Where were you when you heard about the 9-11 attacks?

General Grizz

New Member
Original Poster
I was in the teacher's lounge and heard of the first plane crash in the World Trade Center on the radio. Most of us thought it was an "accident" - not an attack - until we had the televisions up.

Students were allowed to go to certain rooms to watch coverage.

Needless to say, it was difficult to maintain a calm atmosphere in the classroom that day.

What are your stories?


Well-Known Member
I was at home on the computer when my mom called and left a message that a plane had crashed into one of the towers. At that time, I figured an accident as well. Until the second one hit. I spent most of the day in front of the tv, dazed. I later had to go up to my kids elem. school to help my son's teacher. She asked what else had happened because they didn't have access to it in the rooms (didn't want to frighten the kids). I just remember feeling numb and in shock.


Well-Known Member
I was studying at the library for an Earth Science test...I didn't find out about the attacks until around 11:00am....when the prof brought a tv into class and put the news on...there was a commotion in the halls...and everything just came together when I saw the pictures on the screen....



As I am a Housewife/mom of 5 I had just gotten everybody off to school and was just sitting and listening to the quite when my husband called from work and told me to turn on the T.V. I was stunned I sat in front of the T.V. for 2 whole days watching.


Active Member
I was a student teacher in high school. I was teaching at an Elem. school when I heard about the attacks. the Children was asking what happened and why did it happen but about that time I had to go back to high school. for that day in school every room had the tv on. for about 5 weeks after the attacks in one of my classes that is all we did watch we did not have any work at all.


Well-Known Member
I was at work since 6am that day....saw the news on the lobby giftshop TVs....very sad day. I lost two fellow associates in the attack (We had a hotel right at the bottom of the WTC that was destroyed), and countless people in my industry found themselves with reduced hours, if a job at all, as a long-term result of the attack.


Well-Known Member
Didn't even know about an attack untill way later in the day. There was a bomb threat on the university campus where I went to community college. Only thing I heard about before I got home was "another plane has crashed in PA." I was in the dark, figurativly speaking, about the whole thing until about 7 that night.


Well-Known Member
I was driving to school when i heard it. My first class was at 9, the teacher came in then a few minutes later another professor came in to tell her that the pentagon was hit. She told us then class was canceled and she was going to call her brother casue he worked in the pentagon.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
I was on my way to school with my mom in the car and we had the radio on. The music was interrupted and the news broadcaster said that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center and that there was a gaping hole in the tower and they didn't know if it was an accident or not. We watched it all happen live at school....


Well-Known Member
I was home. I just sat down to take a break from housework (yeah, I do that occasionally). I woke my DH up to tell him. We watched for awhile then I went to the store. I ran into one of my friends...her hubby worked in Rescue 1 and she had just gotten home from the city (her kids had a modeling assignment & they suprised him with a visit). She took some photos that day...she has the first plane hitting Tower one (she didn't even realize it till they were developed). Her husband made it out of the Towers because he was hurt & taken to the hospital. He left and went back in..............


I didn't hear until 1st period pre-alg class in 7th grade. I'm not a morning person so the tv didn't go on and school was so close that I didn't catch anything on the radio. I remember the pricipal saying something like 2 planes have crashed in the WTC buildings. I had no clue what happened. One of my friends actually saw it before getting to school and he explained, best he could, to us. Class went on. We got updates in every class but weren't allowed to watch it until health which was around 1:00. I didn't know what was going on, at first I thought it was an accident. I remember parents coming to pick their kids up from school thinking something might happen to them. I remember trying to get to the other building at the school but had to wait for a teacher to escort us. It seems like it was just the other day. I remember the talks about it in social studies the next day, the talk wherever you went. Wow I can't believe it's been 3 years.

rosebud's mom

Active Member
I live in Ohio. We have DSS satellite and cannot get local network stations. We have New York feed stations. I always watch the Today show while doing the housework. When the Today show broke for "local" news I was watching NBC in New York and they were showing the first tower on fire. I actually saw the second plane coming toward the second tower before anyone realized what was happening. My husband works nights and had just come in when I said "isn't that another plane ?" and then it hit. I can still remember where I was when I heard about JFK. Two in my lifetime is simply too many. God bless us all.


Active Member
I was in Statistics class. When I got back to my dorm, I went on my computer to read the newspaper online, and saw the headline World Trade center collapsed. I thought the webiste was overtaken by hackers, but when I turned on the TV, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.:mad:. It was an awful and wierd feeling. On a clear day, I used to be able to see the Twin Towers driving down Route 9 in Woodbridge, NJ as well as on the Garden State Parkway.

It is still very wierd to look at the NYC skyline and not see the towers.:mad: I hope we as American citizens never have to go through what we did on 9/11 and the days afterwords.


Trophy Husband
I was on a flight from Australia. The flight attendants started acting strange, and, about an hour and a half after we were scheduled to land, the pilot came on and told us what happened. At the time I thought it was strange that he wasn't more vague, because people on the flight got nervous and started crying and many tried unsuccessfully to call relatives on their cell phones etc. In retrospect, I'm guessing he told us what happened because he wanted us to be ready in case somebody tried something on our flight.

We were scheduled for a stop-over at LAX where, I think, two of the flights were headed, so the airport was completely shut down, but we were low on fuel after the flight from Australia.

The let us land, but we were held up outside of the terminal as Police, FBI and ATF agents surrounded the plane and checked things out before we could get off.

They had buses to take us from the plane to the terminal where we walked between lines of agents armed with machine guns and wearing body armor.

We ended up in the parking lot completely confused and disoriented. The airline sent vans to take us to hotels. I was stuck there until the 14th. I went to the airport about six hours before the flight, and it took nearly that long to get through the mess. I don’t know if anyone remembers, but there were reports at that time that several people were stopped in New York with box cutters, so we thought there might be more attacks coming.


Well-Known Member
My spanish teacher finally turned on the TV the last 15 minutes of first period in HS. He was a jerk about it, and wouldn't let us really watch it. Watched the first tower fall in Algebra, the second in Brit Lit. It was a tough day. Luckily during 3rd period I got ahold of my mom. My uncle had been scheduled to be in NY, and I knew it. Luckily, I had gotten the dates wrong. At this time last year, I was at band practice. Actually forgot what had happened during that time. Let a lot of stress go, but I keep invisioning a plane going into the stadium, infront of where we were practicing.


New Member
I was here in the forum but had the TV on watching the news when they broke in to say a plane struck one of the Towers. I left the computer to get closer to the TV and was surprised it was a jetliner. As I was watching, the second jetliner hit the other Tower and life changed forever.

By the time I got back to the computer, DisneyFreak had started the thread called, "This is terrible" and we all helplessly sat there as all hell was breaking loose. We could only report to each other what we had been hearing and there were stories and rumors beyond belief. Most of us talked to the wee hours of the next morning.

Two things that stand out in my mind. (1)Around noon, two warplanes buzzed the treetops in my very small, suburban town and I knew we were at war with an enemy willing to take unlimited casualties. (2) The skies were dead quiet that night except for the occasional pulsating blades of a distant helicopter transporting burn victims to Yale. Very, very eerie...and reminiscent of a time in my life long ago.

Not For Sale

Active Member
I was in 6th grade in my 4th period class, chorus when the princaple came on for a rather unusual announcement. He was saying that 2 buildings have been bombed in Manhattan. He did not tell us what buildings. I thought it was the U.N. and the Stock Exchange. My class was confused and there were a lot of theories going around. I heard from one of my friends that it was the Twin Towers. I didn't belive a word he said. I got home later that day, still confused, not knowing of the Pentagon being bombed. I also didn't know the towers have fallen down. My sister walked up to me. She asked if I knew what happened. I said yes and smiled. It amazes me to how ignorant I was of what happened. I pushed her aside and walked to the TV. I saw the towers burning. I have never seen anything like it. I thought it was live. The news man said "That is where the towers stood." I got confused. I thought it was an error. They showed the towers coming down. Already terrified of what was going on I didn't want to watch anymore. I kept watching. I saw the footage of the massve clouds of dust stampeding down through the streets.

I can never take that expression off of my face.

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