Which country to eat at?


New Member
We ate at Morrocco during our honeymoon, the food was awesome. Definately something to try. Right now we are tossed on what place to try this time for dinner.


Well-Known Member
Well....I'm certainly not the first one to chime in with a vote for the BIERGARTEN in GERMANY, but it truly is one of the best deals in dining at Epcot! The kicker is....it's also DELICIOUS!

Go for a late lunch and you get all the same food on their wonderful buffet, plus the OOM-PAH band floor show and quite possibly the best apple strudel anywhere INCLUDED for dessert!

Forget all those who say to just go with whatever you like! You can do that at home! :lol:

Get your buns to the BIERGARTEN!!! Speaking of buns...they have the most spectacular pretzle buns......but you don't want to get me started again!

:slurp: :slurp: :slurp:


Well-Known Member
1. Biergarten around 1pm for lunch with the oompah band!!! Best deal too! (The apple strudel is so good there because it has groundcheries in it. They are a little tiny yellow berry that is rarely used except I know about it because my grandma makes groundchery pie!! YUM!)

2. Morrocco: Both the sit-down and the quick-service are GREAT! The quick-service has the BEST lamb platter (think gyros). At the sit-down one, I had this yummy chicken 'eggroll'-type thing that had cinnamon and sugar on it! SO good, but very unusual! They have very nice workers at Morrocoo pavillion too!

3. Italy: I recommend the fettuine alfredo in the appetizer portion ($11). Even for big eaters, the full portion is too big! It is very, very yummy---You'll never want to eat at the Olive Garden again! Haha!

4. China, Canada and Mexico are all very good, but they are the least exciting to me. BUT you can't go wrong wherever you go!

5. Japan is fun because they cook it in front of you, but really there are lots of non-Disney restaurants that do that now too. The novelty might wear off if you have one in your own hometown. But it's very good and fun!


Well-Known Member
I vote for Japan .. food and atmosphere was superb .. (ok we like asian food)

great to hear so many Germany fans here :lol: ... I have Biergarten all the day :lookaroun ... nahh kidding .. Germany is not all Bavaria :p


Active Member
mandib said:
Well I may be in the minority but I have to eat at Restuarant Marrakesh in Morocco everytrip. Their chickenkabobs are to die for. The sauce the put on it is pretty much the best thing I've ever tasted. The best part, no lines EVER. Really I've never been in there with a line. And when men drool over the belly dancer I get a good laugh. So yes, Morocco it is!

I agree, Marrakesh is the best place to eat. I either eat there or Chefs de France. The restuarant I do not care for is Mexico. The fast food cantina across from the pavillin is better.

I've eanten everywhere but America, like why?, and Norway.


New Member
Personal preferences aside, I love the Shogun Combination at the Yakitori
House in Japan. Combination of chicken & beef with rice, I add some warm
sake, eaten outside. Dinner in a relaxing atmosphere, for about $10.00, if
you have desert.


New Member
mandib said:
Well I may be in the minority but I have to eat at Restuarant Marrakesh in Morocco everytrip. Their chickenkabobs are to die for. The sauce the put on it is pretty much the best thing I've ever tasted. The best part, no lines EVER. Really I've never been in there with a line. And when men drool over the belly dancer I get a good laugh. So yes, Morocco it is!
I have to agree. We love Morocco for a yummy, quick bite. The shwarma (sp?) is to die for.
However, for atmosphere, we just love Mexico. It is so romantic to sit by the water and watch the boats go by. The food is Japan is really good, but you can do a Japaneese steakhouse anywhere.


Active Member
I too love all the countries. If you can get a seating outside at Rose and Crown during Illuminations, great! It is one of the best places to enjoy great fish, chips, Guinness and the show in my book.
Also, the Cantina de San Angel has great Mexican fast food. Great nachos and margaritas!


Active Member
I love Le Cellier and Chef de France with Japan and UK following, even China's Nine Dragons is very good. Germany I can't get passed the smell of cooking brautwurst or whatever it is, it turns my stomach every time we are over there.


Yenfid said:
The restuarant I do not care for is Mexico. The fast food cantina across from the pavillin is better.

I definitely agree with that. The atmosphere in Mexico is just to die for though, I think it is one of the best themed with the tie in to El Rio De Tiempo. But the menu is limited and disappointing..while the Fast Food Mexico is so fulfilling!

Japan Hibachi style was disappointing, we eat at Hibachi type restaurants often and Disney's Japan gives a lot less portion and it's not really too amazing..

I had lunch in Italy last trip, the pizza is just amazing..and the pasta dishes that my cousins ate were also very good, as well as the chicken parmigiana. The service there is hit or miss though..our waiter seemed a little lost, but a nearby waiter was just amazing, even to us!

I'm still dying to try Le Celier..I've heard so many good things about it. And the pastries everywhere are not to be missed!


Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
Personally, we love the Biergarden in Germany. The band is lots of fun, the food is great, and you'll be seated at big tables with other parties, so you get to meet new people that way.
There are lots of threads on dining in the world Showcase, so read up on them for more advice.
Our family really enjoys the Biergarten as well.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to try Biergarden on the next trip. Sounds like a good place to hit...my only problem is the sauerkraut (me no likee!) But I'll give it a try!

We had a hard time trying to find a place to eat, we just couldn't decide on where to go...it all looked so good!

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