Which Twilight Zone Tower of Terror is better?


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Original Poster
:veryconfu I have been on both towers, And I think that the over all drop sequence at florida is more exiting becuase it is random. But the visual effects in californias is better, like the mirror effect and when the ghosts drop in the elevator right before you drop. I am sure you have had these discussions before and I apoligize if you have, I am new here. I also think that the boiler room in california is way better and more creepy. On the other hand the california version is lacking on the whole old music in the courtyard that florida has. Just would like to here what you guys have to say about which one you think is better and your ride experience, thanks. By the way, does anybody have the whole script of what rod serling says through the whole television to the rest of the ride? This would help alot.Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
I do like the special effects on the DCA tower, but the ride is just so short that it's over before you can blink. If Florida's tower got an update in its special effects to the quality we find at DCA, it would be incredible. The green ghosts in the hallway are much creepier than Florida's white ghosts.


Well-Known Member
I've also rode both (DL & DCA last month). I like the ride length and queue better in WDW. I didn't notice all that much of a difference at DCA except that the drop shaft is the same shaft you start in. However I loved the "waiting area" floor in DCA that was one of the stops before the drop began.


Well-Known Member
Both have their pros and cons. I could definetely see some major improvemets that WDI made for the DCA ride experience. The sound effects throughout the entire ride are far superior to MGM's and add A LOT to the drop sequences. The new mirror scene, imo, is far superior to the relatively simple props that are in the 5th dimension room in MGM's, although the horizontal movement helps make that scene a bit better at MGM. The DCA hallway scene is also much cleaner and crisper in appearance as compared to MGM's and I love seeing the elevator drop off in the distance vs the smashing window. Despite knowing exactly when the drop would happen at DCA, it still caught me off guard everytime...very well done. I also thought the drops seemed faster and smoother on DCA's, but that may just be me.

For overall experience though, MGM's is much better. The look of the tower is much more imposing and the garden queue set-up is vital to set the mood and was unfortunately dropped in the DCA version. As much as I loved the double floor boiler room at DCA, the lighting was just too bright and "cartoony" which put a damper on an otherwise cooler boiler room. I also hate DCA's lobby area. Its too brightly lite and painted. As compared to MGM's that looks like they just opened the doors after 65+ years, DCA's looks like they did purposely put the cobwebs there after building it 2-3 years ago.

EIther way, I think DCA and MGM have their own merits. Both are exceptional experiences, and imo, I'm glad they aren't direct clones of each other.


Well-Known Member
I know MGM's like the back of my hand and when I watched some videos from the DCA version the first thing that came to mind was "People are actually complaining about this?" I know that DCA's is different in a few ways and the outside queue isn't anything and the Fifth Dimension room would have been nice, but my goodness it seems like some people would complain about anything put into DCA just because it's in that park. I personally can't understand why the people in California didn't flock to the ToT. I think MGM's is the best theme park attraction in Orlando and from what I've seen DCA's doesn't seem to be far off.


New Member
the mirror effect at DCA was very cool. not having the elevator cart leave the shaft made the ride seem very short, and not having the large outside que area kinda killed the mood. also, i think the tower fits better with the overall theme of MGM. It's in kind of a weird spot at DCA. the biggest plus about DCA is the mirror and the boiler room area, but i still say the MGM version is better.


New Member
I'd have to say the Florida version is still the best. Don't get me wrong, the DCA version took some of the effects and theming elements to the next level. The DCA version has a themed elevator car and the electricity effect even comes in your vehicle. The mirror effect is quite cool as well. The DCA version will also eventually go to a random drop sequence when WDI feels that a rebirth is in order I'm sure.

That being said despite the theming in the 5th dimension room, your elevator car moves horizontally. The first time I rode tower I lost my mind. You are in an elevator shaft, then you move to a horizontal shaft and into the drop shaft. Insane. Even those of us who know how the attraction works still have to admit, it's kind of creepy. I love taking friends on tower who have never been. Their faces turn a special shade of greenish white.. :cry:


I'm sure they went with basic bland drop sequence to start. Then they can do ToT 2 ...3...4. I'm sure MGM will get #5 at some point.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
I know MGM's like the back of my hand and when I watched some videos from the DCA version the first thing that came to mind was "People are actually complaining about this?" I know that DCA's is different in a few ways and the outside queue isn't anything and the Fifth Dimension room would have been nice, but my goodness it seems like some people would complain about anything put into DCA just because it's in that park. I personally can't understand why the people in California didn't flock to the ToT. I think MGM's is the best theme park attraction in Orlando and from what I've seen DCA's doesn't seem to be far off.

I disagree here. There is a lot I like about California Adventure (or I wouldn't go just about every week). By the same token, however, there is much to dislike about the Park. Tower of Terror was just the latest in a string of "budget" (I use the term loosely, because I know it was still expensive) attractions tossed in to fight the accusation that there wasn't much to do. Personally, I love almost everything in the front of the Park (Tower of Terror is the exception), as well as It's Tough to be a Bug, Golden Dreams, and California Screamin'. But when you're stuck with pretty basic carnival rides scattered throughout the rest of the Park, I think there is a legitimate gripe. Fortunately, things seem to be turning around. The recent remodel of the Hollywood Pictures Backlot, and the new Monsters, Inc. attraction shows that the new management really cares about the guest experience. Even though I don't care for either Tower of Terror, the one at Disney World is so much better than the one here. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you're going to clone an attraction, either duplicate it EXACTLY or plus it...don't cut corners to save money. I believe that was something Walt always lived by...I'm glad that's now starting to come back to Disneyland.


Well-Known Member
ToT at the Studios.


Granted, some of the special effects are improved at DCA; but Florida has the 5th Dimension, the random drops (although I'm sure DCA isn't far behind), and superior theming with Sunset Blvd. Furthermore, the color scheme at the ToT in DCA is a little...how shall I say this nicely...overdone, with day-glo paints and colorful lighting that scream, "Campy!"


New Member
flscooman said:
I'm sure they went with basic bland drop sequence to start. Then they can do ToT 2 ...3...4. I'm sure MGM will get #5 at some point.

Rumor has it that TOT 5 will come out in 2007 in conjunction with ToT's 13th birthday. They are possibly running with a campaign using '13 Times the Terror' and offering 13 random drop sequences with newer effects.


New Member
tirian said:
ToT at the Studios.


Granted, some of the special effects are improved at DCA; but Florida has the 5th Dimension, the random drops (although I'm sure DCA isn't far behind), and superior theming with Sunset Blvd. Furthermore, the color scheme at the ToT in DCA is a little...how shall I say this nicely...overdone, with day-glo paints and colorful lighting that scream, "Campy!"

I was told by someone at WDI that the 5th Dimension room will probably never be recreated. They said it was a bit of an engineering nightmare and it's very complex, so chalk it up to another attraction (or portion of one) that WDW has that no other park will more than likely ever have. This is the same Imagineer that told me they will never build another Test Track or Mission: Space.


I am going to California Disneyland in august and cant wait to go now that you said the visual effects are better.....I am a big effects person.


New Member
To me, ToT at D/MGM wins by a landslide.

First of all, you start with a queue that truly builds suspense, with the overgrow folliage, the music, the broken fountain courtyard, plus the fact that the hotel is built on a hill, so it seems all the more ominous. The DCA queue--Yawn! The Boiler room helps build the suspense even more--it's dark and claustrophobic. The one at DCA looks like it belongs in ToonTown. And, of course, the ride can't be compared since DCA has neither the 5th Dimension Room nor the random drop sequences.

All in all, the Florida attraction delivers hands down in both story and execution.


New Member
I'm sorry that I disagree with most of you, because I think that ToT at DCA is SO much better. You get a TON of air time, and that's what makes a free fall fun!

I rode WDW's first, had fun, great ride. Rode DL's, thought it was so much fun, laughed through the whole ride. Went back to WDW and walked off VERY disappointed. Sure they have more queue and a longer ride, but the point of the ride is the freefall, and WDW's was very much lacking.


Well-Known Member
vfxpro said:
I was told by someone at WDI that the 5th Dimension room will probably never be recreated. They said it was a bit of an engineering nightmare and it's very complex, so chalk it up to another attraction (or portion of one) that WDW has that no other park will more than likely ever have. This is the same Imagineer that told me they will never build another Test Track or Mission: Space.
In my opinion, the 5th dimension room makes the ride. No first time rider is expecting that to happen!

Tower of Terror at the Disney Studios for sure!

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