should probably even add more shows :) .They should also completely redo Dinoland or just completely take it out. That is probably the takiest part of the whole park. They should put in more animals. I have heard many people I know say they hardly bother with going to AK or do it in half a day because there isn't much for them to do.This is probably just how i feel, but it frustrates me! Show AK some love! Im Not saying change the whole theme of the park. I LOVE Animal Kingdom. Always have. Just saying. Not the most appealing park in Disney.


OV 104
Premium Member
AK has seen love by sticking to its true theme and not littered with rides. A new ride here or there, fine, changing the whole park, removing trails, and what the park is based on. I'll pass.

People really must need cheap thrills that bad today to want to change such a wonderful park.
I don't really understand why you want to take out all the little trails and put in more rides. I love Animal Kingdom the way it is. I actually think that they need to add more animals and have more shows with the animals there.


Active Member
Again I ask, the upcoming Avatarland expansion not doing it for you?

Trust me, coasters and tons of rides will be added. I'm not religious, but it will be biblical.


Well-Known Member
I don't really understand why you want to take out all the little trails and put in more rides. I love Animal Kingdom the way it is. I actually think that they need to add more animals and have more shows with the animals there.

cheers, agreed 100%

everyone is so obsessed with rides, hey... its called Six Flags


Well-Known Member
You have to admit it, there really isn't much to do in Animal Kingdom. I think they should take out all those little trails and actually put in some more rides. I mean, there's really only 4 good rides in the whole park (Expedition, Kali, Safari, and Dinosaur). They should also completely redo Dinoland or just completely take it out. That is probably the takiest part of the whole park. This is probably just how i feel, but it frustrates me! Show AK some love! :p Im Not saying change the whole theme of the park. I LOVE Animal Kingdom. Always have. Just saying. Not the most appealing park.

Actually, I don't have to admit it because it isn't true. There's plenty to do there if you slow down and do it. You didn't even mention the great shows there are in the park. It is one of the most visually appealing parks, not the least.

As Raven said, Head west


Well-Known Member
AK is not about rides, it's about the animals. The studios needs the major remodel on the scale DCA received.

Two and a half parks do. AK could use just some cleanup (Dinosaur pre-video, refurb the TTBAB entirely), DHS needs a lot of help, and finally future world could use a huge boost.


Well-Known Member
what what what..take out the trails?? It is a beautifully themed environment and should not be marginalized.

If you want new attractions there are numerous expansion pads that could be utilized. Hopefully for more trails:ROFLOL:


Well-Known Member
I only agree with you on the Dinoland part. But the rest, I have to disagree. AK wasn't made to have rides around every corner.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
You have to admit it, there really isn't much to do in Animal Kingdom. I think they should take out all those little trails and actually put in some more rides. I mean, there's really only 4 good rides in the whole park (Expedition, Kali, Safari, and Dinosaur). They should also completely redo Dinoland or just completely take it out. That is probably the takiest part of the whole park. This is probably just how i feel, but it frustrates me! Show AK some love! :p Im Not saying change the whole theme of the park. I LOVE Animal Kingdom. Always have. Just saying. Not the most appealing park.

I don't have to admit it. It is how you feel, but not how I feel at all.

I think DAK needs a few more attractions, and it seems it'll get some in Avatarland. But it certainly doesn't need LESS animals. Indeed, it needs more of that as well.

But even today, I have no problem spending a full day at Animal Kingdom. You need to go slow to use a full day there, but you also need to go slow to actually enjoy many parts of animal kingdom, like...the animal trails! If you're completing Maharajah or Pangani in under an hour, if you aren't stopping to watch the monkeys, or spend a few minutes looking at the detail in the tree of life, or you're doing it wrong! And if you actually see the three excellent live shows at the park (FotLK, FNtM, FoW), take in the four rides you mentioned, plus another attraction or two (e.g., Primevil Whirl, Boneyard, TTBaB, Rafiki's Planet Watch, Dino-dumbo, Character Trails), plus actaully SEE the animals, you've spent a day easily.


Well-Known Member
I agree, unlike others here, that Animal Kingdom greatly needs to increase its attraction line-up. While experiencing most of one's day in a theme park only looking at animals may sound appealing to some, the beauty of parks like the Magic Kingdom is the variety of attractions presented, so that one can easily fill their day regardless of their choice of pace or taste in attractions. However, I don't think Animal Kingdom should take out the animal trails for the sake of new attractions. There is plenty of space on the western side of the park, between Africa and Asia, and in the Camp Minnie-Mickey area for expansion.


Active Member
I don't mind them adding rides but not if it means demolishing the trails. We can easily spend an entire day there by actually taking our time and taking it all in. The trails are wonderful and full of different animals to see. I don't think being on rides every minute of the day is required to fill my day. I think there is something for everyone there too. There's rides, trails, shows, restaurants, children's play areas, and shops. I think the park is beautiful. The only part I don't like is DinoLand. It might be ok if done differently but I think AK is the best themed park of them all. People need to slow down and really look at what this park has to offer.


Well-Known Member
There really isn't much to do in Animal Kingdom. I think they should do something more with all those little trails and actually put in a little more rides. I mean, there's really only 4 good rides in the whole park (Expedition, Kali, Safari, and Dinosaur). I don't want it to turn into six flags with just a bunch of rides, but I do think it needs a little extra something. They should also completely redo Dinoland or just completely take it out. That is probably the takiest part of the whole park. They should put in more animals. I have heard many people I know say they hardly bother with going to AK or do it in half a day because there isn't much for them to do.This is probably just how i feel, but it frustrates me! Show AK some love! Im Not saying change the whole theme of the park. I LOVE Animal Kingdom. Always have. Just saying. Not the most appealing park in Disney.
I don't think AK is a full day park currently, but it isn't as bad as you make it. I go to AK for rides, shows, and shops.

The problem is yourself due to the fact Animal Kingdom has shows like Its Tough to be a bug. You are the person who doesn't do to shows at AK. You do not like shows and that is why you only claim there is 4 rides and don't mention shows. Disney Park theme parks through the World has shows. It actually shows what type of things you like in terms of theme park attractions. Disney Parks never only been about rides only a first place. It you are ride only person, AK was never meant for you.

Getting a rid of trails for rides doesn't make any sense because of the amount land Animal Kingdom besides the fact no one knows what attractions Avatar Land will have.

Only part of Dinoland needs to be get a rid and that is Chester and Hester's. The Boneyard is made for little kids a first place and does it job.


Active Member
Animal kingdom will get a update when avatar land comes to it. I'm sure there will be alot more rides , since animals won't fit in that land.


Well-Known Member
AK is right at a borderline point. You have limited hours at this park for multiple reasons. I think once Avatar is added, you will also see an expansion of park hours since there will be a signifcant non-animal section of the park that could theoretically operate after dark. If you add too much before you have that capability, you make it hard to see this park during the time period it is open. Half the park would be closed in the evening right now. This is probably the biggest reason it is getting Avatar.


Active Member
Refurbed, yes. Remodeled? I don't think you get what Animal Kingdom is. Like others said, it's an animal park. It's SUPPOSED to have trails and animal shows and a few rides but not jammed packed. It does need some loving. We all know about Everest, ITTBAB and Dinosaur. But a remodel and lose its essence? No.


Active Member
I hate it when people say that "if you want rides go to six flags" what kind of advice is that? If six flags were to make rides like disney, then noone would go to disney!

I completely agree, animal kingdom desperately needs more rides, does it need to demolish the trails? Probably not, they have the space, but if the trails were in the way of new rides, then I would gladly say good riddance!

The animals should have better exhibits in this park as well, the safari is great, but honestly its like a waste of animals. You only get to see the majority of the animals ON the safari, and only 1 time, which might give incentive to ride the safari over and over again, but there should be more exhibits featuring the animals where you can linger while you look at the lions or elephants etc.

But besides fixing up the habitats and exhibits so you can actually see more animals rather then JUST on the safari, I completely agree that the thing that would make this park a true gem would be more rides. People come to disney for the rides!

Scatter some d or c ticket rides, give some classics their rightful place in an attraction. Jungle book, fox and the hound, pocahontas. And give the lion king and bambi some really huge rides on the scale of hm and I think the park would be heading towards a better place.

I completely agree with the op, our family is the same, we pretty much always skip ak, out of about 7-10 trips in a year we probably only go to ak once, yet we ALWAYS go to mk, and in my opinion this is the way all the disney parks should be, they should ALL be "that park" that you just HAVE to go to everytime you visit the world. In our opinion ak is just lacking that "magic disney feel" all the rest of the parks seem to have.


New Member
I think the Avatar land is the next big thing to come to AK but I don't expect any big changes outside of that. I do agree they need to do more with the animals here and there but I honestly like AK the way it is.

What I like most about AK is that it is different from MK and EPCOT and it's not simply a theme park full of rides. There are places to walk, discover and learn and I hope they keep it pretty much the same as it is (outside of the whole Avatar thing.)

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