Which Moderate for you and why?

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I think CBR gets a bad rap. I'd easily stay there again. I liked the rooms, and found the bus service (while not as good as Pop/AoA), was fine. Certainly better than POFQ (which had TERRIBLE bus service!).

We stayed at CBR twice and loved it both times. Ask for a standard room in Jamaica or Aruba near the footbridge for a 5 minute walk to the food court and main pools. We love the beach theme and the steel drum music. The beds are full not queen if that matters to you. We always rent a car so I can't comment on the bus service. That said, I am interested in trying POFQ on a future trip for the sake of comparison.


Well-Known Member
POFQ is the only Moderate I've ever stayed at but I can't see myself staying anywhere else. I like the compact style, the themeing, the transport options and the CMs.


New Member
French Quarter no contest (I have done 3/4)

Coronado is nice but just too stinking big. I liked Beach but it just feels "old" and not very well maintained. I have never stayed at Riverside. The theming there is pretty good, but feels just a little too spaced out.

FQ is small, everything is easy to get to and the pool is pretty nice. I like how the pool design is segmented, reminds me a lot of a scaled down version of the beach club pool. The slide is small but, is nice if you have smaller kids. The food court isn't great but Downtown Disney is accessible enough via the boats.


Well-Known Member
One of CBR's biggest knocks is that it is so big, but that is precisely why we like it. It is so spread out that even with an almost full resort, you can feel some sense of peace and quiet (outside of Old Port Royale). The theming is very nice, and it is just a beautiful resort. This past trip I spent some time on the Jamaica beach just reading a book - heavenly!!


We have stayed at CBR and POFQ.
CBR-When DD was younger she loved the "pirate pool" and taking short swims in the quiet pools around the resort. She also thought it was a big deal to see some of the fireworks from Epcot, while sitting on a bench outside our room. Parents point of view is that it is a lot of walking for food and drinks if your room isn't close to Old Port Royal. We did enjoy the Caribbean theming, and glad the busses were very efficient while we were there.
POFQ-We were "far off" in building 7, but it was less than 5 min to get to food court or bus transport. Daughter thought the food court Mardi Gras decoration was "creepy", but loved the pool. Parents loved the resort and will stay there again or at Riverside. Nice having two resorts to visit within walking distance. And the boat to DTD is a huge perk to have.


Well-Known Member
I'd recommend CSR in a heartbeat! Besides having a great main pool area, CSR also offers many deluxe amenities at a mod price. CSR also offer business club level rooms now with lounge access.

CSR has queen beds, a sliding wooden door separating the sink area from the room (can be good for little ones napping in a pack n play) but only one sink.

Amenities include a fitness center, spa, free wi-fi, tanning beds, a sauna, salon, full menu room service and a night/dance club.

The resort offers the same toiletries as the deluxes (except GF). CSR has separate shampoo and conditioner instead of the shampoo/conditioner combo at the other mods and values (a small thing, I know, but it means I don't have to pack shampoo and conditioner).

CSR has the largest hot tub of the mods and one of the longest pool slides on Disney property. The pool, slide and playground area is great and all located in one area at the main pool.

Bus service is terrific and is not shared with another resort.

Check out my CSR website for more info


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I'd recommend CSR in a heartbeat! Besides having a great main pool area, CSR also offers many deluxe amenities at a mod price. CSR also offer business club level rooms now with lounge access.

CSR has queen beds, a sliding wooden door separating the sink area from the room (can be good for little ones napping in a pack n play) but only one sink.

Amenities include a fitness center, spa, free wi-fi, tanning beds, a sauna, salon, full menu room service and a night/dance club.

The resort offers the same toiletries as the deluxes (except GF). CSR has separate shampoo and conditioner instead of the shampoo/conditioner combo at the other mods and values (a small thing, I know, but it means I don't have to pack shampoo and conditioner).

CSR has the largest hot tub of the mods and one of the longest pool slides on Disney property. The pool, slide and playground area is great and all located in one area at the main pool.

Bus service is terrific and is not shared with another resort.

Check out my CSR website for more info
When I saw your name, I thought, "Hmmm, which will he pick? POFQ? No, I bet he goes with CBR!"


An excellent post! Thanks! :)


Well-Known Member
My wife and I have stayed at Riverside, Coronado Springs, and Caribbean Beach. We've enjoyed them all, but if I had to pick a favorite, I think it would be Riverside.

Personally think it's the prettiest to walk. Some really awesome grounds especially back by the mansions. I also really dig Ol' Man Island, as I think it's one of the better pool areas(Although CSR has an awesome one as well).

And as corny as it is, the Mill is just a fun thing to look at. That goes back to when I was a kid and it was Dixie Landings.

Anyways, enjoy them all, but Riverside is my favorite, probably followed by CSR and the CBR.


Well-Known Member
I have stayed at all of them.

Each one has a something special but my fave is POR for its theme and all of the activities (boating, biking, good main pool, boat to DTD, carriage ride). I also really love POFQ too.

CSR was okay, but I didn't like all of the business people networking at night and it didn't have the activities available like those at POR.

CBR was fine for my DD who wanted to stay in a Pirate themed room and the pool is nice.


Well-Known Member
We've stayed at all of the mods and we prefer CSR .. We find it to be far and away the most thoroughly themed and maintained Mod. In addition, it has a great pool area and pretty decent food choices. The bus service and general lack of theming are the deal breakers at PO for us.

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