Which attraction were you terrified of as a kid.

John park hopper

Well-Known Member
Not me as a kid took my 3 sons youngest was 9 and went on Alien Encounter-- scared my 9 year old almost to death. His older brothers loved it. Older boys still talk about it-- recent visit Travis said I wish AE was still here my reply me too.


Well-Known Member
None as a kid but as an adult the darkness of the HM freaks me out especially towards the end I am just waiting for something real to pop out and scare me. Oh and that doll at the very end gives me nightmares.
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Well-Known Member
Although it is one of my all time favorites now, mine would have been 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. The first time I went on it I was 4. I was convinced the whole time that we were really under water. Then came the part of the squid attack, then all the lights went out and turned red. Thats when everything got claustrophobic and I felt trapped. Next time we returned I was 10 and my sister was 5. I rode that ride 5 times and loved it. I kept trying to figure out how everything worked. My sister was one and done. She never rode it again, the next time we visited it was a Mermaid Meet and Greet. I miss that ride.


Active Member
I have a really cute story about Haunted Mansion.

First time went to ride it when I was 6 or 7. I was crying a bit outside because I knew it was going to be sort of scary. One of the CM's dropped character and said "It's not scary actually--all they want to do is have a party with you in there!" and going in I was shaking in the line, the sretching portraits room, etc.

I got out the ride and that began my goth phase, HA. Never looked back.

I told the CM I loved the ride and she was so happy. :')
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Well-Known Member
Mr. Toads Wild Ride completely wrecked me. That ending... I was so confused and scared in my 3 yr old mind why the ride ended with cute Mr. Toad being turned into a Devil...

Snow White was scary because I was just scared of the witch in general. Also Captain EO traumatized me. I think it may have had to do with this...



Well-Known Member
Although it is one of my all time favorites now, mine would have been 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. The first time I went on it I was 4. I was convinced the whole time that we were really under water. Then came the part of the squid attack, then all the lights went out and turned red. Thats when everything got claustrophobic and I felt trapped. Next time we returned I was 10 and my sister was 5. I rode that ride 5 times and loved it. I kept trying to figure out how everything worked. My sister was one and done. She never rode it again, the next time we visited it was a Mermaid Meet and Greet. I miss that ride.
Well, you actually were underwater. Just not very deep.


Premium Member
Mr. Toads Wild Ride completely wrecked me. That ending... I was so confused and scared in my 3 yr old mind why the ride ended with cute Mr. Toad being turned into a Devil...

Snow White was scary because I was just scared of the witch in general. Also Captain EO traumatized me. I think it may have had to do with this...


Captain EO! Yes. That one too. I remember it being loud and scary.


Well-Known Member
Snow White as a child....never expected it to be that damn dark and creepy.

First time I went on Dinosaur (if it was called that then) back when I was maybe mid 20s....my Dad was not expecting it to be so fast, kind rough and kinda dark! Even I thought it was really fun but more intense than expected (in a good way).

I was petrified of being stuck on a super intense coaster. Obviously nothing at Disney is super intense....when I realised that I fell in love with Everest, Space Mountain and RNRR. I did take the plunge until I was older hahahahah!


Well-Known Member
Oh and I remember my uncle telling me I wouldn't like Space Mountain as it was dark and fast. It is dark, and it is a bit 'surprising' but I find it is perfect fun and satisfies my love for sci fi and interest in space travel. I love the 80s theming of Space Mountain.


Well-Known Member
The ExtreaTERROR-holy-crap-this-is-too-scary-mom-get-me-out-of-here-because-I'm-freakin-out-here-Estrial Alien Encounter.

I was not having any of it and begged my parents to leave so we left before we boarded... Later on after I grew up I look back regretted not riding it!


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
The ExtreaTERROR-holy-crap-this-is-too-scary-mom-get-me-out-of-here-because-I'm-freakin-out-here-Estrial Alien Encounter.

I was not having any of it and begged my parents to leave so we left before we boarded... Later on after I grew up I look back regretted not riding it!

ExtraTERRORestrial Alien Encounter scared the crap out of me when I was 10 years old! I was absolutely terrified when I first went on it and I remember my mom laughing as I was gripping her hand. It's still my favorite attraction of all time.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps the audience here skews too young to remember it, but I'm surprised nobody has mentioned Magic Journeys. When that witch started shooting lightning bolts out at the audience, most of the pre-schoolers in the theater instantly erupted in screams and tears. I'm sure Disney received plenty of parental complaints, because the film up until that point was nothing but gentle whimsy. Then all of the sudden, out of nowhere, ZAP!
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